setAutoRefreshInterval(10); $rule = $this->requireSyncRule(); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('show'); $ruleName = $rule->get('rule_name'); $this->addTitle($this->translate('Sync rule: %s'), $ruleName); $checkForm = SyncCheckForm::load()->setSyncRule($rule)->handleRequest(); $runForm = SyncRunForm::load()->setSyncRule($rule)->handleRequest(); if ($lastRunId = $rule->getLastSyncRunId()) { $run = SyncRun::load($lastRunId, $this->db()); } else { $run = null; } $c = $this->content(); $c->add(Html::tag('p', null, $rule->get('description'))); if (! $rule->hasSyncProperties()) { $this->addPropertyHint($rule); return; } $this->addMainActions(); if (! $run) { $c->add(Hint::warning($this->translate('This Sync Rule has never been run before.'))); } switch ($rule->get('sync_state')) { case 'unknown': $c->add(Html::tag('p', null, $this->translate( "It's currently unknown whether we are in sync with this rule." . ' You should either check for changes or trigger a new Sync Run.' ))); break; case 'in-sync': $c->add(Html::tag('p', null, sprintf( $this->translate('This Sync Rule was last found to by in Sync at %s.'), $rule->get('last_attempt') ))); /* TODO: check whether... - there have been imports since then, differing from former ones - there have been activities since then */ break; case 'pending-changes': $c->add(Hint::warning($this->translate( 'There are pending changes for this Sync Rule. You should trigger a new' . ' Sync Run.' ))); break; case 'failing': $c->add(Hint::error(sprintf( $this->translate( 'This Sync Rule failed when last checked at %s: %s' ), $rule->get('last_attempt'), $rule->get('last_error_message') ))); break; } $c->add($checkForm); $c->add($runForm); if ($run) { $c->add(Html::tag('h3', null, $this->translate('Last sync run details'))); $c->add(new SyncRunDetails($run)); if ($run->get('rule_name') !== $ruleName) { $c->add(Html::tag('p', null, sprintf( $this->translate("It has been renamed since then, its former name was %s"), $run->get('rule_name') ))); } } } /** * @param SyncRule $rule */ protected function addPropertyHint(SyncRule $rule) { $this->content()->add(Hint::warning(Html::sprintf( $this->translate('You must define some %s before you can run this Sync Rule'), new Link( $this->translate('Sync Properties'), 'director/syncrule/property', ['rule_id' => $rule->get('id')] ) ))); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function addAction() { $this->editAction(); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError * @throws \Exception */ public function previewAction() { $rule = $this->requireSyncRule(); // $rule->set('update_policy', 'replace'); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('preview'); $this->addTitle('Sync Preview'); $sync = new Sync($rule); try { $modifications = $sync->getExpectedModifications(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->content()->add(Hint::error($e->getMessage())); return; } if (empty($modifications)) { $this->content()->add(Hint::ok($this->translate( 'This Sync Rule is in sync and would currently not apply any changes' ))); return; } $create = []; $modify = []; $delete = []; $modifiedProperties = []; /** @var IcingaObject $object */ foreach ($modifications as $object) { if ($object->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { if ($object->shouldBeRemoved()) { $delete[] = $object; } else { $modify[] = $object; foreach ($object->getModifiedProperties() as $property => $value) { if (isset($modifiedProperties[$property])) { $modifiedProperties[$property]++; } else { $modifiedProperties[$property] = 1; } } if (! $object instanceof IcingaObject) { continue; } if ($object->supportsGroups()) { if ($object->hasModifiedGroups()) { if (isset($modifiedProperties['groups'])) { $modifiedProperties['groups']++; } else { $modifiedProperties['groups'] = 1; } } } if ($object->supportsImports()) { if ($object->imports()->hasBeenModified()) { if (isset($modifiedProperties['imports'])) { $modifiedProperties['imports']++; } else { $modifiedProperties['imports'] = 1; } } } if ($object->supportsCustomVars()) { if ($object->vars()->hasBeenModified()) { foreach ($object->vars() as $var) { if ($var->isNew()) { $varName = 'add vars.' . $var->getKey(); } elseif ($var->hasBeenDeleted()) { $varName = 'remove vars.' . $var->getKey(); } elseif ($var->hasBeenModified()) { $varName = 'vars.' . $var->getKey(); } else { continue; } if (isset($modifiedProperties[$varName])) { $modifiedProperties[$varName]++; } else { $modifiedProperties[$varName] = 1; } } } } } } else { $create[] = $object; } } $content = $this->content(); if (! empty($delete)) { $content->add([ Html::tag('h2', ['class' => 