///// // NOTE: // Each beat has its own setup overview to allow for the addition of content // that is unique to each beat. ///// [[seting-up-and-running]] == Setting up and running {beatname_uc} Before reading this section, see the <<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic installation instructions to get you started. This section includes additional information on how to set up and run {beatname_uc}, including: * <> * <> * <> * <> //MAINTAINERS: If you add a new file to this section, make sure you update the bulletedl ist ^^ too. include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-directory-layout.asciidoc[] include::../../libbeat/docs/command-reference.asciidoc[] include::./running-on-docker.asciidoc[] include::./running-on-kubernetes.asciidoc[]