
668 lines
15 KiB

- key: icingabeat
title: icingabeat
description: Data received from the Icinga 2 API
- name: timestamp
type: date
description: >
Timestamp of event occurrence
- name: type
type: keyword
description: >
Type of the document
- name: host
type: keyword
description: >
Host that triggered the event
- name: service
type: keyword
description: >
Service that triggered the event
- name: state
type: integer
description: >
State of the check
- name: state_type
type: integer
description: >
State type of the check
- name: author
type: keyword
description: >
Author of a message
- name: notification_type
type: keyword
description: >
Type of notification
- name: text
type: text
description: >
Text of a message
- name: users
type: keyword
description: >
Affected users of a notification
- name: acknowledgement_type
type: integer
description: >
Type of an acknowledgement
- name: expiry
type: date
description: >
Expiry of an acknowledgement
- name: notify
type: keyword
description: >
If has been sent out
- name: check_result.active
type: boolean
description: >
If check was active or passive
- name: check_result.check_source
type: keyword
description: >
Icinga instance that scheduled the check
- name: check_result.command
type: text
description: >
Command that was executed
- name: check_result.execution_end
type: date
description: >
Time when execution of check ended
- name: check_result.execution_start
type: date
description: >
Time when execution of check started
- name: check_result.exit_status
type: integer
description: >
Exit status
- name: check_result.output
type: text
description: >
Output of check
- name: check_result.performance_data
type: text
description: >
Performance data in text format
- name: check_result.schedule_end
type: date
description: >
Time when scheduling of the check ended
- name: check_result.schedule_start
type: date
description: >
Time when check was scheduled
- name: check_result.state
type: integer
description: >
State of the check
- name: check_result.type
type: keyword
description: >
Type of this event
- name: check_result.vars_after.attempt
type: integer
description: >
Check attempt after check execution
- name: check_result.vars_after.reachable
type: boolean
description: >
Reachable state after check execution
- name: check_result.vars_after.state
type: integer
description: >
State of the check after execution
- name: check_result.vars_after.state_type
type: integer
description: >
State type after execution
- name: check_result.vars_before.attempt
type: integer
description: >
Check attempt before check execution
- name: check_result.vars_before.reachable
type: boolean
description: >
Reachable state before check execution
- name: check_result.vars_before.state
type: integer
description: >
Check state before check execution
- name: check_result.vars_before.state_type
type: integer
description: >
State type before check execution
- name: comment.__name
type: text
description: >
Unique identifier of a comment
- name: comment.author
type: keyword
description: >
Author of a comment
- name: comment.entry_time
type: date
description: >
Entry time of a comment
- name: comment.entry_type
type: integer
description: >
Entry type of a comment
- name: comment.expire_time
type: date
description: >
Expire time of a comment
- name: comment.host_name
type: keyword
description: >
Host name of a comment
- name: comment.legacy_id
type: integer
description: >
Legacy ID of a comment
- name: comment.name
type: keyword
description: >
Identifier of a comment
- name: comment.package
type: keyword
description: >
Config package of a comment
- name: comment.service_name
type: keyword
description: >
Service name of a comment
- name: comment.templates
type: text
description: >
Templates used by a comment
- name: comment.text
type: text
description: >
Text of a comment
- name: comment.type
type: keyword
description: >
Comment type
- name: comment.version
type: keyword
description: >
Config version of comment object
- name: comment.zone
type: keyword
description: >
Zone where comment was generated
- name: downtime.__name
type: text
description: >
Unique identifier of a downtime
- name: downtime.author
type: keyword
description: >
Author of a downtime
- name: downtime.comment
type: text
description: >
Text of a downtime
- name: downtime.config_owner
type: text
description: >
Config owner
- name: downtime.duration
type: integer
description: >
Duration of a downtime
- name: downtime.end_time
type: date
description: >
Timestamp of downtime end
- name: downtime.entry_time
type: date
description: >
Timestamp when downtime was created
- name: downtime.fixed
type: boolean
description: >
If downtime is fixed or flexible
- name: downtime.host_name
type: keyword
description: >
Hostname of a downtime
- name: downtime.legacy_id
type: integer
description: >
The integer ID of a downtime
- name: downtime.name
type: keyword
description: >
Downtime config identifier
- name: downtime.package
type: keyword
description: >
Configuration package of downtime
- name: downtime.scheduled_by
type: text
description: >
By whom downtime was scheduled
- name: downtime.service_name
type: keyword
description: >
Service name of a downtime
- name: downtime.start_time
type: date
description: >
Timestamp when downtime starts
- name: downtime.templates
type: text
description: >
Templates used by this downtime
- name: downtime.trigger_time
type: date
description: >
Timestamp when downtime was triggered
- name: downtime.triggered_by
type: text
description: >
By whom downtime was triggered
- name: downtime.triggers
type: text
description: >
Downtime triggers
- name: downtime.type
type: keyword
description: >
Downtime type
- name: downtime.version
type: keyword
description: >
Config version of downtime
- name: downtime.was_cancelled
type: boolean
description: >
If downtime was cancelled
- name: downtime.zone
type: keyword
description: >
Zone of downtime
- name: status.active_host_checks
type: integer
description: >
