null, 'object_name' => null, 'description' => null, 'min_required' => 0, 'max_allowed' => 1, 'required_template_id' => null, 'allowed_roles' => null, ]; private $choices; private $newChoices; public function getObjectShortTableName() { return substr(substr($this->table, 0, -16), 7); } public function getUniqueIdentifier() { return $this->getObjectName(); } public function isMainChoice() { return $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb() && $this->connection->settings()->get('main_host_choice'); } public function getObjectTableName() { return substr($this->table, 0, -16); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @param array $imports * @param string $namePrefix * @return \Zend_Form_Element * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ public function createFormElement(QuickForm $form, $imports = [], $namePrefix = 'choice') { $required = $this->isRequired() && !$this->isTemplate(); $type = $this->allowsMultipleChoices() ? 'multiselect' : 'select'; $choices = $this->enumChoices(); $chosen = []; foreach ($imports as $import) { if (array_key_exists($import, $choices)) { $chosen[] = $import; } } $attributes = [ 'label' => $this->getObjectName(), 'description' => $this->get('description'), 'required' => $required, 'ignore' => true, 'value' => $chosen, 'multiOptions' => $form->optionalEnum($choices), 'class' => 'autosubmit' ]; // unused if ($type === 'extensibleSet') { $attributes['sorted'] = true; } $key = $namePrefix . $this->get('id'); return $form->createElement($type, $key, $attributes); } public function isRequired() { return (int) $this->get('min_required') > 0; } public function allowsMultipleChoices() { return (int) $this->get('max_allowed') > 1; } public function hasBeenModified() { if ($this->newChoices !== null && ($this->choices ?? $this->fetchChoices()) !== $this->newChoices) { return true; } return parent::hasBeenModified(); } public function getMembers() { return $this->enumChoices(); } public function setMembers($members) { if (empty($members)) { $this->newChoices = array(); return $this; } $db = $this->getDb(); $query = $db->select()->from( ['o' => $this->getObjectTableName()], ['', 'o.object_name'] )->where("o.object_type = 'template'") ->where('o.object_name IN (?)', $members) ->order('o.object_name'); $this->newChoices = $db->fetchPairs($query); return $this; } public function getChoices() { if ($this->newChoices !== null) { return $this->newChoices; } if ($this->choices === null) { $this->choices = $this->fetchChoices(); } return $this->choices; } public function fetchChoices() { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $db = $this->getDb(); $query = $db->select()->from( ['o' => $this->getObjectTableName()], ['', 'o.object_name'] )->where("o.object_type = 'template'") ->where('o.template_choice_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('o.object_name'); return $db->fetchPairs($query); } else { return []; } } public function enumChoices() { $choices = $this->getChoices(); return array_combine($choices, $choices); } /** * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function onStore() { parent::onStore(); if ($this->newChoices !== $this->choices) { $this->storeChoices(); } } /** * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ protected function storeChoices() { $id = $this->getProperty('id'); $db = $this->getDb(); $ids = array_keys($this->newChoices); $table = $this->getObjectTableName(); if (empty($ids)) { $db->update( $table, ['template_choice_id' => null], $db->quoteInto( sprintf('template_choice_id = %d', $id), $ids ) ); } else { $db->update( $table, ['template_choice_id' => null], $db->quoteInto( sprintf('template_choice_id = %d AND id NOT IN (?)', $id), $ids ) ); $db->update( $table, ['template_choice_id' => $id], $db->quoteInto('id IN (?)', $ids) ); } } /** * @param $roles * @throws ProgrammingError * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ public function setAllowed_roles($roles) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd $key = 'allowed_roles'; if (is_array($roles)) { $this->reallySet($key, json_encode($roles)); } elseif (null === $roles) { $this->reallySet($key, null); } else { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Expected array or null for allowed_roles, got %s', var_export($roles, 1) ); } } /** * @return array|null * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ public function getAllowed_roles() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd // Might be removed once all choice types have allowed_roles if (! array_key_exists('allowed_roles', $this->properties)) { return null; } $roles = $this->getProperty('allowed_roles'); if (is_string($roles)) { return json_decode($roles); } else { return $roles; } } /** * @param $type * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ public function setObject_type($type) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } }