[ 'last_attempt_succeeded', 'last_error_message', 'ts_last_attempt', 'ts_last_error', ], ImportSource::class => [ // No state export 'import_state', 'last_error_message', 'last_attempt', ], ImportRowModifier::class => [ // Not state, but to be removed: 'source_id', ], SyncRule::class => [ 'sync_state', 'last_error_message', 'last_attempt', ], ]; /** @var Adapter|\Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract */ protected $db; /** @var FieldReferenceLoader */ protected $fieldReferenceLoader; protected $exportHostServices = false; protected $resolveHostServices = false; protected $showDefaults = false; protected $showIds = false; protected $resolveObjects = false; /** @var Db */ protected $connection; /** @var ?array */ protected $chosenProperties = null; public function __construct(Db $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); $this->fieldReferenceLoader = new FieldReferenceLoader($connection); } public function export(DbObject $object) { $props = $object instanceof IcingaObject ? $this->exportIcingaObject($object) : $this->exportDbObject($object); $this->stripDeniedProperties($props, $object); $this->appendTypeSpecificRelations($props, $object); if ($this->chosenProperties !== null) { $chosen = []; foreach ($this->chosenProperties as $k) { if (array_key_exists($k, $props)) { $chosen[$k] = $props[$k]; } } $props = $chosen; } ksort($props); return (object) $props; } public function enableHostServices($enable = true) { $this->exportHostServices = $enable; return $this; } public function resolveHostServices($enable = true) { $this->resolveHostServices = $enable; return $this; } public function showDefaults($show = true) { $this->showDefaults = $show; return $this; } public function showIds($show = true) { $this->showIds = $show; return $this; } public function resolveObjects($resolve = true) { $this->resolveObjects = $resolve; return $this; } public function filterProperties(array $properties) { $this->chosenProperties = $properties; return $this; } protected function appendTypeSpecificRelations(array &$props, DbObject $object) { if ($object instanceof DirectorDatalist) { $props['entries'] = $this->exportDatalistEntries($object); } elseif ($object instanceof DirectorDatafield) { if (isset($props['settings']->datalist_id)) { $props['settings']->datalist = $this->getDatalistNameForId($props['settings']->datalist_id); unset($props['settings']->datalist_id); } $props['category'] = isset($props['category_id']) ? $this->getDatafieldCategoryNameForId($props['category_id']) : null; unset($props['category_id']); } elseif ($object instanceof ImportSource) { $props['modifiers'] = $this->exportRowModifiers($object); } elseif ($object instanceof SyncRule) { $props['properties'] = $this->exportSyncProperties($object); } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaCommand) { if (isset($props['arguments'])) { foreach ($props['arguments'] as $key => $argument) { if (property_exists($argument, 'command_id')) { unset($props['arguments'][$key]->command_id); } } } } elseif ($object instanceof DirectorJob) { if ($object->hasTimeperiod()) { $props['timeperiod'] = $object->timeperiod()->getObjectName(); } unset($props['timeperiod_id']); } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaTemplateChoice) { if (isset($props['required_template_id'])) { $requiredId = $props['required_template_id']; unset($props['required_template_id']); $props = $this->loadTemplateName($object->getObjectTableName(), $requiredId); } $props['members'] = array_values($object->getMembers()); } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaServiceSet) { if ($object->get('host_id')) { // Sets on Host throw new RuntimeException('Not yet'); } $props['services'] = []; foreach ($object->getServiceObjects() as $serviceObject) { $props['services'][$serviceObject->getObjectName()] = $this->export($serviceObject); } ksort($props['services']); } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaHost) { if ($this->exportHostServices) { $services = []; foreach ($this->fetchServicesForHost($object) as $service) { $services[] = $this->export($service); } $props['services'] = $services; } } } public function fetchServicesForHost(IcingaHost $host) { $table = (new ObjectsTableService($this->connection))->setHost($host); $services = $this->fetchServicesForTable($table); if ($this->resolveHostServices) { foreach ($this->fetchRelatedServicesForHost($host) as $service) { $services[] = $service; } } return $services; } protected function fetchServicesForTable(QueryBasedTable $table) { $query = $table->getQuery(); if ($query instanceof Select || $query instanceof Zend_Db_Select) { // What about SimpleQuery? IcingaHostAppliedServicesTable with branch in