connection = $connection; $this->db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); } /** * @return $this * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function refreshAllMappings() { return $this->clearGroups()->clearObjects()->refreshDb(true); } /** * @param bool $force * @return $this * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function refreshDb($force = false) { if ($force || ! $this->isDeferred()) { if ($this->isDeferred()) { // ensure we are not working with cached data IcingaTemplateRepository::clear(); } Benchmark::measure('Rechecking all objects'); $this->recheckAllObjects($this->getAppliedGroups()); Benchmark::measure('Recheck done, loading existing mappings'); $this->fetchStoredMappings(); Benchmark::measure('Ready, going to store new mappings'); $this->storeNewMappings(); $this->removeOutdatedMappings(); } return $this; } /** * @param bool $defer * @return $this */ public function defer($defer = true) { $this->deferred = $defer; return $this; } /** * @param $use * @return $this */ public function setUseTransactions($use) { $this->useTransactions = $use; return $this; } public function getType() { if ($this->type === null) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( '"type" is required when extending %s, got none in %s', __CLASS__, get_class($this) )); } return $this->type; } /** * @return bool */ public function isDeferred() { return $this->deferred; } /** * @param IcingaObject $object * @return $this */ public function addObject(IcingaObject $object) { // Hint: cannot use hasBeenLoadedFromDB, as it is false in onStore() // for new objects if (null === ($id = $object->get('id'))) { return $this; } // Disabling for now, how should this work? // $this->assertBeenLoadedFromDb($object); if ($this->objects === null) { $this->objects = []; } $this->objects[$id] = $object; $this->includeChildObjects($object); return $this; } /** * @param IcingaObject[] $objects * @return $this */ public function addObjects(array $objects) { foreach ($objects as $object) { $this->addObject($object); } return $this; } protected function includeChildObjects(IcingaObject $object) { if ($object->get('object_type') !== 'template') { return $this; } $query = $this->db->select() ->from(['o' => $object->getTableName()]); IcingaObjectFilterHelper::filterByTemplate( $query, $object, 'o', Db\IcingaObjectFilterHelper::INHERIT_DIRECT_OR_INDIRECT ); foreach ($object::loadAll($this->connection, $query) as $child) { $this->objects[$child->getProperty('id')] = $child; } return $this; } /** * @param IcingaObject $object * @return $this */ public function setObject(IcingaObject $object) { $this->clearObjects(); return $this->addObject($object); } /** * @param IcingaObject[] $objects * @return $this */ public function setObjects(array $objects) { $this->clearObjects(); return $this->addObjects($objects); } /** * @return $this */ public function clearObjects() { $this->objects = array(); return $this; } /** * @param IcingaObjectGroup $group * @return $this */ public function addGroup(IcingaObjectGroup $group) { $this->assertBeenLoadedFromDb($group); $this->groups[$group->get('id')] = $group; return $this; } /** * @param IcingaObjectGroup[] $groups * @return $this */ public function addGroups(array $groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $this->addGroup($group); } return $this; } /** * @param IcingaObjectGroup $group * @return $this */ public function setGroup(IcingaObjectGroup $group) { $this->clearGroups(); return $this->addGroup($group); } /** * @param array $groups * @return $this */ public function setGroups(array $groups) { $this->clearGroups(); return $this->addGroups($groups); } /** * @return $this */ public function clearGroups() { $this->objects = array(); return $this; } /** * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ protected function storeNewMappings() { $diff = $this->getDifference($this->newMappings, $this->existingMappings); $count = count($diff); if ($count === 0) { return; } $db = $this->db; $this->beginTransaction(); foreach ($diff as $row) { $db->insert( $this->getResolvedTableName(), $row ); } $this->commit(); Benchmark::measure( sprintf( 'Stored %d new resolved group memberships', $count ) ); } protected function getGroupId($name) { if ($this->groupMap === null) { $this->groupMap = $this->db->fetchPairs( $this->db->select()->from('icinga_hostgroup', ['object_name', 'id']) ); } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->groupMap)) { return $this->groupMap[$name]; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Unable to lookup the group name for "%s"', $name ); } } protected function removeOutdatedMappings() { $diff = $this->getDifference($this->existingMappings, $this->newMappings); $count = count($diff); if ($count === 0) { return; } $type = $this->getType(); $db = $this->db; $this->beginTransaction(); foreach ($diff as $row) { $db->delete( $this->getResolvedTableName(), sprintf( "(${type}group_id = %d AND ${type}_id = %d)", $row["${type}group_id"], $row["${type}_id"] ) ); } $this->commit(); Benchmark::measure( sprintf( 'Removed %d outdated group memberships', $count ) ); } protected function getDifference(& $left, & $right) { $diff = array(); $type = $this->getType(); foreach ($left as $groupId => $objectIds) { if (array_key_exists($groupId, $right)) { foreach ($objectIds as $objectId) { if (! array_key_exists($objectId, $right[$groupId])) { $diff[] = array( "${type}group_id" => $groupId, "${type}_id" => $objectId, ); } } } else { foreach ($objectIds as $objectId) { $diff[] = array( "${type}group_id" => $groupId, "${type}_id" => $objectId, ); } } } return $diff; } /** * This fetches already resolved memberships */ protected function fetchStoredMappings() { $mappings = array(); $type = $this->getType(); $query = $this->db->select()->from( array('hgh' => $this->getResolvedTableName()), array( 'group_id' => "${type}group_id", 'object_id' => "${type}_id", ) ); $this->addMembershipWhere($query, "${type}_id", $this->objects); $this->addMembershipWhere($query, "${type}group_id", $this->groups); if (! empty($this->groups)) { // load staticGroups (we touched here) additionally, so we can compare changes $this->addMembershipWhere($query, "${type}group_id", $this->staticGroups); } foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query) as $row) { $groupId = $row->group_id; $objectId = $row->object_id; if (! array_key_exists($groupId, $mappings)) { $mappings[$groupId] = array(); } $mappings[$groupId][$objectId] = $objectId; } $this->existingMappings = $mappings; } /** * @param ZfSelect $query * @param string $column * @param IcingaObject[]|int[] $objects * @return ZfSelect */ protected function addMembershipWhere(ZfSelect $query, $column, & $objects) { if (empty($objects)) { return $query; } $ids = array(); foreach ($objects as $k => $object) { if (is_int($object)) { $ids[] = $k; } elseif (is_string($object)) { $ids[] = (int) $object; } else { $ids[] = (int) $object->get('id'); } } if (count($ids) === 1) { $query->orWhere($column . ' = ?', $ids[0]); } else { $query->orWhere($column . ' IN (?)', $ids); } return $query; } protected function recheckAllObjects($groups) { $mappings = []; $staticGroups = []; if ($this->objects === null) { $objects = $this->fetchAllObjects(); } else { $objects = & $this->objects; } $times = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object->shouldBeRemoved()) { continue; } $mt = microtime(true); $id = $object->get('id'); // TODO: fix this last hard host dependency $resolver = HostApplyMatches::prepare($object); foreach ($groups as $groupId => $filter) { if ($resolver->matchesFilter($filter)) { if (! array_key_exists($groupId, $mappings)) { $mappings[$groupId] = []; } $mappings[$groupId][$id] = $id; } } // can only be run reliably when updating for all groups $groupNames = $object->get('groups'); if (empty($groupNames)) { $groupNames = $object->listInheritedGroupNames(); } foreach ($groupNames as $name) { $groupId = $this->getGroupId($name); if (! array_key_exists($groupId, $mappings)) { $mappings[$groupId] = []; } $mappings[$groupId][$id] = $id; $staticGroups[$groupId] = $groupId; } $times[] = (microtime(true) - $mt) * 1000; } $count = count($times); $min = $max = $avg = 0; if ($count > 0) { $min = min($times); $max = max($times); $avg = array_sum($times) / $count; } Benchmark::measure(sprintf( 'Hostgroup apply recalculated: objects=%d groups=%d min=%d max=%d avg=%d (in ms)', $count, count($groups), $min, $max, $avg )); Benchmark::measure('Done with single assignments'); $this->newMappings = $mappings; $this->staticGroups = $staticGroups; } protected function getAppliedGroups() { if (empty($this->groups)) { return $this->fetchAppliedGroups(); } else { return $this->buildAppliedGroups(); } } protected function buildAppliedGroups() { $list = array(); foreach ($this->groups as $id => $group) { $list[$id] = $group->get('assign_filter'); } return $this->parseFilters($list); } protected function fetchAppliedGroups() { $type = $this->getType(); $query = $this->db->select()->from( array('hg' => "icinga_${type}group"), array( 'id', 'assign_filter', ) )->where("assign_filter IS NOT NULL AND assign_filter != ''"); return $this->parseFilters($this->db->fetchPairs($query)); } /** * Parsing a list of query strings to Filter * * @param string[] $list List of query strings * * @return Filter[] */ protected function parseFilters($list) { return array_map(function ($s) { return Filter::fromQueryString($s); }, $list); } protected function getTableName() { $type = $this->getType(); return "icinga_${type}group_${type}"; } protected function getResolvedTableName() { return $this->getTableName() . '_resolved'; } /** * @return $this */ protected function beginTransaction() { if ($this->useTransactions) { $this->db->beginTransaction(); } return $this; } /** * @return $this */ protected function commit() { if ($this->useTransactions) { $this->db->commit(); } return $this; } /** * @return IcingaObject[] */ protected function getObjects() { if ($this->objects === null) { $this->objects = $this->fetchAllObjects(); } return $this->objects; } protected function fetchAllObjects() { return IcingaObject::loadAllByType($this->getType(), $this->connection); } protected function assertBeenLoadedFromDb(IcingaObject $object) { if (! is_int($object->get('id')) && ! ctype_digit($object->get('id'))) { throw new LogicException( 'Group resolver does not support unstored objects' ); } } }