getDbAdapter(); } public function countActivitiesSinceLastDeployedConfig(IcingaObject $object = null) { $db = $this->db(); $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM director_activity_log WHERE id > (' . ' SELECT id FROM director_activity_log WHERE checksum = (' . ' SELECT last_activity_checksum FROM director_generated_config WHERE checksum = (' . ' SELECT config_checksum FROM director_deployment_log ORDER by id desc limit 1' . ' )' . ' )' . ')'; if ($object !== null) { $query .= $db->quoteInto(' AND object_type = ?', $object->getTableName()); $query .= $db->quoteInto(' AND object_name = ?', $object->object_name); } return (int) $db->fetchOne($query); } public function getMasterZoneName() { if ($zone = $this->getSetting('master_zone')) { return $zone; } $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select() ->from('icinga_zone', 'object_name') ->where('is_global = ?', 'n'); $zones = $db->fetchCol($query); if (count($zones) === 1) { return $zones[0]; } return 'master'; } public function getDefaultGlobalZoneName() { return $this->getSetting('default_global_zone', 'director-global'); } public function hasDeploymentEndpoint() { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('z' => 'icinga_zone'), array('cnt' => 'COUNT(*)') )->join( array('e' => 'icinga_endpoint'), 'e.zone_id =', array() )->join( array('au' => 'icinga_apiuser'), 'e.apiuser_id =', array() )->where('z.object_name = ?', $this->getMasterZoneName()); return $db->fetchOne($query) > 0; } public function getDeploymentEndpointName() { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('z' => 'icinga_zone'), array('object_name' => 'e.object_name') )->join( array('e' => 'icinga_endpoint'), 'e.zone_id =', array() )->join( array('au' => 'icinga_apiuser'), 'e.apiuser_id =', array() )->where('z.object_name = ?', $this->getMasterZoneName()) ->order('e.object_name ASC') ->limit(1); $name = $db->fetchOne($query); if (! $name) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Unable to detect your deployment endpoint. I was looking for' . ' the first endpoint configured with an assigned API user' . ' in the "%s" zone.', $this->getMasterZoneName() ); } return $name; } public function getDeploymentEndpoint() { return IcingaEndpoint::load($this->getDeploymentEndpointName(), $this); } public function getSetting($name, $default = null) { if ($this->settings === null) { $this->fetchSettings(); } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->settings)) { return $this->settings[$name]; } return $default; } public function storeSetting($name, $value) { $db = $this->db(); $updated = $db->update( 'director_setting', array('setting_value' => $value), $db->quoteInto('setting_name = ?', $name) ); if ($updated === 0) { $db->insert( 'director_setting', array( 'setting_name' => $name, 'setting_value' => $value, ) ); } if ($this->settings !== null) { $this->settings[$name] = $value; } return $this; } public function fetchSettings($force = true) { if ($force || $this->settings === null) { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('s' => 'director_setting'), array('setting_name', 'setting_value') ); $this->settings = (array) $db->fetchPairs($query); } return $this->settings; } public function getActivitylogNeighbors($id, $type = null, $name = null) { $db = $this->db(); $greater = $db->select()->from( array('g' => 'director_activity_log'), array('id' => 'MIN(') )->where('id > ?', (int) $id); $smaller = $db->select()->from( array('l' => 'director_activity_log'), array('id' => 'MAX(') )->where('id < ?', (int) $id); if ($type !== null) { $greater->where('object_type = ?', $type); $smaller->where('object_type = ?', $type); } if ($name !== null) { $greater->where('object_name = ?', $name); $smaller->where('object_name = ?', $name); } $query = $db->select()->from( array('gt' => $greater), array( 'prev' => '', 'next' => '' ) )->join( array('lt' => $smaller), '1 = 1', array() ); return $db->fetchRow($query); } public function fetchActivityLogEntryById($id) { $sql = 'SELECT id, object_type, object_name, action_name,' . ' old_properties, new_properties, author, change_time,' . ' %s AS checksum, %s AS parent_checksum' . ' FROM director_activity_log WHERE id = %d'; $sql = sprintf( $sql, $this->dbHexFunc('checksum'), $this->dbHexFunc('parent_checksum'), $id ); return $this->db()->fetchRow($sql); } public function fetchActivityLogChecksumById($id, $binary = true) { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT %s AS checksum FROM director_activity_log WHERE id = %d', $this->dbHexFunc('checksum'), (int) $id ); $result = $this->db()->fetchOne($sql); if ($binary) { return Util::hex2binary($result); } else { return $result; } } public function fetchActivityLogIdByChecksum($checksum) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM director_activity_log WHERE checksum = ?'; return $this->db()->fetchOne($sql, $this->quoteBinary($checksum)); } public function fetchActivityLogEntry($checksum) { $sql = 'SELECT id, object_type, object_name, action_name' . ' old_properties, new_properties, author, change_time' . ' %s AS checksum, %s AS parent_checksum' . ' FROM director_activity_log