setAuth($auth); $self->db = $db; $self->info = $info; $self->api = $api; return $self; } public function setAuth(Auth $auth) { $this->auth = $auth; return $this; } public function setup() { if (! $this->canDeploy()) { return; } $onObject = $this->info->getSingleObjectChanges(); $total = $this->info->getTotalChanges(); if ($onObject === 0) { if ($total === 1) { $msg = $this->translate('There is a single pending change'); } else { $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('There are %d pending changes'), $total ); } } elseif ($total === 1) { $msg = $this->translate('There has been a single change to this object, nothing else has been modified'); } elseif ($total === $onObject) { $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('There have been %d changes to this object, nothing else has been modified'), $onObject ); } else { $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('There are %d pending changes, %d of them applied to this object'), $total, $onObject ); } $this->setAttrib('class', 'inline'); $this->addHtml(Icon::create('wrench')); try { // As this is shown for single objects, ignore errors caused by an // unreachable core $target = $this->shouldWarnAboutBug7530() ? '_self' : '_next'; } catch (\Exception $e) { $target = '_next'; } $this->addSubmitButton($this->translate('Deploy'), [ 'class' => 'link-button icon-wrench', 'title' => $msg, 'data-base-target' => $target, ]); } protected function canDeploy() { return $this->auth->hasPermission('director/deploy'); } public function render(Zend_View_Interface $view = null) { if (! $this->canDeploy()) { return ''; } return parent::render($view); } public function onSuccess() { try { if ($this->skipBecauseOfBug7530()) { return; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // continue } $this->deploy(); } public function deploy() { $this->setSuccessUrl('director/config/deployments'); $config = IcingaConfig::generate($this->db); $checksum = $config->getHexChecksum(); try { $this->api->wipeInactiveStages($this->db); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->notifyError($e->getMessage()); } if ($this->api->dumpConfig($config, $this->db)) { $this->deploymentSucceeded($checksum); } else { $this->deploymentFailed($checksum); } } protected function deploymentSucceeded($checksum) { if ($this->getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { throw new IcingaException('Not yet'); // $this->sendJson($this->getResponse(), (object) array('checksum' => $checksum)); } else { $msg = $this->translate('Config has been submitted, validation is going on'); $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } } protected function deploymentFailed($checksum, $error = null) { $extra = $error ? ': ' . $error: ''; if ($this->getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { throw new IcingaException('Not yet'); // $this->sendJsonError($this->getResponse(), 'Config deployment failed' . $extra); } else { $msg = $this->translate('Config deployment failed') . $extra; $this->notifyError($msg); $this->redirectAndExit('director/config/deployments'); } } }