'icon-cancel action-delete'], sprintf( $this->translate('%d object(s) will be deleted'), count($delete) )), $this->objectList($delete) ]); } if (! empty($modify)) { $content->add([ Html::tag('h2', ['class' => 'icon-wrench action-modify'], sprintf( $this->translate('%d object(s) will be modified'), count($modify) )), $this->listModifiedProperties($modifiedProperties), $this->objectList($modify), ]); } if (! empty($create)) { $content->add([ Html::tag('h2', ['class' => 'icon-plus action-create'], sprintf( $this->translate('%d object(s) will be created'), count($create) )), $this->objectList($create) ]); } } /** * @param IcingaObject[] $objects * @return \ipl\Html\HtmlElement * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function objectList($objects) { return Html::tag('p', $this->firstNames($objects)); } /** * Lots of duplicated code, this whole diff logic should be mouved to a * dedicated class * * @param IcingaObject[] $objects * @param int $max * @return string * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function firstNames($objects, $max = 50) { $names = []; $list = new UnorderedList(); $list->addAttributes([ 'style' => 'list-style-type: none; marign: 0; padding: 0', ]); $total = count($objects); $i = 0; PrefetchCache::forget(); IcingaHost::clearAllPrefetchCaches(); // why?? IcingaService::clearAllPrefetchCaches(); foreach ($objects as $object) { $i++; $name = $this->getObjectNameString($object); if ($object->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { if ($object instanceof IcingaHost) { $names[$name] = Link::create( $name, 'director/host', ['name' => $name], ['data-base-target' => '_next'] ); $oldObject = IcingaHost::load($object->getObjectName(), $this->db()); $cfgNew = new IcingaConfig($this->db()); $cfgOld = new IcingaConfig($this->db()); $oldObject->renderToConfig($cfgOld); $object->renderToConfig($cfgNew); foreach ($this->getConfigDiffs($cfgOld, $cfgNew) as $file => $diff) { $names[$name . '___PRETITLE___' . $file] = Html::tag('h3', $file); $names[$name . '___PREVIEW___' . $file] = $diff; } } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaService && $object->isObject()) { $host = $object->getRelated('host'); $names[$name] = Link::create( $name, 'director/service/edit', [ 'name' => $object->getObjectName(), 'host' => $host->getObjectName() ], ['data-base-target' => '_next'] ); $oldObject = IcingaService::load([ 'host_id' => $host->get('id'), 'object_name' => $object->getObjectName() ], $this->db()); $cfgNew = new IcingaConfig($this->db()); $cfgOld = new IcingaConfig($this->db()); $oldObject->renderToConfig($cfgOld); $object->renderToConfig($cfgNew); foreach ($this->getConfigDiffs($cfgOld, $cfgNew) as $file => $diff) { $names[$name . '___PRETITLE___' . $file] = Html::tag('h3', $file); $names[$name . '___PREVIEW___' . $file] = $diff; } } else { $names[$name] = $name; } } else { $names[$name] = $name; } if ($i === $max) { break; } } ksort($names); foreach ($names as $name) { $list->addItem($name); } if ($total > $max) { $list->add(sprintf( $this->translate('...and %d more'), $total - $max )); } return $list; } /** * Stolen from elsewhere, should be de-duplicated * * @param IcingaConfig $oldConfig * @param IcingaConfig $newConfig * @return ValidHtml[] */ protected function getConfigDiffs(IcingaConfig $oldConfig, IcingaConfig $newConfig) { $oldFileNames = $oldConfig->getFileNames(); $newFileNames = $newConfig->getFileNames(); $fileNames = array_merge($oldFileNames, $newFileNames); $diffs = []; foreach ($fileNames as $filename) { if (in_array($filename, $oldFileNames)) { $left = $oldConfig->getFile($filename)->getContent(); } else { $left = ''; } if (in_array($filename, $newFileNames)) { $right = $newConfig->getFile($filename)->getContent(); } else { $right = ''; } if ($left === $right) { continue; } $diffs[$filename] = new SideBySideDiff(new PhpDiff($left, $right)); } return $diffs; } protected function listModifiedProperties($properties) { $list = new UnorderedList(); foreach ($properties as $property => $cnt) { $list->addItem("${cnt}x $property"); } return $list; } protected function getObjectNameString($object) { if ($object instanceof IcingaService) { if ($object->isObject()) { return $object->getRelated('host')->getObjectName() . ': ' . $object->getObjectName(); } else { return $object->getObjectName(); } } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaHost) { return $object->getObjectName(); } elseif ($object instanceof ExportInterface) { return $object->getUniqueIdentifier(); } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaObject) { return $object->getObjectName(); } else { /** @var \Icinga\Module\Director\Data\Db\DbObject $object */ return json_encode($object->getKeyParams()); } } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function editAction() { $form = SyncRuleForm::load() ->setListUrl('director/syncrules') ->setDb($this->db()); if ($id = $this->params->get('id')) { $form->loadObject((int) $id); /** @var SyncRule $rule */ $rule = $form->getObject(); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('edit'); $this->addTitle(sprintf( $this->translate('Sync rule: %s'), $rule->get('rule_name') )); $this->addMainActions(); if (! $rule->hasSyncProperties()) { $this->addPropertyHint($rule); } } else { $this->addTitle($this->translate('Add sync rule')); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs())->activate('add'); } $form->handleRequest(); $this->content()->add($form); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\MissingParameterException * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function cloneAction() { $id = $this->params->getRequired('id'); $rule = SyncRule::loadWithAutoIncId((int) $id, $this->db()); $this->tabs()->add('show', [ 'url' => 'director/syncrule', 'urlParams' => ['id' => $id], 'label' => $this->translate('Sync rule'), ])->add('clone', [ 'url' => 'director/syncrule/clone', 'urlParams' => ['id' => $id], 'label' => $this->translate('Clone'), ])->activate('clone'); $this->addTitle('Clone: %s', $rule->get('rule_name')); $this->actions()->add( Link::create( $this->translate('Modify'), 'director/syncrule/edit', ['id' => $rule->get('id')], ['class' => 'icon-paste'] ) ); $form = new CloneSyncRuleForm($rule); $this->content()->add($form); $form->on(Form::ON_SUCCESS, function (CloneSyncRuleForm $form) { $this->getResponse()->redirectAndExit($form->getSuccessUrl()); }); $form->handleRequest($this->getServerRequest()); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function propertyAction() { $rule = $this->requireSyncRule('rule_id'); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('property'); $this->actions()->add(Link::create( $this->translate('Add sync property rule'), 'director/syncrule/addproperty', ['rule_id' => $rule->get('id')], ['class' => 'icon-plus'] )); $this->addTitle($this->translate('Sync properties') . ': ' . $rule->get('rule_name')); SyncpropertyTable::create($rule) ->handleSortPriorityActions($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse()) ->renderTo($this); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function editpropertyAction() { $this->addpropertyAction(); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function addpropertyAction() { $db = $this->db(); $rule = $this->requireSyncRule('rule_id'); $ruleId = (int) $rule->get('id'); $form = SyncPropertyForm::load()->setDb($db); if ($id = $this->params->get('id')) { $form->loadObject((int) $id); $this->addTitle( $this->translate('Sync "%s": %s'), $form->getObject()->get('destination_field'), $rule->get('rule_name') ); } else { $this->addTitle( $this->translate('Add sync property: %s'), $rule->get('rule_name') ); } $form->setRule($rule); $form->setSuccessUrl('director/syncrule/property', ['rule_id' => $ruleId]); $this->actions()->add(new Link( $this->translate('back'), 'director/syncrule/property', ['rule_id' => $ruleId], ['class' => 'icon-left-big'] )); $this->content()->add($form->handleRequest()); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('property'); SyncpropertyTable::create($rule) ->handleSortPriorityActions($this->getRequest(), $this->getResponse()) ->renderTo($this); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function historyAction() { $this->setAutoRefreshInterval(30); $rule = $this->requireSyncRule(); $this->tabs(new SyncRuleTabs($rule))->activate('history'); $this->addTitle($this->translate('Sync history') . ': ' . $rule->get('rule_name')); if ($runId = $this->params->get('run_id')) { $run = SyncRun::load($runId, $this->db()); $this->content()->add(new SyncRunDetails($run)); } SyncRunTable::create($rule)->renderTo($this); } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function addMainActions() { $this->actions(new AutomationObjectActionBar( $this->getRequest() )); $source = $this->requireSyncRule(); $this->actions()->add(Link::create( $this->translate('Add to Basket'), 'director/basket/add', [ 'type' => 'SyncRule', 'names' => $source->getUniqueIdentifier() ], [ 'class' => 'icon-tag', 'data-base-target' => '_next', ] )); } /** * @param string $key * @return SyncRule * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function requireSyncRule($key = 'id') { $id = $this->params->get($key); return SyncRule::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $this->db()); } }