place? $query->reset(Select::LIMIT_COUNT); $query->reset(Select::LIMIT_OFFSET); $rows = $this->db->fetchAll($query); } elseif ($query instanceof SimpleQuery) { $rows = $query->fetchAll(); } $services = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $service = IcingaService::loadWithUniqueId(Uuid::fromBytes($row->uuid), $this->connection); if ($this->resolveObjects) { $service = $service::fromPlainObject($service->toPlainObject(true), $this->connection); } $services[] = $service; } return $services; } protected function fetchRelatedServicesForHost(IcingaHost $host) { $services = []; /** @var IcingaHost[] $parents */ $parents = IcingaTemplateRepository::instanceByObject($host)->getTemplatesFor($host, true); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $table = (new ObjectsTableService($this->connection)) ->setHost($parent) ->setInheritedBy($host); foreach ($this->fetchServicesForTable($table) as $service) { $services[] = $service; } } /* $this->addHostServiceSetTables($host); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $this->addHostServiceSetTables($parent, $host); } */ $appliedSets = AppliedServiceSetLoader::fetchForHost($host); foreach ($appliedSets as $set) { $table = IcingaServiceSetServiceTable::load($set) // ->setHost($host) ->setAffectedHost($host); foreach ($this->fetchServicesForTable($table) as $service) { $services[] = $service; } } $table = IcingaHostAppliedServicesTable::load($host); foreach ($this->fetchServicesForTable($table) as $service) { $services[] = $service; } return $services; } protected function loadTemplateName($table, $id) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->select() ->from(['o' => $table], 'o.object_name')->where("o.object_type = 'template'") ->where('o.id = ?', $id); return $db->fetchOne($query); } protected function getDatalistNameForId($id) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->select()->from('director_datalist', 'list_name')->where('id = ?', (int) $id); return $db->fetchOne($query); } protected function getDatafieldCategoryNameForId($id) { $db = $this->db; $query = $db->select()->from('director_datafield_category', 'category_name')->where('id = ?', (int) $id); return $db->fetchOne($query); } protected function stripDeniedProperties(array &$props, DbObject $object) { // TODO: this used to exist. Double-check all imports to verify it's not in use // $originalId = $props['id']; if (! $this->showIds) { unset($props['id']); } $class = get_class($object); if (isset(self::$denyProperties[$class])) { foreach (self::$denyProperties[$class] as $key) { unset($props[$key]); } } } protected function exportRowModifiers(ImportSource $object) { $modifiers = []; // Hint: they're sorted by priority foreach ($object->fetchRowModifiers() as $modifier) { $modifiers[] = $this->export($modifier); } return $modifiers; } public function exportSyncProperties(SyncRule $object) { $all = []; $db = $this->db; $sourceNames = $db->fetchPairs( $db->select()->from('import_source', ['id', 'source_name']) ); foreach ($object->getSyncProperties() as $property) { $properties = $property->getProperties(); $properties['source'] = $sourceNames[$properties['source_id']]; unset($properties['id']); unset($properties['rule_id']); unset($properties['source_id']); ksort($properties); $all[] = (object) $properties; } return $all; } /** * @param DbObject $object * @return array */ protected function exportDbObject(DbObject $object) { $props = $object->getProperties(); if ($object instanceof DbObjectWithSettings) { if ($object instanceof InstantiatedViaHook) { $props['settings'] = (object) $object->getInstance()->exportSettings(); } else { $props['settings'] = (object) $object->getSettings(); // Already sorted } } if (! $this->showDefaults) { foreach ($props as $key => $value) { // We assume NULL as a default value for all non-IcingaObject properties if ($value === null) { unset($props[$key]); } } } return $props; } /** * @param IcingaObject $object * @return array * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function exportIcingaObject(IcingaObject $object) { $props = (array) $object->toPlainObject($this->resolveObjects, !$this->showDefaults); if ($object->supportsFields()) { $props['fields'] = $this->fieldReferenceLoader->loadFor($object); } return $props; } protected function exportDatalistEntries(DirectorDatalist $list) { $entries = []; $id = $list->get('id'); if ($id === null) { return $entries; } $dbEntries = DirectorDatalistEntry::loadAllForList($list); // Hint: they are loaded with entry_name key ksort($dbEntries); foreach ($dbEntries as $entry) { if ($entry->shouldBeRemoved()) { continue; } $plainEntry = $entry->getProperties(); unset($plainEntry['list_id']); $entries[] = $plainEntry; } return $entries; } }