BEAT_NAME=icingabeat BEAT_DESCRIPTION=Icingabeat ships Icinga 2 events and states to Elasticsearch or Logstash. BEAT_VENDOR=Icinga BEAT_URL?= BEAT_DOC_URL?= BEAT_GOPATH=$(firstword $(subst :, ,${GOPATH})) SYSTEM_TESTS=false TEST_ENVIRONMENT=false ES_BEATS?=./vendor/ LIBBEAT_MAKEFILE=$(ES_BEATS)/libbeat/scripts/Makefile GOPACKAGES=$(shell govendor list -no-status +local) GOBUILD_FLAGS=-i -ldflags "-X $(BEAT_PATH)/vendor/$(NOW) -X $(BEAT_PATH)/vendor/$(COMMIT_ID)" MAGE_IMPORT_PATH=${BEAT_PATH}/vendor/ NO_COLLECT=true PREFIX?=. TESTIFY_TOOL_REPO? CHECK_HEADERS_DISABLED=true #TARGETS="linux/amd64 linux/386 windows/amd64 windows/386 darwin/amd64" #PACKAGES=${BEATNAME}/deb ${BEATNAME}/rpm ${BEATNAME}/darwin ${BEATNAME}/win ${BEATNAME}/bin #SNAPSHOT=false # Path to the libbeat Makefile -include $(LIBBEAT_MAKEFILE) # Initial beat setup .PHONY: setup setup: pre-setup git-add pre-setup: copy-vendor git-init $(MAKE) -f $(LIBBEAT_MAKEFILE) mage ES_BEATS=$(ES_BEATS) $(MAKE) -f $(LIBBEAT_MAKEFILE) update BEAT_NAME=$(BEAT_NAME) ES_BEATS=$(ES_BEATS) NO_COLLECT=$(NO_COLLECT) # Copy beats into vendor directory .PHONY: copy-vendor copy-vendor: mkdir -p vendor/ cp -R ${BEAT_GOPATH}/src/ vendor/ rm -rf vendor/ vendor/ mkdir -p vendor/ cp -R ${BEAT_GOPATH}/src/ vendor/ .PHONY: git-init git-init: git init .PHONY: git-add git-add: git add -A git commit -m "Add generated icingabeat files"