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###################### Packetbeat Configuration Example #######################
# This file is a full configuration example documenting all non-deprecated
# options in comments. For a shorter configuration example, that contains only
# the most common options, please see packetbeat.yml in the same directory.
# You can find the full configuration reference here:
# https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/packetbeat/index.html
#============================== Network device ================================
# Select the network interface to sniff the data. You can use the "any"
# keyword to sniff on all connected interfaces.
packetbeat.interfaces.device: any
# Packetbeat supports three sniffer types:
# * pcap, which uses the libpcap library and works on most platforms, but it's
# not the fastest option.
# * af_packet, which uses memory-mapped sniffing. This option is faster than
# libpcap and doesn't require a kernel module, but it's Linux-specific.
# * pf_ring, which makes use of an ntop.org project. This setting provides the
# best sniffing speed, but it requires a kernel module, and it's Linux-specific.
# The default sniffer type is pcap.
#packetbeat.interfaces.type: pcap
# The maximum size of the packets to capture. The default is 65535, which is
# large enough for almost all networks and interface types. If you sniff on a
# physical network interface, the optimal setting is the MTU size. On virtual
# interfaces, however, it's safer to accept the default value.
#packetbeat.interfaces.snaplen: 65535
# The maximum size of the shared memory buffer to use between the kernel and
# user space. A bigger buffer usually results in lower CPU usage, but consumes
# more memory. This setting is only available for the af_packet sniffer type.
# The default is 30 MB.
#packetbeat.interfaces.buffer_size_mb: 30
# Packetbeat automatically generates a BPF for capturing only the traffic on
# ports where it expects to find known protocols. Use this settings to tell
# Packetbeat to generate a BPF filter that accepts VLAN tags.
#packetbeat.interfaces.with_vlans: true
# Use this setting to override the automatically generated BPF filter.
#================================== Flows =====================================
# Enable Network flows. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Set network flow timeout. Flow is killed if no packet is received before being
# timed out.
timeout: 30s
# Configure reporting period. If set to -1, only killed flows will be reported
period: 10s
#========================== Transaction protocols =============================
# Enable ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Enable AMQP monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for AMQP traffic. You can disable
# the AMQP protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [5672]
# Truncate messages that are published and avoid huge messages being
# indexed.
# Default: 1000
#max_body_length: 1000
# Hide the header fields in header frames.
# Default: false
#parse_headers: false
# Hide the additional arguments of method frames.
# Default: false
#parse_arguments: false
# Hide all methods relative to connection negociation between server and
# client.
# Default: true
#hide_connection_information: true
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
#Cassandra port for traffic monitoring.
ports: [9042]
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`cassandra_request` field)
# is included in published events. The default is true.
#send_request: true
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`cassandra_request.request_headers` field)
# is included in published events. The default is true. enable `send_request` first before enable this option.
#send_request_header: true
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`cassandra_response` field)
# is included in published events. The default is true.
#send_response: true
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`cassandra_response.response_headers` field)
# is included in published events. The default is true. enable `send_response` first before enable this option.
#send_response_header: true
# Configures the default compression algorithm being used to uncompress compressed frames by name. Currently only `snappy` is can be configured.
# By default no compressor is configured.
#compressor: "snappy"
# This option indicates which Operator/Operators will be ignored.
#ignored_ops: ["SUPPORTED","OPTIONS"]
# Enable DNS monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for DNS traffic. You can disable
# the DNS protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [53]
# include_authorities controls whether or not the dns.authorities field
# (authority resource records) is added to messages.
# Default: false
include_authorities: true
# include_additionals controls whether or not the dns.additionals field
# (additional resource records) is added to messages.
# Default: false
include_additionals: true
# send_request and send_response control whether or not the stringified DNS
# request and response message are added to the result.
# Nearly all data about the request/response is available in the dns.*
# fields, but this can be useful if you need visibility specifically
# into the request or the response.
# Default: false
# send_request: true
# send_response: true
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable HTTP monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for HTTP traffic. You can disable
