list [options] * * OPTIONS * * --json Use JSON format * --no-pretty JSON is pretty-printed per default (for PHP >= 5.4) * Use this flag to enforce unformatted JSON */ public function listAction() { $db = $this->db(); $result = array(); foreach ($this->getObjects() as $o) { $result[] = $o->getObjectName(); } sort($result); if ($this->params->shift('json')) { echo $this->renderJson($result, !$this->params->shift('no-pretty')); } else { foreach ($result as $name) { echo $name . "\n"; } } } /** * Delete a specific object * * Use this command to delete a single Icinga object * * USAGE * * icingacli director fetch [options] * * OPTIONS * * --resolved Resolve all inherited properties and show a flat * object * --json Use JSON format * --no-pretty JSON is pretty-printed per default (for PHP >= 5.4) * Use this flag to enforce unformatted JSON * --no-defaults Per default JSON output ships null or default values * With this flag you will skip those properties */ public function fetchAction() { $resolved = $this->params->shift('resolved'); if ($this->params->shift('json')) { $noDefaults = $this->params->shift('no-defaults', false); } else { $this->fail('Currently only json is supported when fetching objects'); } $db = $this->db(); $res = array(); foreach ($this->getObjects() as $object) { if ($resolved) { $object = $object::fromPlainObject($object->toPlainObject(true), $db); } $res[$object->getObjectName()] = $object->toPlainObject(false, $noDefaults); } echo $this->renderJson($res, !$this->params->shift('no-pretty')); } protected function getObjects() { if ($this->objects === null) { $this->objects = IcingaObject::loadAllByType( $this->getType(), $this->db() ); } return $this->objects; } protected function getType() { if ($this->type === null) { // Extract the command class name... $className = substr(strrchr(get_class($this), '\\'), 1); // ...and strip the Command extension $this->type = rtrim(substr($className, 0, -7), 's'); } return $this->type; } }