connection = $connection; $this->db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); } public function getSize() { $size = 0; foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) { $size += $file->getSize(); } return $size; } public function getDuration() { return $this->duration; } public function getFileCount() { return count($this->files); } public function getObjectCount() { $cnt = 0; foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) { $cnt += $file->getObjectCount(); } return $cnt; } public function getTemplateCount() { $cnt = 0; foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) { $cnt += $file->getTemplateCount(); } return $cnt; } public function getChecksum() { return $this->checksum; } public function getHexChecksum() { return Util::binary2hex($this->checksum); } public function getFiles() { return $this->files; } public function getFileContents() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) { $result[$name] = $file->getContent(); } return $result; } public function getFileNames() { return array_keys($this->files); } public function getFile($name) { return $this->files[$name]; } public function getMissingFiles($missing) { $files = array(); foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) { $files[] = $name . '=' . $file->getChecksum(); } return $files; } public static function load($checksum, Db $connection) { $config = new static($connection); $config->loadFromDb($checksum); return $config; } public static function generate(Db $connection) { $config = new static($connection); return $config->storeIfModified(); } public static function wouldChange(Db $connection) { $config = new static($connection); return $config->hasBeenModified(); } protected function hasBeenModified() { $this->generateFromDb(); $this->collectExtraFiles(); $checksum = $this->calculateChecksum(); $exists = $this->db->fetchOne( $this->db->select()->from( self::$table, 'COUNT(*)' )->where( 'checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum) ) ); return (int) $exists === 0; } protected function storeIfModified() { if ($this->hasBeenModified()) { $this->store(); } return $this; } protected function dbBin($binary) { if ($this->connection->getDbType() === 'pgsql') { return Util::pgBinEscape($binary); } else { return $binary; } } protected function calculateChecksum() { $files = array($this->getLastActivityHexChecksum()); $sortedFiles = $this->files; ksort($sortedFiles); /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */ foreach ($sortedFiles as $name => $file) { $files[] = $name . '=' . $file->getHexChecksum(); } $this->checksum = sha1(implode(';', $files), true); return $this->checksum; } public function getFilesChecksums() { $checksums = array(); /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */ foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) { $checksums[] = $file->getChecksum(); } return $checksums; } protected function getZoneName($id) { return $this->zoneMap[$id]; } protected function store() { $fileTable = IcingaConfigFile::$table; $fileKey = IcingaConfigFile::$keyName; $this->db->beginTransaction(); try { $existingQuery = $this->db->select() ->from($fileTable, 'checksum') ->where('checksum IN (?)', array_map(array($this, 'dbBin'), $this->getFilesChecksums())); $existing = $this->db->fetchCol($existingQuery); foreach ($existing as $key => $val) { if (is_resource($val)) { $existing[$key] = stream_get_contents($val); } } $missing = array_diff($this->getFilesChecksums(), $existing); /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */ foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) { $checksum = $file->getChecksum(); if (! in_array($checksum, $missing)) { continue; } $this->db->insert( $fileTable, array( $fileKey => $this->dbBin($checksum), 'content' => $file->getContent(), 'cnt_object' => $file->getObjectCount(), 'cnt_template' => $file->getTemplateCount() ) ); } $this->db->insert( self::$table, array( 'duration' => $this->generationTime, 'last_activity_checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getLastActivityChecksum()), 'checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum()), ) ); /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */ foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) { $this->db->insert( 'director_generated_config_file', array( 'config_checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum()), 'file_checksum' => $this->dbBin($file->getChecksum()), 'file_path' => $name, ) ); } $this->db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->rollBack(); throw $e; var_dump($e->getMessage()); } return $this; } protected function generateFromDb() { $start = microtime(true); // Raise limits. TODO: do this in a failsafe way, and only if necessary ini_set('memory_limit', '768M'); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $this->configFile( sprintf( 'zones.d/%s/001-director-basics', $this->connection->getDefaultGlobalZoneName() ) )->prepend( "\nconst DirectorStageDir = dirname(dirname(current_filename))\n" ); $this ->createFileFromDb('zone') ->createFileFromDb('endpoint') ->createFileFromDb('command') ->createFileFromDb('hostGroup') ->createFileFromDb('host') ->autogenerateAgents() ->createFileFromDb('serviceGroup') ->createFileFromDb('service') ->createFileFromDb('userGroup') ->createFileFromDb('user') ; $this->generationTime = (int) ((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000); return $this; } protected function loadFromDb($checksum) { $query = $this->db->select()->from( self::$table, array('checksum', 'last_activity_checksum', 'duration') )->where('checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum)); $result = $this->db->fetchRow($query); if (empty($result)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Got no config for %s', Util::binary2hex($checksum))); } $this->checksum = $result->checksum; $this->duration = $result->duration; $this->lastActivityChecksum = $result->last_activity_checksum; if (is_resource($this->checksum)) { $this->checksum = stream_get_contents($this->checksum); } if (is_resource($this->lastActivityChecksum)) { $this->lastActivityChecksum = stream_get_contents($this->lastActivityChecksum); } $query = $this->db->select()->from( array('cf' => 'director_generated_config_file'), array( 'file_path' => 'cf.file_path', 'checksum' => 'f.checksum', 'content' => 'f.content', 'cnt_object' => 'f.cnt_object', 'cnt_template' => 'f.cnt_template', ) )->join( array('f' => 'director_generated_file'), 'cf.file_checksum = f.checksum', array() )->where('cf.config_checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum)); foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query) as $row) { $file = new IcingaConfigFile(); $this->files[$row->file_path] = $file ->setContent($row->content) ->setObjectCount($row->cnt_object) ->setTemplateCount($row->cnt_template); } return $this; } protected function autogenerateAgents() { $zones = array(); $endpoints = array(); foreach (IcingaHost::prefetchAll($this->connection) as $host) { if ($host->object_type !== 'object') continue; if ($host->getResolvedProperty('has_agent') !== 'y') continue; $name = $host->object_name; if (IcingaEndpoint::exists($name, $this->connection)) continue; $props = array( 'object_name' => $name, 'object_type' => 'object', 'log_duration' => 0 ); if ($host->getResolvedProperty('master_should_connect') === 'y') { $props['host'] = $host->getResolvedProperty('address'); $props['zone_id'] = $host->getResolvedProperty('zone_id'); } $endpoints[] = IcingaEndpoint::create($props); $zones[] = IcingaZone::create(array( 'object_name' => $name, 'parent' => $this->connection->getMasterZoneName() ), $this->connection)->setEndpointList(array($name)); } $this->createFileForObjects('endpoint', $endpoints); $this->createFileForObjects('zone', $zones); return $this; } protected function createFileFromDb($type) { $class = 'Icinga\\Module\\Director\\Objects\\Icinga' . ucfirst($type); Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Prefetching %s', $type)); $objects = $class::prefetchAll($this->connection); return $this->createFileForObjects($type, $objects); } protected function createFileForObjects($type, $objects) { Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Generating %d %s', count($objects), $type)); if (empty($objects)) return $this; $masterZone = $this->connection->getMasterZoneName(); $globalZone = $this->connection->getDefaultGlobalZoneName(); $file = null; foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object->disabled === 'y') continue; if ($object->isExternal()) { if ($type === 'zone') { $this->zoneMap[$object->id] = $object->object_name; } continue; } elseif ($object->isTemplate()) { $filename = strtolower($type) . '_templates'; } else { $filename = strtolower($type) . 's'; } // Zones get special handling if ($type === 'zone') { $this->zoneMap[$object->id] = $object->object_name; // If the zone has a parent zone... if ($object->parent_id) { // ...we render the zone object to the parent zone $zone = $object->parent; } elseif ($object->is_global === 'y') { // ...additional global zones are rendered to our global zone... $zone = $globalZone; } else { // ...and all the other zones are rendered to our master zone $zone = $masterZone; } // Zone definitions for all other objects are respected... } elseif ($object->hasProperty('zone_id') && ($zone_id = $object->zone_id)) { $zone = $this->getZoneName($zone_id); // ...and if there is no zone defined, special rules take place } else { if ($this->typeWantsMasterZone($type)) { $zone = $masterZone; } elseif ($this->typeWantsGlobalZone($type)) { $zone = $globalZone; } else { throw new ProgrammingError( 'I have no idea of how to deploy a "%s" object', $type ); } } $filename = 'zones.d/' . $zone . '/' . $filename; $file = $this->configFile($filename); $file->addObject($object); } if ($file && $type === 'command') { $file->prepend("library \"methods\"\n\n"); } return $this; } protected function typeWantsGlobalZone($type) { $types = array( 'command', ); return in_array($type, $types); } protected function typeWantsMasterZone($type) { $types = array( 'host', 'hostGroup', 'service', 'serviceGroup', 'endpoint', 'user', 'userGroup', 'timeperiod', 'notification' ); return in_array($type, $types); } protected function configFile($name, $suffix = '.conf') { $filename = $name . $suffix; if (! array_key_exists($filename, $this->files)) { $this->files[$filename] = new IcingaConfigFile(); } return $this->files[$filename]; } protected function collectExtraFiles() { foreach (Hook::all('Director\\ShipConfigFiles') as $hook) { foreach ($hook->fetchFiles() as $filename => $file) { if (array_key_exists($filename, $this->files)) { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Cannot ship one file twice: %s', $filename ); } if ($file instanceof IcingaConfigFile) { $this->files[$filename] = $file; } else { $this->configFile($filename, '')->setContent((string) $file); } } } return $this; } public function getLastActivityHexChecksum() { return Util::binary2hex($this->getLastActivityChecksum()); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getLastActivityChecksum() { if ($this->lastActivityChecksum === null) { $query = $this->db->select() ->from('director_activity_log', 'checksum') ->order('change_time DESC') ->limit(1); $this->lastActivityChecksum = $this->db->fetchOne($query); // PgSQL workaround: if (is_resource($this->lastActivityChecksum)) { $this->lastActivityChecksum = stream_get_contents($this->lastActivityChecksum); } } return $this->lastActivityChecksum; } // TODO: wipe unused files // DELETE f FROM director_generated_file f left join director_generated_config_file cf ON f.checksum = cf.file_checksum WHERE cf.file_checksum IS NULL; }