getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { if (! $this->hasPermission('director/api')) { throw new AuthenticationException('You are not allowed to access this API'); } if (! $this->isApified()) { throw new NotFoundError('No such API endpoint found'); } } $this->checkDirectorPermissions(); } protected function checkDirectorPermissions() { $this->assertPermission('director/admin'); } /** * Assert that the current user has one of the given permission * * @param array $permissions Permission name list * * @throws SecurityException If the current user lacks the given permission */ protected function assertOneOfPermissions($permissions) { $auth = $this->Auth(); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if ($auth->hasPermission($permission)) { return; } } throw new SecurityException( 'Got none of the following permissions: %s', implode(', ', $permissions) ); } protected function isApified() { return $this->isApified; } protected function applyPaginationLimits(Paginatable $paginatable, $limit = 25, $offset = null) { $limit = $this->params->get('limit', $limit); $page = $this->params->get('page', $offset); $paginatable->limit($limit, $page > 0 ? ($page - 1) * $limit : 0); return $paginatable; } /** * @param string $name * * @return QuickBaseForm */ public function loadForm($name) { $form = FormLoader::load($name, $this->Module()); if ($this->getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { // TODO: Ask form for API support? $form->setApiRequest(); } return $form; } /** * @param string $name * * @return QuickTable */ public function loadTable($name) { return TableLoader::load($name, $this->Module()); } protected function sendJson($object) { $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', true); $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { echo json_encode($object, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n"; } else { echo json_encode($object); } } protected function sendJsonError($message, $code = null) { if ($code !== null) { $this->setHttpResponseCode((int) $code); } $this->sendJson((object) array('error' => $message)); } protected function singleTab($label) { return $this->view->tabs = Widget::create('tabs')->add( 'tab', array( 'label' => $label, 'url' => $this->getRequest()->getUrl() ) )->activate('tab'); } protected function setConfigTabs() { $this->view->tabs = Widget::create('tabs')->add( 'deploymentlog', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Deployments'), 'url' => 'director/list/deploymentlog' ) )->add( 'generatedconfig', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Configs'), 'url' => 'director/list/generatedconfig' ) )->add( 'activitylog', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Activity Log'), 'url' => 'director/list/activitylog' ) ); return $this->view->tabs; } protected function setDataTabs() { $this->view->tabs = Widget::create('tabs')->add( 'datafield', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Data fields'), 'url' => 'director/data/fields' ) )->add( 'datalist', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Data lists'), 'url' => 'director/data/lists' ) ); return $this->view->tabs; } protected function setImportTabs() { $this->view->tabs = Widget::create('tabs')->add( 'importsource', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Import source'), 'url' => 'director/list/importsource' ) )->add( 'syncrule', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Sync rule'), 'url' => 'director/list/syncrule' ) )->add( 'jobs', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Jobs'), 'url' => 'director/jobs' ) ); return $this->view->tabs; } protected function provideQuickSearch() { $htm = '
'; $this->view->quickSearch = sprintf( $htm, $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->without(array('q', 'page', 'modifyFilter')), $this->translate('Search...') ); return $this; } protected function shorten($string, $length) { if (strlen($string) > $length) { return substr($string, 0, $length) . '...'; } return $string; } protected function setViewScript($name) { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoController(true); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setScriptAction($name); } protected function prepareTable($name) { $table = $this->loadTable($name)->setConnection($this->db()); $this->view->filterEditor = $table->getFilterEditor($this->getRequest()); $this->view->table = $this->applyPaginationLimits($table); return $this; } protected function prepareAndRenderTable($name) { $this->prepareTable($name)->setViewScript('list/table'); } protected function provideFilterEditorForTable(QuickTable $table, IcingaObject $dummy = null) { $filterEditor = $table->getFilterEditor($this->getRequest()); $filter = $filterEditor->getFilter(); if ($filter->isEmpty()) { if ($this->params->get('modifyFilter')) { $this->view->addLink .= ' ' . $this->view->qlink( $this->translate('Show unfiltered'), $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->setParams(array()), null, array( 'class' => 'icon-cancel', 'data-base-target' => '_self', ) ); } else { $this->view->addLink .= ' ' . $this->view->qlink( $this->translate('Filter'), $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->with('modifyFilter', true), null, array( 'class' => 'icon-search', 'data-base-target' => '_self', ) ); } } else { $this->view->addLink .= ' ' . $this->view->qlink( $this->shorten($filter, 32), $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->with('modifyFilter', true), null, array( 'class' => 'icon-search', 'data-base-target' => '_self', ) ); $this->view->addLink .= ' ' . $this->view->qlink( $this->translate('Show unfiltered'), $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->setParams(array()), null, array( 'class' => 'icon-cancel', 'data-base-target' => '_self', ) ); } if ($this->params->get('modifyFilter')) { $this->view->filterEditor = $filterEditor; } if ($this->getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { if ($dummy === null) { throw new NotFoundError('Not accessible via API'); } $objects = array(); foreach ($dummy::loadAll($this->db) as $object) { $objects[] = $object->toPlainObject(false, true); } return $this->sendJson((object) array('objects' => $objects)); } $this->view->table = $this->applyPaginationLimits($table); $this->provideQuickSearch(); } // TODO: just return json_last_error_msg() for PHP >= 5.5.0 protected function getLastJsonError() { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: return 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded'; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: return 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded'; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: return 'Invalid or malformed JSON'; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: return 'Syntax error'; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: return 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; default: return 'An error occured when parsing a JSON string'; } } protected function getApiIfAvailable() { if ($this->api === null) { if ($this->db->hasDeploymentEndpoint()) { $endpoint = $this->db()->getDeploymentEndpoint(); $this->api = $endpoint->api(); } } return $this->api; } protected function api($endpointName = null) { if ($this->api === null) { if ($endpointName === null) { $endpoint = $this->db()->getDeploymentEndpoint(); } else { $endpoint = IcingaEndpoint::load($endpointName, $this->db()); } $this->api = $endpoint->api(); } return $this->api; } /** * @throws ConfigurationError * * @return Db */ protected function db() { if ($this->db === null) { $resourceName = $this->Config()->get('db', 'resource'); if ($resourceName) { $this->db = Db::fromResourceName($resourceName); } else { if ($this->getRequest()->isApiRequest()) { throw new ConfigurationError('Icinga Director is not correctly configured'); } else { $this->redirectNow('director'); } } } return $this->db; } /** * @return Monitoring */ protected function monitoring() { if ($this->monitoring === null) { $this->monitoring = new Monitoring; } return $this->monitoring; } }