# the HTTP protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [80, 8080, 8000, 5000, 8002]
# Uncomment the following to hide certain parameters in URL or forms attached
# to HTTP requests. The names of the parameters are case insensitive.
# The value of the parameters will be replaced with the 'xxxxx' string.
# This is generally useful for avoiding storing user passwords or other
# sensitive information.
# Only query parameters and top level form parameters are replaced.
# hide_keywords: ['pass', 'password', 'passwd']
# A list of header names to capture and send to Elasticsearch. These headers
# are placed under the `headers` dictionary in the resulting JSON.
#send_headers: false
# Instead of sending a white list of headers to Elasticsearch, you can send
# all headers by setting this option to true. The default is false.
#send_all_headers: false
# The list of content types for which Packetbeat includes the full HTTP
# payload in the response field.
#include_body_for: []
# If the Cookie or Set-Cookie headers are sent, this option controls whether
# they are split into individual values.
#split_cookie: false
# The header field to extract the real IP from. This setting is useful when
# you want to capture traffic behind a reverse proxy, but you want to get the
# geo-location information.
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Maximum message size. If an HTTP message is larger than this, it will
# be trimmed to this size. Default is 10 MB.
#max_message_size: 10485760
# Enable memcache monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for memcache traffic. You can disable
# the Memcache protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [11211]
# Uncomment the parseunknown option to force the memcache text protocol parser
# to accept unknown commands.
# Note: All unknown commands MUST not contain any data parts!
# Default: false
# parseunknown: true
# Update the maxvalue option to store the values - base64 encoded - in the
# json output.
# possible values:
# maxvalue: -1 # store all values (text based protocol multi-get)
# maxvalue: 0 # store no values at all
# maxvalue: N # store up to N values
# Default: 0
# maxvalues: -1
# Use maxbytespervalue to limit the number of bytes to be copied per value element.
# Note: Values will be base64 encoded, so actual size in json document
# will be 4 times maxbytespervalue.
# Default: unlimited
# maxbytespervalue: 100
# UDP transaction timeout in milliseconds.
# Note: Quiet messages in UDP binary protocol will get response only in error case.
# The memcached analyzer will wait for udptransactiontimeout milliseconds
# before publishing quiet messages. Non quiet messages or quiet requests with
# error response will not have to wait for the timeout.
# Default: 200
# udptransactiontimeout: 1000
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable mysql monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for MySQL traffic. You can disable
# the MySQL protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [3306]
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable pgsql monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for Pgsql traffic. You can disable
# the Pgsql protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [5432]
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable redis monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for Redis traffic. You can disable
# the Redis protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [6379]
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable thrift monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for Thrift-RPC traffic. You can disable
# the Thrift-RPC protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [9090]
# The Thrift transport type. Currently this option accepts the values socket
# for TSocket, which is the default Thrift transport, and framed for the
# TFramed Thrift transport. The default is socket.
#transport_type: socket
# The Thrift protocol type. Currently the only accepted value is binary for
# the TBinary protocol, which is the default Thrift protocol.
#protocol_type: binary
# The Thrift interface description language (IDL) files for the service that
# Packetbeat is monitoring. Providing the IDL enables Packetbeat to include
# parameter and exception names.
#idl_files: []
# The maximum length for strings in parameters or return values. If a string
# is longer than this value, the string is automatically truncated to this
# length.
#string_max_size: 200
# The maximum number of elements in a Thrift list, set, map, or structure.
#collection_max_size: 15
# If this option is set to false, Packetbeat decodes the method name from the
# reply and simply skips the rest of the response message.
#capture_reply: true
# If this option is set to true, Packetbeat replaces all strings found in
# method parameters, return codes, or exception structures with the "*"
# string.
#obfuscate_strings: false
# The maximum number of fields that a structure can have before Packetbeat
# ignores the whole transaction.
#drop_after_n_struct_fields: 500
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable mongodb monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for MongoDB traffic. You can disable
# the MongoDB protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [27017]
# The maximum number of documents from the response to index in the `response`
# field. The default is 10.
#max_docs: 10
# The maximum number of characters in a single document indexed in the
# `response` field. The default is 5000. You can set this to 0 to index an
# unlimited number of characters per document.
#max_doc_length: 5000
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
# Enable NFS monitoring. Default: true
#enabled: true
# Configure the ports where to listen for NFS traffic. You can disable
# the NFS protocol by commenting out the list of ports.
ports: [2049]
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the request (`request` field)
# is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_request: false
# If this option is enabled, the raw message of the response (`response`
# field) is sent to Elasticsearch. The default is false.
#send_response: false
# Transaction timeout. Expired transactions will no longer be correlated to
# incoming responses, but sent to Elasticsearch immediately.
#transaction_timeout: 10s
#=========================== Monitored processes ==============================
# Configure the processes to be monitored and how to find them. If a process is
# monitored then Packetbeat attempts to use it's name to fill in the `proc` and
# `client_proc` fields.
# The processes can be found by searching their command line by a given string.
# Process matching is optional and can be enabled by uncommenting the following
# lines.
# enabled: false
# monitored:
# - process: mysqld
# cmdline_grep: mysqld
# - process: pgsql
# cmdline_grep: postgres
# - process: nginx
# cmdline_grep: nginx
# - process: app
# cmdline_grep: gunicorn
# Uncomment the following if you want to ignore transactions created
# by the server on which the shipper is installed. This option is useful
# to remove duplicates if shippers are installed on multiple servers.
#packetbeat.ignore_outgoing: true