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This file is generated! See _meta/fields.yml and scripts/generate_field_docs.py
= Exported Fields
This document describes the fields that are exported by Icingabeat. They are
grouped in the following categories:
* <<exported-fields-beat>>
* <<exported-fields-cloud>>
* <<exported-fields-icingabeat>>
== Beat Fields
Contains common beat fields available in all event types.
=== beat.name
The name of the Beat sending the log messages. If the Beat name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used. To set the Beat name, use the `name` option in the configuration file.
=== beat.hostname
The hostname as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running.
=== beat.version
The version of the beat that generated this event.
=== @timestamp
type: date
example: August 26th 2016, 12:35:53.332
format: date
required: True
The timestamp when the event log record was generated.
=== tags
Arbitrary tags that can be set per Beat and per transaction type.
=== fields
type: dict
Contains user configurable fields.
== Cloud Provider Metadata Fields
Metadata from cloud providers added by the add_cloud_metadata processor.
=== meta.cloud.provider
example: ec2
Name of the cloud provider. Possible values are ec2, gce, or digitalocean.
=== meta.cloud.instance_id
Instance ID of the host machine.
=== meta.cloud.machine_type
example: t2.medium
Machine type of the host machine.
=== meta.cloud.availability_zone
example: us-east-1c
Availability zone in which this host is running.
=== meta.cloud.project_id
example: project-x
Name of the project in Google Cloud.
=== meta.cloud.region
Region in which this host is running.
== icingabeat Fields
Data received from the Icinga 2 API
=== timestamp
type: date
Timestamp of event occurrence
=== type
type: keyword
Type of the document
=== host
type: keyword
Host that triggered the event
=== service
type: keyword
Service that triggered the event
=== state
type: integer
State of the check
=== state_type
type: integer
State type of the check
=== author
type: keyword
Author of a message
=== notification_type
type: keyword
Type of notification
=== text
type: text
Text of a message
=== users
type: text
Affected users of a notification
=== acknowledgement_type
type: integer
Type of an acknowledgement
=== expiry
type: date
Expiry of an acknowledgement
=== notify
type: keyword
If has been sent out
=== check_result.active
type: boolean
If check was active or passive
=== check_result.check_source
type: keyword
Icinga instance that scheduled the check
=== check_result.command
type: text
Command that was executed
=== check_result.execution_end
type: date
Time when execution of check ended
=== check_result.execution_start
type: date
Time when execution of check started
=== check_result.exit_status
type: integer
Exit status
=== check_result.output
type: text
Output of check
=== check_result.performance_data
type: text
Performance data in text format
=== check_result.schedule_end
type: date
Time when scheduling of the check ended
=== check_result.schedule_start
type: date
Time when check was scheduled
=== check_result.state
type: integer
State of the check
=== check_result.type
type: keyword
Type of this event
=== check_result.vars_after.attempt
type: integer
Check attempt after check execution
=== check_result.vars_after.reachable
type: boolean
Reachable state after check execution
=== check_result.vars_after.state
type: integer
State of the check after execution
=== check_result.vars_after.state_type
type: integer
State type after execution
=== check_result.vars_before.attempt
type: integer
Check attempt before check execution
=== check_result.vars_before.reachable
type: boolean
Reachable state before check execution
=== check_result.vars_before.state
type: integer
Check state before check execution
=== check_result.vars_before.state_type
type: integer
State type before check execution
=== comment.__name
type: text
Unique identifier of a comment
=== comment.author
type: keyword
Author of a comment
=== comment.entry_time
type: date
Entry time of a comment
=== comment.entry_type
type: integer
Entry type of a comment
=== comment.expire_time
type: date
Expire time of a comment
=== comment.host_name
type: keyword
Host name of a comment
=== comment.legacy_id
type: integer
Legacy ID of a comment
=== comment.name
type: keyword
Identifier of a comment
=== comment.package
type: keyword
Config package of a comment
=== comment.service_name
type: keyword
Service name of a comment
=== comment.templates
type: text
Templates used by a comment
=== comment.text
type: text
Text of a comment
=== comment.type
type: keyword
Comment type
=== comment.version
type: keyword
Config version of comment object
=== comment.zone
type: keyword
Zone where comment was generated
=== downtime.__name
type: text
Unique identifier of a downtime
=== downtime.author
type: keyword
Author of a downtime
=== downtime.comment
type: text
Text of a downtime
=== downtime.config_owner
type: text
Config owner
=== downtime.duration
type: integer
Duration of a downtime
=== downtime.end_time
type: date
Timestamp of downtime end
=== downtime.entry_time
type: date
Timestamp when downtime was created
=== downtime.fixed
type: boolean
If downtime is fixed or flexible
=== downtime.host_name
type: keyword
Hostname of a downtime
=== downtime.legacy_id
type: integer
The integer ID of a downtime
=== downtime.name
type: keyword
Downtime config identifier
=== downtime.package
type: keyword
Configuration package of downtime
=== downtime.scheduled_by
type: text
By whom downtime was scheduled
=== downtime.service_name
type: keyword
Service name of a downtime
=== downtime.start_time
type: date
Timestamp when downtime starts
=== downtime.templates
type: text
Templates used by this downtime
=== downtime.trigger_time
type: date
Timestamp when downtime was triggered
=== downtime.triggered_by
type: text
By whom downtime was triggered
=== downtime.triggers
type: text
Downtime triggers
=== downtime.type
type: keyword
Downtime type
=== downtime.version
type: keyword
Config version of downtime
=== downtime.was_cancelled
type: boolean
If downtime was cancelled
=== downtime.zone
type: keyword
Zone of downtime