addContent($c); } } else { $this->addIndexedContent(Html::wantHtml($content)); } return $this; } /** * @param $tag * @return BaseElement * @throws ProgrammingError */ public function getFirst($tag) { foreach ($this->content as $c) { if ($c instanceof BaseElement && $c->getTag() === $tag) { return $c; } } throw new ProgrammingError( 'Trying to get first %s, but there is no such', $tag ); } /** * @param $content * @return $this */ public function prepend($content) { if (is_array($content)) { foreach (array_reverse($content) as $c) { $this->prepend($c); } } else { $pos = 0; $html = Html::wantHtml($content); array_unshift($this->content, $html); $this->incrementIndexKeys(); $this->addObjectPosition($html, $pos); } return $this; } public function remove(Html $html) { $key = spl_object_hash($html); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->contentIndex)) { foreach ($this->contentIndex[$key] as $pos) { unset($this->content[$pos]); } } $this->reIndexContent(); } /** * @param $string * @return Html */ public function addPrintf($string) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); return $this->add( new FormattedString($string, $args) ); } /** * Escape the given value top be safely used in view scripts * * @param string $value The output to be escaped * @return string */ public static function escapeForHtml($value) { return htmlspecialchars( $value, static::htmlEscapeFlags(), self::CHARSET, true ); } /** * @param Html|array|string $content * @return $this */ public function setContent($content) { $this->content = array(); static::addContent($content); return $this; } /** * @see Html::add() */ public function addContent($content) { return $this->add($content); } /** * return ValidHtml[] */ public function getContent() { return $this->content; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasContent() { return ! empty($this->content); } /** * @return int */ public function count() { return count($this->content); } /** * @param $separator * @return self */ public function setSeparator($separator) { $this->contentSeparator = $separator; return $this; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function render() { $html = array(); foreach ($this->content as $element) { if (is_string($element)) { var_dump($this->content); } $html[] = $element->render(); } return implode($this->contentSeparator, $html); } /** * @param $tag * @param null $attributes * @param null $content * @return BaseElement */ public static function tag($tag, $attributes = null, $content = null) { return Element::create($tag, $attributes, $content); } /** * @deprecated * @param $name * @param null $attributes * @return Element * @throws ProgrammingError */ public static function element($name, $attributes = null) { // TODO: This might be anything here, add a better check if (! ctype_alnum($name)) { throw new ProgrammingError('Invalid element requested'); } $class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $name; /** @var Element $element */ $element = new $class(); if ($attributes !== null) { $element->setAttributes($attributes); } return $element; } /** * @param $any * @return ValidHtml * @throws IcingaException */ public static function wantHtml($any) { if ($any instanceof ValidHtml) { return $any; } elseif (static::canBeRenderedAsString($any)) { return new Text($any); } elseif (is_array($any)) { $html = new Html(); foreach ($any as $el) { $html->add(static::wantHtml($el)); } return $html; } else { // TODO: Should we add a dedicated Exception class? throw new IcingaException( 'String, Html Element or Array of such expected, got "%s"', Html::getPhpTypeName($any) ); } } public static function canBeRenderedAsString($any) { return is_string($any) || is_int($any) || is_null($any) || is_float($any); } /** * @param $any * @return string */ public static function getPhpTypeName($any) { if (is_object($any)) { return get_class($any); } else { return gettype($any); } } /** * @param $name * @param $arguments * @return BaseElement */ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $attributes = array_shift($arguments); $content = null; if ($attributes instanceof ValidHtml || is_string($attributes)) { $content = $attributes; $attributes = null; } elseif (is_array($attributes)) { if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = null; } elseif (is_int(key($attributes))) { $content = $attributes; $attributes = null; } } if (!empty($arguments)) { if (null === $content) { $content = $arguments; } else { $content = [$content, $arguments]; } } return Element::create($name, $attributes, $content); } /** * @param Exception|string $error * @return string */ public static function renderError($error) { if ($error instanceof Exception) { $file = preg_split('/[\/\\\]/', $error->getFile(), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $file = array_pop($file); $msg = sprintf( '%s (%s:%d)', $error->getMessage(), $file, $error->getLine() ); } elseif (is_string($error)) { $msg = $error; } else { $msg = 'Got an invalid error'; // TODO: translate? } $output = sprintf( // TODO: translate? Be careful when doing so, it must be failsafe! "

" . "Oops, an error occurred!

\n", static::escapeForHtml($msg) ); if (static::showTraces()) { $output .= sprintf( "
\n", static::escapeForHtml($error->getTraceAsString()) ); } $output .= "
\n"; return $output; } /** * @param null $show * @return bool|null */ public static function showTraces($show = null) { if ($show !== null) { self::$showTraces = $show; } return self::$showTraces; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString() { try { return $this->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { return static::renderError($e); } } public static function sprintf($string) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); return new FormattedString($string, $args); } private function reIndexContent() { $this->contentIndex = []; foreach ($this->content as $pos => $html) { $this->addObjectPosition($html, $pos); } } private function addObjectPosition(ValidHtml $html, $pos) { $key = spl_object_hash($html); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->contentIndex)) { $this->contentIndex[$key][] = $pos; } else { $this->contentIndex[$key] = [$pos]; } } private function addIndexedContent(ValidHtml $html) { $pos = count($this->content); $this->content[$pos] = $html; $this->addObjectPosition($html, $pos); } private function incrementIndexKeys() { foreach ($this->contentIndex as & $index) { foreach ($index as & $pos) { $pos++; } } } /** * This defines the flags used when escaping for HTML * * - Single quotes are not escaped (ENT_COMPAT) * - With PHP >= 5.4, invalid characters are replaced with � (ENT_SUBSTITUTE) * - With PHP 5.3 they are ignored (ENT_IGNORE, less secure) * - Uses HTML5 entities for PHP >= 5.4, disallowing * * @return int */ protected static function htmlEscapeFlags() { if (self::$htmlEscapeFlags === null) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { self::$htmlEscapeFlags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5; } else { self::$htmlEscapeFlags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_IGNORE; } } return self::$htmlEscapeFlags; } }