applyGenerated = $applyGenerated; return $this; } public function setInheritedFrom($hostname) { $this->inheritedFrom = $hostname; return $this; } public function setup() { if ($this->providesOverrides()) { return; } if ($this->host && $this->set) { $this->setupOnHostForSet(); return; } try { if (!$this->isNew() && $this->host === null) { $this->host = $this->object->getResolvedRelated('host'); } } catch (NestingError $nestingError) { // ignore for the form to load } if ($this->set !== null) { $this->setupSetRelatedElements(); } elseif ($this->host === null) { $this->setupServiceElements(); } else { $this->setupHostRelatedElements(); } } protected function providesOverrides() { return ($this->object && $this->object->usesVarOverrides()) || $this->applyGenerated || $this->inheritedFrom; } protected function onAddedFields() { if (! $this->providesOverrides()) { return; } $this->addHtmlHint( $this->getOverrideHint(), array('name' => 'inheritance_hint') ); $group = $this->getDisplayGroup('custom_fields'); if ($group) { $elements = $group->getElements(); $group->setElements(array($this->getElement('inheritance_hint'))); $group->addElements($elements); $this->setSubmitLabel( $this->translate('Override vars') ); } else { $this->addElementsToGroup( array('inheritance_hint'), 'custom_fields', 20, $this->translate('Hints regarding this service') ); $this->setSubmitLabel(false); } } public function createApplyRuleFor(IcingaService $service) { $this->apply = $service; $object = $this->object(); $object->set('imports', $service->getObjectName()); $object->object_type = 'apply'; $object->object_name = $service->object_name; return $this; } protected function setupServiceElements() { if ($this->object) { $this->addHidden('object_type', $this->object->object_type); } else { $this->addHidden('object_type', 'template'); } $this->addNameElement() ->addHostObjectElement() ->addImportsElement() ->addGroupsElement() ->addDisabledElement() ->addApplyForElement() ->groupMainProperties() ->addAssignmentElements() ->addCheckCommandElements() ->addCheckExecutionElements() ->addExtraInfoElements() ->addAgentAndZoneElements() ->setButtons(); } protected function getOverrideHint() { $view = $this->getView(); if ($this->object && $this->object->usesVarOverrides()) { return $this->translate( 'This service has been generated in an automated way, but still' . ' allows you to override the following properties in a safe way.' ); } if ($this->applyGenerated) { return $view->escape(sprintf( $this->translate( 'This service has been generated using an apply rule, assigned where %s' ), Filter::fromQueryString($this->applyGenerated->assign_filter) )); } if ($this->inheritedFrom) { $msg = $view->escape($this->translate( 'This service has been inherited from %s. Still, you might want' . ' to change the following properties for this host only.' )); $name = $this->inheritedFrom; $link = $view->qlink( $name, 'director/service', array( 'host' => $name, 'name' => $this->object->object_name, ), array('data-base-target' => '_next') ); return sprintf($msg, $link); } $this->setSubmitLabel( $this->translate('Override vars') ); } protected function setupOnHostForSet() { $view = $this->getView(); $msg = $view->escape($this->translate( 'This service belongs to the service set "%s". Still, you might want' . ' to change the following properties for this host only.' )); $name = $this->set->getObjectName(); $link = $view->qlink( $name, 'director/serviceset', array( 'name' => $name, ), array('data-base-target' => '_next') ); $this->addHtmlHint( sprintf($msg, $link), array('name' => 'inheritance_hint') ); $this->addElementsToGroup( array('inheritance_hint'), 'custom_fields', 50, $this->translate('Custom properties') ); $this->setSubmitLabel( $this->translate('Override vars') ); } protected function addAssignmentElements() { $this->addAssignFilter(array( 'columns' => IcingaHost::enumProperties($this->db, 'host.'), 'required' => true, 'description' => $this->translate( 'This allows you to configure an assignment filter. Please feel' . ' free to combine as many nested operators as you want' ) )); return $this; } protected function setupHostRelatedElements() { $this->addHidden('host_id', $this->host->id); $this->addHidden('object_type', 'object'); $this->addImportsElement(); $imports = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('imports'); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $imports = $this->getElement('imports')->setValue($imports)->getValue(); } if ($this->isNew() && empty($imports)) { $this->groupMainProperties(); return; } $this->addNameElement() ->addDisabledElement() ->groupMainProperties() ->addCheckCommandElements() ->addExtraInfoElements() ->setButtons(); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $name = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('object_name'); if (!strlen($name)) { $this->setElementValue('object_name', end($imports)); $this->object->object_name = end($imports); } } } public function setHost(IcingaHost $host) { $this->host = $host; return $this; } protected function setupSetRelatedElements() { $this->addHidden('service_set_id', $this->set->id); $this->addHidden('object_type', 'apply'); $this->addImportsElement(); $imports = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('imports'); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $imports = $this->getElement('imports')->setValue($imports)->getValue(); } if ($this->isNew() && empty($imports)) { $this->groupMainProperties(); return; } $this->addNameElement() ->addDisabledElement() ->groupMainProperties() ->addCheckCommandElements(true) ->addCheckExecutionElements(true) ->addExtraInfoElements() ->setButtons(); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $name = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('object_name'); if (!strlen($name)) { $this->setElementValue('object_name', end($imports)); $this->object->object_name = end($imports); } } } public function setServiceSet(IcingaServiceSet $set) { $this->set = $set; return $this; } protected function addNameElement() { $this->addElement('text', 'object_name', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Name'), 'required' => !$this->object()->isApplyRule(), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Name for the Icinga service you are going to create' ) )); return $this; } protected function addHostObjectElement() { if ($this->isObject()) { $this->addElement('select', 'host_id', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Host'), 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($this->enumHostsAndTemplates()), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Choose the host this single service should be assigned to' ) )); } return $this; } protected function addApplyForElement() { if ($this->object->isApplyRule()) { $hostProperties = IcingaHost::enumProperties( $this->object->getConnection(), 'host.', new ArrayCustomVariablesFilter() ); $this->addElement('select', 'apply_for', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Apply For'), 'class' => 'assign-property autosubmit', 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($hostProperties, $this->translate('None')), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Evaluates the apply for rule for ' . 'all objects with the custom attribute specified. ' . 'E.g selecting "host.vars.custom_attr" will generate "for (config in ' . 'host.vars.array_var)" where "config" will be accessible through "$config$". ' . 'NOTE: only custom variables of type "Array" are eligible.' ) )); } return $this; } protected function addGroupsElement() { $groups = $this->enumServicegroups(); if (! empty($groups)) { $this->addElement('extensibleSet', 'groups', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Groups'), 'multiOptions' => $this->optionallyAddFromEnum($groups), 'positional' => false, 'description' => $this->translate( 'Service groups that should be directly assigned to this service.' . ' Servicegroups can be useful for various reasons. They are' . ' helpful to provided service-type specific view in Icinga Web 2,' . ' either for custom dashboards or as an instrument to enforce' . ' restrictions. Service groups can be directly assigned to' . ' single services or to service templates.' ) )); } return $this; } protected function addAgentAndZoneElements() { if (!$this->isTemplate()) { return $this; } $this->optionalBoolean( 'use_agent', $this->translate('Run on agent'), $this->translate( 'Whether the check commmand for this service should be executed' . ' on the Icinga agent' ) ); $this->addZoneElement(); $elements = array( 'use_agent', 'zone_id', ); $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, 'clustering', array( 'decorators' => array( 'FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')), 'Fieldset', ), 'order' => 40, 'legend' => $this->translate('Icinga Agent and zone settings') )); return $this; } protected function enumHostsAndTemplates() { return array( $this->translate('Templates') => $this->db->enumHostTemplates(), $this->translate('Hosts') => $this->db->enumHosts(), ); } protected function enumServicegroups() { $db = $this->db->getDbAdapter(); $select = $db->select()->from( 'icinga_servicegroup', array( 'name' => 'object_name', 'display' => 'COALESCE(display_name, object_name)' ) )->where('object_type = ?', 'object')->order('display'); return $db->fetchPairs($select); } protected function succeedForOverrides() { $vars = array(); foreach ($this->object->vars() as $key => $var) { $vars[$key] = $var->getValue(); } $host = $this->host; $serviceName = $this->object->getObjectName(); $this->host->overrideServiceVars($serviceName, (object) $vars); if ($host->hasBeenModified()) { $msg = sprintf( empty($vars) ? $this->translate('All overrides have been removed from "%s"') : $this->translate('The given properties have been stored for "%s"'), $this->translate($host->getObjectName()) ); $host->store(); } else { if ($this->isApiRequest()) { $this->setHttpResponseCode(304); } $msg = $this->translate('No action taken, object has not been modified'); } $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } public function onSuccess() { if ($this->applyGenerated || $this->inheritedFrom || ($this->host && $this->set) || $this->object->usesVarOverrides() ) { return $this->succeedForOverrides(); } return parent::onSuccess(); } }