Active host checks
- name: status.active_host_checks_15min
type: integer
description: >
Active host checks in the last 15 minutes
- name: status.active_host_checks_1min
type: integer
description: >
Acitve host checks in the last minute
- name: status.active_host_checks_5min
type: integer
description: >
Active host checks in the last 5 minutes
- name: status.active_service_checks
type: integer
description: >
Active service checks
- name: status.active_service_checks_15min
type: integer
description: >
Active service checks in the last 15 minutes
- name: status.active_service_checks_1min
type: integer
description: >
Active service checks in the last minute
- name: status.active_service_checks_5min
type: integer
description: >
Active service checks in the last 5 minutes
- name: status.api.identity
type: keyword
description: >
API identity
- name: status.api.num_conn_endpoints
type: integer
description: >
Number of connected endpoints
- name: status.api.num_endpoints
type: integer
description: >
Total number of endpoints
- name: status.api.num_not_conn_endpoints
type: integer
description: >
Number of not connected endpoints
- name: status.avg_execution_time
type: integer
description: >
Average execution time of checks
- name: status.avg_latency
type: integer
description: >
Average latency time
- name: status.checkercomponent.checker.idle
type: integer
description: >
Idle checks
- name: status.checkercomponent.checker.pending
type: integer
description: >
Pending checks
- name: status.filelogger.main-log
type: integer
description: >
Mainlog enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_event_handlers
type: boolean
description: >
Event handlers enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_flapping
type: boolean
description: >
Flapping detection enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_host_checks
type: boolean
description: >
Host checks enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_notifications
type: boolean
description: >
Notifications enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_perfdata
type: boolean
description: >
Perfdata enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.enable_service_checks
type: boolean
description: >
Service checks enabled
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.node_name
type: keyword
description: >
Node name
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.pid
type: integer
description: >
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.program_start
type: integer
description: >
Time when Icinga started
- name: status.icingaapplication.app.version
type: keyword
description: >
- name: status.idomysqlconnection.ido-mysql.connected
type: boolean
description: >
IDO connected
- name: status.idomysqlconnection.ido-mysql.instance_name
type: keyword
description: >
IDO Instance name
- name: status.idomysqlconnection.ido-mysql.query_queue_items
type: integer
description: >
IDO query items in the queue
- name: status.idomysqlconnection.ido-mysql.version
type: keyword
description: >
IDO schema version
- name: status.max_execution_time
type: integer
description: >
Max execution time
- name: status.max_latency
type: integer
description: >
Max latency
- name: status.min_execution_time
type: integer
description: >
Min execution time
- name: status.min_latency
type: integer
description: >
Min latency
- name: status.notificationcomponent.notification
type: integer
description: >
- name: status.num_hosts_acknowledged
type: integer
description: >
Amount of acknowledged hosts
- name: status.num_hosts_down
type: integer
description: >
Amount of down hosts
- name: status.num_hosts_flapping
type: integer
description: >
Amount of flapping hosts
- name: status.num_hosts_in_downtime
type: integer
description: >
Amount of hosts in downtime
- name: status.num_hosts_pending
type: integer
description: >
Amount of pending hosts
- name: status.num_hosts_unreachable
type: integer
description: >
Amount of unreachable hosts
- name: status.num_hosts_up
type: integer
description: >
Amount of hosts in up state
- name: status.num_services_acknowledged
type: integer
description: >
Amount of acknowledged services
- name: status.num_services_critical
type: integer
description: >
Amount of critical services
- name: status.num_services_flapping
type: integer
description: >
Amount of flapping services
- name: status.num_services_in_downtime
type: integer
description: >
Amount of services in downtime
- name: status.num_services_ok
type: integer
description: >
Amount of services in ok state
- name: status.num_services_pending
type: integer
description: >
Amount of pending services
- name: status.num_services_unknown
type: integer
description: >
Amount of unknown services
- name: status.num_services_unreachable
type: integer
description: >
Amount of unreachable services
- name: status.num_services_warning
type: integer
description: >
Amount of services in warning state
- name: status.passive_host_checks
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive host checks
- name: status.passive_host_checks_15min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive host checks in the last 15 minutes
- name: status.passive_host_checks_1min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive host checks in the last minute
- name: status.passive_host_checks_5min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive host checks in the last 5 minutes
- name: status.passive_service_checks
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive service checks
- name: status.passive_service_checks_15min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive service checks in the last 15 minutes
- name: status.passive_service_checks_1min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive service checks in the last minute
- name: status.passive_service_checks_5min
type: integer
description: >
Amount of passive service checks in the last 5 minutes
- name: status.uptime
type: integer
description: >