assertPermission('director/hosts'); } public function init() { if ($host = $this->params->get('host')) { $this->host = IcingaHost::load($host, $this->db()); } elseif ($hostId = $this->params->get('host_id')) { $this->host = IcingaHost::loadWithAutoIncId($hostId, $this->db()); } elseif ($set = $this->params->get('set')) { $this->set = IcingaServiceSet::load(['object_name' => $set], $this->db()); } elseif ($apply = $this->params->get('apply')) { $this->apply = IcingaService::load( ['object_name' => $apply, 'object_type' => 'template'], $this->db() ); } parent::init(); if ($this->host) { $hostname = $this->host->getObjectName(); $tabs = new Tabs(); $tabs->add('host', [ 'url' => 'director/host', 'urlParams' => ['name' => $hostname], 'label' => $this->translate('Host'), ])->add('services', [ 'url' => 'director/host/services', 'urlParams' => ['name' => $hostname], 'label' => $this->translate('Services'), ]); $this->addParamToTabs('host', $hostname); $this->controls()->prependTabs($tabs); } if ($this->object) { if (! $this->set && $this->object->get('service_set_id')) { $this->set = $this->object->getRelated('service_set'); } } if ($this->set) { $setName = $this->set->getObjectName(); $tabs = new Tabs(); $tabs->add('set', [ 'url' => 'director/serviceset', 'urlParams' => ['name' => $setName], 'label' => $this->translate('Serviceset'), ])->add('services', [ 'url' => 'director/serviceset/services', 'urlParams' => ['name' => $setName], 'label' => $this->translate('Services'), ]); $this->addParamToTabs('serviceset', $setName); $this->controls()->prependTabs($tabs); } } protected function addParamToTabs($name, $value) { foreach ($this->tabs()->getTabs() as $tab) { /** @var Tab $tab */ $tab->getUrl()->setParam($name, $value); } return $this; } public function addAction() { parent::addAction(); if ($this->host) { $this->view->title = $this->host->object_name . ': ' . $this->view->title; } elseif ($this->set) { $this->view->title = sprintf( $this->translate('Add a service to "%s"'), $this->set->object_name ); } elseif ($this->apply) { $this->view->title = sprintf( $this->translate('Apply "%s"'), $this->apply->object_name ); } } protected function onObjectFormLoaded(DirectorObjectForm $form) { if ($this->set) { /** @var IcingaServiceForm$form */ $form->setServiceSet($this->set); } if ($this->object === null && $this->apply) { $form->createApplyRuleFor($this->apply); } } public function editAction() { $this->tabs()->activate('modify'); /** @var IcingaService $object */ $object = $this->object; $this->addTitle($object->getObjectName()); if ($this->host) { $this->actions()->add(Link::create( $this->translate('back'), 'director/host/services', ['name' => $this->host->getObjectName()], ['class' => 'icon-left-big'] )); } $form = IcingaServiceForm::load()->setDb($this->db()); if ($this->set) { $form->setServiceSet($this->set); } if ($this->host && $object->usesVarOverrides()) { $fake = IcingaService::create(array( 'object_type' => 'object', 'host_id' => $object->get('host_id'), 'imports' => $object, 'object_name' => $object->object_name, 'use_var_overrides' => 'y', 'vars' => $this->host->getOverriddenServiceVars($object->object_name), ), $this->db()); $form->setObject($fake); } else { $form->setObject($object); } $form->handleRequest(); $this->addActionClone(); if ($this->host) { $this->view->subtitle = sprintf( $this->translate('(on %s)'), $this->host->object_name ); } try { if ($object->isTemplate() && $object->getResolvedProperty('check_command_id') ) { $this->view->actionLinks .= ' ' . $this->view->qlink( 'Create apply-rule', 'director/service/add', array('apply' => $object->object_name), array('class' => 'icon-plus') ); } } catch (Exception $e) { // ignore the error, show no apply link } $this->content()->add($form); } public function assignAction() { // TODO: figure out whether and where we link to this /** @var IcingaService $service */ $service = $this->object; $this->actions()->add(new Link( $this->translate('back'), $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->without('rule_id'), null, array('class' => 'icon-left-big') )); $this->tabs()->activate('applied'); $this->addTitle( $this->translate('Apply: %s'), $service->getObjectName() ); $table = (new IcingaAppliedServiceTable($this->db())) ->setService($service); $table->getAttributes()->set('data-base-target', '_self'); $this->content()->add($table); } protected function loadObject() { if ($this->object === null) { if ($id = $this->params->get('id')) { $this->object = IcingaService::loadWithAutoIncId( (int) $id, $this->db() ); } elseif ($name = $this->params->get('name')) { $params = array('object_name' => $name); $db = $this->db(); if ($this->host) { // $this->view->host = $this->host; $params['host_id'] = $this->host->id; } if ($this->set) { // $this->view->set = $this->set; $params['service_set_id'] = $this->set->id; } $this->object = IcingaService::load($params, $db); } else { parent::loadObject(); } } return $this->object; } }