'object_name' ); protected $object; protected $flatObject; protected static $type; protected static $preparedFilters = array(); public static function prepare(IcingaObject $object) { return new static($object); } /** * Prepare a Filter with fixed columns, and store the result * * @param Filter $filter * * @return Filter */ protected static function getPreparedFilter(Filter $filter) { $hash = spl_object_hash($filter); if (! array_key_exists($hash, self::$preparedFilters)) { $filter = clone($filter); static::fixFilterColumns($filter); self::$preparedFilters[$hash] = $filter; } return self::$preparedFilters[$hash]; } public function matchesFilter(Filter $filter) { $filterObj = static::getPreparedFilter($filter); if ($filterObj->isExpression() || ! $filterObj->isEmpty()) { return $filterObj->matches($this->flatObject); } else { return false; } } /** * @param Filter $filter * @param Db $db * * @return array */ public static function forFilter(Filter $filter, Db $db) { $result = array(); Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Starting Filter %s', $filter)); $filter = clone($filter); static::fixFilterColumns($filter); foreach (static::flatObjects($db) as $object) { if ($filter->matches($object)) { $name = $object->object_name; $result[] = $name; } } Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Got %d results for %s', count($result), $filter)); return array_values($result); } protected static function getType() { if (static::$type === null) { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Implementations of %s need ::$type to be defined, %s has not', __CLASS__, get_called_class() ); } return static::$type; } protected static function flatObjects(Db $db) { if (self::$flatObjects === null) { self::$flatObjects = static::fetchFlatObjects($db); } return self::$flatObjects; } protected static function raiseLimits() { // Note: IcingaConfig also raises the limit for generation, **but** we // need the higher limit for preview. MemoryLimit::raiseTo('1024M'); } protected static function fetchFlatObjects(Db $db) { return static::fetchFlatObjectsByType($db, static::getType()); } protected static function fetchFlatObjectsByType(Db $db, $type) { self::raiseLimits(); Benchmark::measure("ObjectApplyMatches: prefetching $type"); PrefetchCache::initialize($db); /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = IcingaObject::classByType($type); $all = $class::prefetchAll($db); Benchmark::measure("ObjectApplyMatches: related objects for $type"); $class::prefetchAllRelationsByType($type, $db); Benchmark::measure("ObjectApplyMatches: preparing flat $type objects"); $objects = array(); foreach ($all as $object) { if ($object->isTemplate()) { continue; } $flat = $object->toPlainObject(true, false); static::flattenVars($flat); $objects[$object->getObjectName()] = $flat; } Benchmark::measure("ObjectApplyMatches: $type cache ready"); return $objects; } public static function fixFilterColumns(Filter $filter) { if ($filter->isExpression()) { static::fixFilterExpressionColumn($filter); } else { foreach ($filter->filters() as $sub) { static::fixFilterColumns($sub); } } } protected static function fixFilterExpressionColumn(FilterExpression $filter) { if (static::columnIsJson($filter)) { $column = $filter->getExpression(); $filter->setExpression($filter->getColumn()); $filter->setColumn($column); } /** @var FilterExpression $filter */ $col = $filter->getColumn(); $type = static::$type; if (substr($col, 0, strlen($type) + 1) === "${type}.") { $filter->setColumn($col = substr($col, strlen($type) + 1)); } if (array_key_exists($col, self::$columnMap)) { $filter->setColumn(self::$columnMap[$col]); } $filter->setExpression(json_decode($filter->getExpression())); } protected static function columnIsJson(FilterExpression $filter) { $col = $filter->getColumn(); return strlen($col) && $col[0] === '"'; } /** * Helper, flattens all vars of a given object * * The object itself will be modified, and the 'vars' property will be * replaced with corresponding 'vars.whatever' properties * * @param $object * @param string $key */ protected static function flattenVars(stdClass $object, $key = 'vars') { if (property_exists($object, 'vars')) { foreach ($object->vars as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v)) { static::flattenVars($v, $k); } $object->{$key . '.' . $k} = $v; } unset($object->vars); } } protected function __construct(IcingaObject $object) { $this->object = $object; $this->flatObject = $object->toPlainObject(true, false); // Sure, we are flat - but we might still want to match templates. unset($this->flatObject->imports); $this->flatObject->templates = $object->listFlatResolvedImportNames(); static::flattenVars($this->flatObject); } }