hasProperty($key)) { return parent::set($key, $value); } if (! array_key_exists($key, $this->settings) || $value !== $this->settings[$key]) { $this->hasBeenModified = true; } $this->settings[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function get($key) { if ($this->hasProperty($key)) { return parent::get($key); } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->settings)) { return $this->settings[$key]; } return parent::get($key); } public function setSettings($settings) { $this->settings = (array) $settings; return $this; } public function getSettings() { return $this->settings; } public function getSetting($name, $default = null) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->settings)) { return $this->settings[$name]; } return $default; } public function getStoredSetting($name, $default = null) { $stored = $this->fetchSettingsFromDb(); if (array_key_exists($name, $stored)) { return $stored[$name]; } return $default; } public function __unset($key) { if ($this->hasProperty($key)) { parent::__unset($key); } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->settings)) { unset($this->settings[$key]); $this->hasBeenModified = true; } } protected function onStore() { $old = $this->fetchSettingsFromDb(); $oldKeys = array_keys($old); $newKeys = array_keys($this->settings); $add = []; $mod = []; $del = []; $id = $this->get('id'); foreach ($this->settings as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($key, $old)) { if ($old[$key] !== $this->settings[$key]) { $mod[$key] = $this->settings[$key]; } } else { $add[$key] = $this->settings[$key]; } } foreach (array_diff($oldKeys, $newKeys) as $key) { $del[] = $key; } $where = sprintf($this->settingsRemoteId . ' = %d AND setting_name = ?', $id); $db = $this->getDb(); foreach ($mod as $key => $val) { $db->update( $this->settingsTable, ['setting_value' => $val], $db->quoteInto($where, $key) ); } foreach ($add as $key => $val) { $db->insert( $this->settingsTable, [ $this->settingsRemoteId => $id, 'setting_name' => $key, 'setting_value' => $val ] ); } if (! empty($del)) { $where = sprintf($this->settingsRemoteId . ' = %d AND setting_name IN (?)', $id); $db->delete($this->settingsTable, $db->quoteInto($where, $del)); } } protected function fetchSettingsFromDb() { $db = $this->getDb(); $id = $this->get('id'); if (! $id) { return []; } return $db->fetchPairs( $db->select() ->from($this->settingsTable, ['setting_name', 'setting_value']) ->where($this->settingsRemoteId . ' = ?', $id) ->order('setting_name') ); } protected function onLoadFromDb() { $this->settings = $this->fetchSettingsFromDb(); } }