WHERE checksum = ?'; return $this->db()->fetchRow( $sql, $this->quoteBinary(Util::hex2binary($checksum)) ); } public function getLastActivityChecksum() { $select = "SELECT checksum FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS pos, " . $this->dbHexFunc('checksum') . " AS checksum" . " FROM director_activity_log ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) a" . " UNION SELECT 2 AS pos, '' AS checksum) u ORDER BY pos LIMIT 1"; return $this->db()->fetchOne($select); } public function fetchImportStatistics() { $query = "SELECT 'imported_properties' AS stat_name, COUNT(*) AS stat_value" . " FROM import_run i" . " JOIN imported_rowset_row rs ON i.rowset_checksum = rs.rowset_checksum" . " JOIN imported_row_property rp ON rp.row_checksum = rs.row_checksum" . " UNION ALL" . " SELECT 'imported_rows' AS stat_name, COUNT(*) AS stat_value" . " FROM import_run i" . " JOIN imported_rowset_row rs ON i.rowset_checksum = rs.rowset_checksum" . " UNION ALL" . " SELECT 'unique_rows' AS stat_name, COUNT(*) AS stat_value" . " FROM imported_row" . " UNION ALL" . " SELECT 'unique_properties' AS stat_name, COUNT(*) AS stat_value" . " FROM imported_property" ; return $this->db()->fetchPairs($query); } public function getImportrunRowsetChecksum($id) { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select() ->from('import_run', 'rowset_checksum') ->where('id = ?', $id); return $db->fetchOne($query); } protected function fetchTemplateRelations($type) { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('p' => 'icinga_' . $type), array( 'name' => 'o.object_name', 'parent' => 'p.object_name' ) )->join( array('i' => 'icinga_' . $type . '_inheritance'), ' = i.parent_' . $type . '_id', array() )->join( array('o' => 'icinga_' . $type), ' = i.' . $type . '_id', array() )->where("o.object_type = 'template'") ->order('p.object_name') ->order('o.object_name'); return $db->fetchAll($query); } public function fetchTemplateTree($type) { $relations = $this->fetchTemplateRelations($type); $children = array(); $objects = array(); foreach ($relations as $rel) { foreach (array('name', 'parent') as $col) { if (! array_key_exists($rel->$col, $objects)) { $objects[$rel->$col] = (object) array( 'name' => $rel->$col, 'children' => array() ); } } } foreach ($relations as $rel) { $objects[$rel->parent]->children[$rel->name] = $objects[$rel->name]; $children[$rel->name] = $rel->parent; } foreach ($children as $name => $object) { unset($objects[$name]); } return $objects; } public function fetchLatestImportedRows($source, $desiredColumns = null) { $db = $this->db(); if ($desiredColumns === null) { $columns = null; } else { $columns = array(); foreach ($desiredColumns as $column) { if (false === ($pos = strpos($column, '.'))) { $columns[$column] = $column; } else { $column = substr($column, 0, $pos); $columns[$column] = $column; } } } $lastRun = $db->select()->from('import_run', array('rowset_checksum')); if (is_int($source) || ctype_digit($source)) { $lastRun->where('source_id = ?', $source); } else { $lastRun->where('source_name = ?', $source); } $lastRun->order('start_time DESC')->limit(1); $checksum = $db->fetchOne($lastRun); // TODO: Postgres decoding? return $this->fetchImportedRowsetRows($checksum, $columns); } public function fetchImportedRowsetRows($checksum, $columns) { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('rsr' => 'imported_rowset_row'), array( 'object_name' => 'r.object_name', 'property_name' => 'p.property_name', 'property_value' => 'p.property_value', 'format' => 'p.format' ) )->join( array('r' => 'imported_row'), 'rsr.row_checksum = r.checksum', array() )->join( array('rp' => 'imported_row_property'), 'r.checksum = rp.row_checksum', array() )->join( array('p' => 'imported_property'), 'p.checksum = rp.property_checksum', array() )->where('rsr.rowset_checksum = ?', $checksum)->order('r.object_name'); if ($columns === null) { $columns = $this->listImportedRowsetColumnNames($checksum); } else { $query->where('p.property_name IN (?)', $columns); } $result = array(); $empty = (object) array(); foreach ($columns as $k => $v) { $empty->$k = null; } foreach ($db->fetchAll($query) as $row) { if (! array_key_exists($row->object_name, $result)) { $result[$row->object_name] = clone($empty); } if ($row->format === 'json') { $result[$row->object_name]->{$row->property_name} = json_decode($row->property_value); } else { $result[$row->object_name]->{$row->property_name} = $row->property_value; } } return $result; } public function getLatestImportedChecksum($source) { if ($this->isPgsql()) { $col = "LOWER(ENCODE(rowset_checksum, 'hex'))"; } else { $col = '(LOWER(HEX(import_run.rowset_checksum)))'; } $db = $this->db(); $lastRun = $db->select()->from('import_run', array($col)); if (is_int($source) || ctype_digit($source)) { $lastRun->where('source_id = ?', (int) $source); } else { $lastRun->where('source_name = ?', $source); } $lastRun->order('start_time DESC')->limit(1); return $db->fetchOne($lastRun); } public function getObjectSummary() { $types = array( 'host', 'hostgroup', 'service', 'servicegroup', 'user', 'usergroup', 'command', 