db(); $this->clearLastDeployment(); if ($this->shouldGenerate()) { $config = IcingaConfig::generate($db); } else { $config = $this->loadLatestActivityConfig(); } if ($this->shouldDeploy($config)) { $this->deploy($config); } $this->clearLastDeployment(); } protected function api() { if ($this->api === null) { $this->api = $this->db()->getDeploymentEndpoint()->api(); } return $this->api; } protected function loadLatestActivityConfig() { $db = $this->db(); return IcingaConfig::loadByActivityChecksum( $db->getLastActivityChecksum(), $db ); } protected function shouldGenerate() { return $this->getSetting('force_generate') === 'y' || ! $this->configForLatestActivityExists(); } protected function configForLatestActivityExists() { $db = $this->db(); return IcingaConfig::existsForActivityChecksum( Util::binary2hex(DirectorActivityLog::loadLatest($db)->checksum), $db ); } protected function shouldDeploy(IcingaConfig $config) { $db = $this->db(); if ($this->getSetting('deploy_when_changed') !== 'y') { return false; } $api = $this->api(); $api->collectLogFiles($db); if (! DirectorDeploymentLog::hasDeployments($db)) { return true; } if ($this->isWithinGracePeriod()) { return false; } if ($this->getActiveChecksum() === $config->getHexChecksum()) { return false; } // $current = $api->getActiveChecksum($db); // TODO: no current, but last deployment return true; } protected function deploy(IcingaConfig $config) { $db = $this->db(); $api = $this->api(); $api->wipeInactiveStages($db); $checksum = $config->getHexChecksum(); $this->info('Director ConfigJob ready to deploy "%s"', $checksum); if ($api->dumpConfig($config, $db)) { $this->info('Director ConfigJob deployed config "%s"', $checksum); // TODO: Loop and try multiple times? sleep(2); try { $api->collectLogFiles($db); } catch (Exception $e) { // Ignore those errors, Icinga may be reloading } } else { throw new IcingaException('Failed to deploy config "%s"', $checksum); } } protected function getGracePeriodStart() { return time() - $this->getSetting('grace_period'); } public function getRemainingGraceTime() { if ($this->isWithinGracePeriod()) { return $deployment->getDeploymentTimestamp() + $this->getSetting('grace_period') - time(); } return 0; } protected function isWithinGracePeriod() { if ($deployment = $this->lastDeployment()) { return $deployment->getDeploymentTimestamp() > $this->getGracePeriodStart(); } return false; } protected function getActiveChecksum() { return DirectorDeploymentLog::getConfigChecksumForStageName( $this->db(), $this->api()->getActiveStageName() ); } protected function lastDeployment() { if ($this->lastDeployment === null) { $this->lastDeployment = DirectorDeploymentLog::loadLatest($this->db()); } return $this->lastDeployment; } protected function clearLastDeployment() { $this->lastDeployment = null; return $this; } public static function addSettingsFormFields(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('select', 'force_generate', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Force rendering'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Whether rendering should be forced. If not enforced, this' . ' job re-renders the configuration only when there have been' . ' activities since the last rendered config' ), 'value' => 'n', 'multiOptions' => array( 'y' => $form->translate('Yes'), 'n' => $form->translate('No'), ) )); $form->addElement('select', 'deploy_when_changed', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Deploy modified config'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'This allows you to immediately deploy a modified configuration' ), 'value' => 'n', 'multiOptions' => array( 'y' => $form->translate('Yes'), 'n' => $form->translate('No'), ) )); $form->addElement('text', 'grace_period', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Grace period'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'When deploying configuration, wait at least this amount of' . ' seconds unless the next deployment should take place' ), 'value' => 600, )); return $form; } public static function getDescription(QuickForm $form) { return $form->translate( 'The Config job allows you to generate and eventually deploy your' . ' Icinga 2 configuration' ); } }