= 1.4.0, you're running %s." . ' Please either upgrade PHP or downgrade Icinga Director', PHP_VERSION ); } $this->connection = $connection; $this->db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); } public function getLastMigrationNumber() { try { $query = $this->db->select()->from( array('m' => $this->getTableName()), array('schema_version' => 'MAX(schema_version)') ); return (int) $this->db->fetchOne($query); } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } } protected function getTableName() { return $this->getModuleName() . '_schema_migration'; } public function hasSchema() { return $this->listPendingMigrations() !== array(0); } public function hasPendingMigrations() { return $this->countPendingMigrations() > 0; } public function countPendingMigrations() { return count($this->listPendingMigrations()); } /** * @return Migration[] */ public function getPendingMigrations() { $migrations = array(); foreach ($this->listPendingMigrations() as $version) { $migrations[] = new Migration( $version, $this->loadMigrationFile($version) ); } return $migrations; } /** * @return $this */ public function applyPendingMigrations() { // Ensure we have enough time to migrate ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); foreach ($this->getPendingMigrations() as $migration) { $migration->apply($this->connection); } return $this; } public function listPendingMigrations() { $lastMigration = $this->getLastMigrationNumber(); if ($lastMigration === 0) { return array(0); } return $this->listMigrationsAfter($this->getLastMigrationNumber()); } public function listAllMigrations() { $dir = $this->getMigrationsDir(); if (! is_readable($dir)) { return array(); } $versions = array(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator($this->getMigrationsDir()) as $file) { if ($file->isDot()) { continue; } $filename = $file->getFilename(); if (preg_match('/^upgrade_(\d+)\.sql$/', $filename, $match)) { $versions[] = $match[1]; } } sort($versions); return $versions; } public function loadMigrationFile($version) { if ($version === 0) { $filename = $this->getFullSchemaFile(); } else { $filename = sprintf( '%s/upgrade_%d.sql', $this->getMigrationsDir(), $version ); } return file_get_contents($filename); } protected function listMigrationsAfter($version) { $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->listAllMigrations() as $available) { if ($available > $version) { $filtered[] = $available; } } return $filtered; } protected function getMigrationsDir() { if ($this->migrationsDir === null) { $this->migrationsDir = $this->getSchemaDir( $this->connection->getDbType() . '-migrations' ); } return $this->migrationsDir; } protected function getFullSchemaFile() { return $this->getSchemaDir( $this->connection->getDbType() . '.sql' ); } protected function getSchemaDir($sub = null) { try { $dir = $this->getModuleDir('/schema'); } catch (ProgrammingError $e) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Unable to detect the schema directory for this module', 0, $e ); } if ($sub === null) { return $dir; } else { return $dir . '/' . ltrim($sub, '/'); } } /** * @param string $sub * @return string * @throws ProgrammingError */ protected function getModuleDir($sub = '') { return Icinga::app()->getModuleManager()->getModuleDir( $this->getModuleName(), $sub ); } protected function getModuleName() { return $this->getModuleNameForObject($this); } protected function getModuleNameForObject($object) { $class = get_class($object); // Hint: Icinga\Module\ -> 14 chars return lcfirst(substr($class, 14, strpos($class, '\\', 15) - 14)); } }