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namespace Icinga\Module\Director\Web\Table;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Db;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Objects\IcingaObjectGroup;
use ipl\Html\Link;
use ipl\Web\Component\ControlsAndContent;
use ipl\Web\Table\ZfQueryBasedTable;
use ipl\Web\Url;
class GroupMemberTable extends ZfQueryBasedTable
protected $searchColumns = [
// membership_type
protected $type;
/** @var IcingaObjectGroup */
protected $group;
* @param $type
* @param Db $db
* @return static
public static function create($type, Db $db)
$class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\GroupMemberTable' . ucfirst($type);
if (! class_exists($class)) {
$class = __CLASS__;
/** @var static $table */
$table = new $class($db);
$table->type = $type;
return $table;
public function setGroup(IcingaObjectGroup $group)
$this->group = $group;
return $this;
public function renderTo(ControlsAndContent $controller)
$url = $controller->url();
if ($url->getParam('format') === 'sql') {
public function getType()
return $this->type;
public function getColumnsToBeRendered()
if ($this->group === null) {
return [
} else {
return [
public function renderRow($row)
$type = $this->getType();
$url = Url::fromPath("director/${type}", [
'name' => $row->object_name
$tr = $this::tr();
if ($this->group === null) {
$this::td(Link::create($row->object_name, $url)),
return $tr;
protected function prepareQuery()
// select h.object_name, hg.object_name,
// CASE WHEN hgh.host_id IS NULL THEN 'apply' ELSE 'direct' END AS assi
// from icinga_hostgroup_host_resolved hgr join icinga_host h on h.id = hgr.host_id
// join icinga_hostgroup hg on hgr.hostgroup_id = hg.id
// left join icinga_hostgroup_host hgh on hgh.host_id = h.id and hgh.hostgroup_id = hg.id;
$type = $this->getType();
$columns = [
'membership_type' => "CASE WHEN go.${type}_id IS NULL THEN 'apply' ELSE 'direct' END"
if ($this->group === null) {
$columns = ['group_name' => 'g.object_name'] + $columns;
$query = $this->db()->select()->from(
['gro' => "icinga_${type}group_${type}_resolved"],
['o' => "icinga_${type}"],
"o.id = gro.${type}_id",
['g' => "icinga_${type}group"],
"gro.${type}group_id = g.id",
['go' => "icinga_${type}group_${type}"],
"go.${type}_id = o.id AND go.${type}group_id = g.id",
if ($this->group !== null) {
$query->where('g.id = ?', $this->group->get('id'));
return $query;