loop = $loop; $this->loop->futureTick(function () { $this->initialize(); }); if ($ownLoop) { $loop->run(); } } public function setDbResourceName($name) { $this->dbResourceName = $name; return $this; } protected function initialize() { $this->registerSignalHandlers($this->loop); $this->processState = new DaemonProcessState('icinga::director'); $this->jobRunner = new JobRunner($this->loop); $this->systemd = $this->eventuallyInitializeSystemd(); $this->processState->setSystemd($this->systemd); if ($this->systemd) { $this->systemd->setReady(); } $this->setState('ready'); $this->processDetails = $this ->initializeProcessDetails($this->systemd) ->registerProcessList($this->jobRunner->getProcessList()); $this->logProxy = new LogProxy($this->processDetails->getInstanceUuid()); $this->jobRunner->forwardLog($this->logProxy); $this->daemonDb = $this->initializeDb( $this->processDetails, $this->processState, $this->dbResourceName ); $this->daemonDb ->register($this->jobRunner) ->register($this->logProxy) ->run($this->loop); $this->setState('running'); } /** * @param NotifySystemD|false $systemd * @return DaemonProcessDetails */ protected function initializeProcessDetails($systemd) { if ($systemd && $systemd->hasInvocationId()) { $uuid = $systemd->getInvocationId(); } else { try { $uuid = \bin2hex(Uuid::uuid4()->getBytes()); } catch (Exception $e) { $uuid = 'deadc0de' . \substr(\md5(\getmypid()), 0, 24); } } $processDetails = new DaemonProcessDetails($uuid); if ($systemd) { $processDetails->set('running_with_systemd', 'y'); } return $processDetails; } protected function eventuallyInitializeSystemd() { $systemd = NotifySystemD::ifRequired($this->loop); if ($systemd) { Logger::replaceRunningInstance(new SystemdLogWriter()); Logger::info(sprintf( "Started by systemd, notifying watchdog every %0.2Gs via %s", $systemd->getWatchdogInterval(), $systemd->getSocketPath() )); } else { Logger::debug('Running without systemd'); } return $systemd; } /** * @return DaemonProcessDetails */ public function getProcessDetails() { return $this->processDetails; } /** * @return DaemonProcessState */ public function getProcessState() { return $this->processState; } protected function initializeDb( DaemonProcessDetails $processDetails, DaemonProcessState $processState, $dbResourceName = null ) { $db = new DaemonDb($processDetails); $db->on('state', function ($state, $level = null) use ($processState) { // TODO: level is sent but not used $processState->setComponentState('db', $state); }); $db->on('schemaChange', function ($startupSchema, $dbSchema) { Logger::info(sprintf( "DB schema version changed. Started with %d, DB has %d. Restarting.", $startupSchema, $dbSchema )); $this->reload(); }); $db->setConfigWatch( $dbResourceName ? DbResourceConfigWatch::name($dbResourceName) : DbResourceConfigWatch::module('director') ); return $db; } protected function registerSignalHandlers(LoopInterface $loop) { $func = function ($signal) use (&$func) { $this->shutdownWithSignal($signal, $func); }; $funcReload = function () { $this->reload(); }; $loop->addSignal(SIGHUP, $funcReload); $loop->addSignal(SIGINT, $func); $loop->addSignal(SIGTERM, $func); } protected function shutdownWithSignal($signal, &$func) { $this->loop->removeSignal($signal, $func); $this->shutdown(); } public function reload() { if ($this->reloading) { Logger::error('Ignoring reload request, reload is already in progress'); return; } $this->reloading = true; Logger::info('Going gown for reload now'); $this->setState('reloading the main process'); $this->daemonDb->disconnect()->then(function () { Process::restart(); }); } protected function shutdown() { if ($this->shuttingDown) { Logger::error('Ignoring shutdown request, shutdown is already in progress'); return; } Logger::info('Shutting down'); $this->shuttingDown = true; $this->setState('shutting down'); $this->daemonDb->disconnect()->then(function () { Logger::info('DB has been disconnected, shutdown finished'); $this->loop->stop(); }); } protected function setState($state) { if ($this->processState) { $this->processState->setState($state); } return $this; } }