'timeperiod', 'apiuser', 'endpoint', 'zone', ); $queries = array(); $db = $this->db(); $cnt = "COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN o.object_type = '%s' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0)"; foreach ($types as $type) { $queries[] = $db->select()->from( array('o' => 'icinga_' . $type), array( 'icinga_type' => "('" . $type . "')", 'cnt_object' => sprintf($cnt, 'object'), 'cnt_template' => sprintf($cnt, 'template'), 'cnt_external' => sprintf($cnt, 'external_object'), 'cnt_total' => 'COUNT(*)', ) ); } $query = $this->db()->select()->union($queries, Zend_Db_Select::SQL_UNION_ALL); $result = array(); foreach ($db->fetchAll($query) as $row) { $result[$row->icinga_type] = $row; } return $result; } public function listImportedRowsetColumnNames($checksum) { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select()->distinct()->from( array('p' => 'imported_property'), 'property_name' )->join( array('rp' => 'imported_row_property'), 'rp.property_checksum = p.checksum', array() )->join( array('rsr' => 'imported_rowset_row'), 'rsr.row_checksum = rp.row_checksum', array() )->where('rsr.rowset_checksum = ?', $checksum); return $db->fetchCol($query); } public function enumCommands() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('command'); } public function enumCheckcommands() { $filters = array( 'methods_execute IN (?)' => array('PluginCheck', 'IcingaCheck'), ); return $this->enumIcingaObjects('command', $filters); } public function getZoneName($id) { $objects = $this->enumZones(); return $objects[$id]; } public function getCommandName($id) { $objects = $this->enumCommands(); return $objects[$id]; } public function enumZones() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('zone'); } public function enumNonglobalZones() { $filters = array('is_global = ?' => 'n'); return $this->enumIcingaObjects('zone', $filters); } public function enumZoneTemplates() { return $this->enumIcingaTemplates('zone'); } public function enumHosts() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('host'); } public function enumHostTemplates() { return $this->enumIcingaTemplates('host'); } public function enumHostgroups() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('hostgroup'); } public function enumServices() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('service'); } public function enumServiceTemplates() { return $this->enumIcingaTemplates('service'); } public function enumServicegroups() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('servicegroup'); } public function enumUsers() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('user'); } public function enumUserTemplates() { return $this->enumIcingaTemplates('user'); } public function enumUsergroups() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('usergroup'); } public function enumApiUsers() { return $this->enumIcingaObjects('apiuser'); } public function enumSyncRule() { return $this->enum('sync_rule', array('id', 'rule_name')); } public function enumImportSource() { return $this->enum('import_source', array('id', 'source_name')); } public function enumDatalist() { return $this->enum('director_datalist', array('id', 'list_name')); } public function enumDatafields() { return $this->enum('director_datafield', array( 'id', "caption || ' (' || varname || ')'", )); } public function enum($table, $columns = null, $filters = array()) { if ($columns === null) { $columns = array('id', 'object_name'); } $select = $this->db()->select()->from($table, $columns)->order($columns[1]); foreach ($filters as $key => $val) { $select->where($key, $val); } return $this->db()->fetchPairs($select); } public function enumIcingaObjects($type, $filters = array()) { $filters = array( 'object_type IN (?)' => array('object', 'external_object') ) + $filters; return $this->enum('icinga_' . $type, null, $filters); } public function enumIcingaTemplates($type, $filters = array()) { $filters = array('object_type = ?' => 'template') + $filters; return $this->enum('icinga_' . $type, null, $filters); } public function fetchDistinctHostVars() { $select = $this->db()->select()->distinct()->from( array('hv' => 'icinga_host_var'), array( 'varname' => 'hv.varname', 'format' => 'hv.format', 'caption' => 'df.caption', 'datatype' => 'df.datatype' ) )->joinLeft( array('df' => 'director_datafield'), 'df.varname = hv.varname', array() )->order('varname'); return $this->db()->fetchAll($select); } public function isPgsql() { return $this->getDbType() === 'pgsql'; } protected function dbHexFunc($column) { if ($this->isPgsql()) { return sprintf("LOWER(ENCODE(%s, 'hex'))", $column); } else { return sprintf("LOWER(HEX(%s))", $column); } } protected function quoteBinary($binary) { if ($this->isPgsql()) { return new Zend_Db_Expr("\\x" . bin2hex($binary)); } return $binary; } public function getUncollectedDeployments() { $db = $this->db(); $query = $db->select() ->from('director_deployment_log') ->where('stage_name IS NOT NULL') ->where('stage_collected IS NULL') ->where('startup_succeeded IS NULL') ->order('stage_name'); return DirectorDeploymentLog::loadAll($this, $query, 'stage_name'); } }