db = $dashboard->getDb(); } /** * @return string[] */ public function listRequiredStats() { return $this->requiredStats; } public function addStats($type, $stats) { $this->stats[$type] = $stats; } /** * @deprecated This is obsolete, should not be used * @param Dashboard $dashboard * @return array */ public static function loadAll(Dashboard $dashboard) { $dashlets = array(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator(__DIR__) as $file) { if ($file->isDot()) { continue; } $filename = $file->getFilename(); if (preg_match('/^(\w+)Dashlet\.php$/', $filename, $match)) { $dashlet = static::loadByName($match[1], $dashboard); if ($dashlet->isAllowed()) { $dashlets[] = $dashlet; } } } return $dashlets; } public static function loadByName($name, Dashboard $dashboard) { $class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $name . 'Dashlet'; return new $class($dashboard); } public static function loadByNames(array $names, Dashboard $dashboard) { $prefix = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\'; $dashlets = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $class = $prefix . $name . 'Dashlet'; /** @var Dashlet $dashlet */ $dashlet = new $class($dashboard); if ($dashlet->isAllowed()) { $dashlets[] = $dashlet; } } return $dashlets; } public function renderClassAttribute() { $classes = $this->listCssClasses(); if (empty($classes)) { return ''; } else { if (! is_array($classes)) { $classes = array($classes); } return ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"'; } } public function listCssClasses() { return array(); } public function getSectionName() { if ($this->sectionName === null) { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Dashlets without a sectionName are not allowed' ); } return $this->sectionName; } public function getIconName() { return $this->icon; } abstract public function getTitle(); abstract public function getUrl(); public function renderContent() { $this->add( Link::create( [ $this->getTitle(), Icon::create($this->getIconName()), Html::tag('p', null, $this->getSummary()) ], $this->getUrl(), null, ['class' => $this->listCssClasses()] ) ); return parent::renderContent(); } public function listRequiredPermissions() { return array($this->getUrl()); } public function isAllowed() { $acl = Acl::instance(); foreach ($this->listRequiredPermissions() as $perm) { if (! $acl->hasPermission($perm)) { return false; } } return true; } public function shouldBeShown() { return true; } public function getSummary() { $result = ''; if (! empty($this->requiredStats)) { $result .= $this->statSummary(current($this->requiredStats)); } return $result; } public function getStats($type, $name = null) { if ($name === null) { return $this->stats[$type]; } else { return $this->stats[$type]->{'cnt_' . $name}; } } protected function getTemplateSummaryText($type) { $cnt = (int) $this->stats[$type]->cnt_template; if ($cnt === 0) { return $this->translate('No template has been defined yet'); } if ($cnt === 1) { return $this->translate('One template has been defined'); } return sprintf( $this->translate('%d templates have been defined'), $cnt ); } protected function getApplySummaryText($type) { $cnt = (int) $this->stats[$type]->cnt_apply; if ($cnt === 0) { return $this->translate('No apply rule has been defined yet'); } if ($cnt === 1) { return $this->translate('One apply rule has been defined'); } return sprintf( $this->translate('%d apply rules have been defined'), $cnt ); } protected function statSummary($type) { $stat = $this->stats[$type]; if ((int) $stat->cnt_total === 0) { return $this->translate('No object has been defined yet'); } if ((int) $stat->cnt_total === 1) { if ($stat->cnt_template > 0) { $msg = $this->translate('One template has been defined'); } elseif ($stat->cnt_external > 0) { $msg = $this->translate( 'One external object has been defined, it will not be deployed' ); } else { $msg = $this->translate('One object has been defined'); } } else { $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('%d objects have been defined'), $stat->cnt_total ); } $extra = array(); if ($stat->cnt_total !== $stat->cnt_object) { if ($stat->cnt_template > 0) { $extra[] = sprintf( $this->translate('%d of them are templates'), $stat->cnt_template ); } if ($stat->cnt_external > 0) { $extra[] = sprintf( $this->translate( '%d have been externally defined and will not be deployed' ), $stat->cnt_external ); } } if (array_key_exists($type . 'group', $this->stats)) { $groupstat = $this->stats[$type . 'group']; if ((int) $groupstat->cnt_total === 0) { $extra[] = $this->translate('no related group exists'); } elseif ((int) $groupstat->cnt_total === 1) { $extra[] = $this->translate('one related group exists'); } else { $extra[] = sprintf( $this->translate('%s related group objects have been created'), $groupstat->cnt_total ); } } if (empty($extra)) { return $msg; } return $msg . ', ' . implode(', ', $extra); } }