== Creating your own Beat
The Beat generator enables you to create your own Beat in a few steps.
=== Requirements
To create your own Beat, you must have Golang 1.7.1 or later installed, and the `$GOPATH`
must be set up correctly. In addition, the following tools are quired:
* https://www.python.org/downloads/[python]
* https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/[virtualenv]
* https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter[cookiecutter]
Virtualenv and Cookiecutter are easiest installed with your package manager or https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/[pip]. For more details on how to
install cookiecutter, see the http://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html[cookiecutter installation docs].
=== Step 1 - Get the libbeat source code
The first step is to get the libbeat source code:
go get github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat
This will clone the beats repository into `GOPATH`. Now change to the directory where you want to create the beat.
This directory is normally located under `$GOPATH/src/github.com/{your-github-name}`. Inside this directory, run the command to create the beat.
=== Step 2 - Create the Beat
Run the command:
cookiecutter $GOPATH/src/github.com/elastic/beats/generate/beat
When prompted, enter the Beat name and path.
=== Step 3 - Init and create the metricset
After creating the Beat, change the directory to `$GOPATH/src/github.com/{your-github-name}/{beat}` and run:
make setup
This will do the initial setup for your Beat.
For more details about creating a beat, see the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/libbeat/current/new-beat.html[beat developer docs].
=== Step 4 - Build & Run
To create a binary run the `make` command. This will create the binary in your beats directory.
To run it, execute the binary. This will automatically load the default configuration which was generated by `make update`.
./beatname -e -d "*"
This will run the beat with debug output enabled to the console to directly see what is happening. Stop the beat with `CTRL-C`.
=== Step 5 - Package
To create packages and binaries for different plaforms, https://www.docker.com/[docker] is required.
The first step is to get the most recent packaging tools into your beat:
make package
This will fetch the most recent packaging tools and start the packaging of your beat. This can take a little bit longer.
For more details about creating a beat, see the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/libbeat/current/new-beat.html[beat developer docs].