DirectorDatafieldCategory::class, 'Datafield' => DirectorDatafield::class, 'TimePeriod' => IcingaTimePeriod::class, 'CommandTemplate' => [IcingaCommand::class, ['object_type' => 'template']], 'ExternalCommand' => [IcingaCommand::class, ['object_type' => 'external_object']], 'Command' => [IcingaCommand::class, ['object_type' => 'object']], 'HostGroup' => IcingaHostGroup::class, 'IcingaTemplateChoiceHost' => IcingaTemplateChoiceHost::class, 'HostTemplate' => IcingaHost::class, 'ServiceGroup' => IcingaServiceGroup::class, 'IcingaTemplateChoiceService' => IcingaTemplateChoiceService::class, 'ServiceTemplate' => IcingaService::class, 'ServiceSet' => IcingaServiceSet::class, 'UserGroup' => IcingaUserGroup::class, 'UserTemplate' => [IcingaUser::class, ['object_type' => 'template']], 'User' => [IcingaUser::class, ['object_type' => 'object']], 'NotificationTemplate' => IcingaNotification::class, 'Notification' => [IcingaNotification::class, ['object_type' => 'apply']], 'DataList' => DirectorDatalist::class, 'Dependency' => IcingaDependency::class, 'ImportSource' => ImportSource::class, 'SyncRule' => SyncRule::class, 'DirectorJob' => DirectorJob::class, 'Basket' => Basket::class, ]; protected $objects = []; protected $content; protected $table = 'director_basket_snapshot'; protected $keyName = [ 'basket_uuid', 'ts_create', ]; protected $restoreOrder = [ 'CommandTemplate', 'ExternalCommand', 'Command', 'TimePeriod', 'HostGroup', 'IcingaTemplateChoiceHost', 'HostTemplate', 'ServiceGroup', 'IcingaTemplateChoiceService', 'ServiceTemplate', 'ServiceSet', 'UserGroup', 'UserTemplate', 'User', 'NotificationTemplate', 'Notification', 'Dependency', 'ImportSource', 'SyncRule', 'DirectorJob', 'Basket', ]; protected $defaultProperties = [ 'basket_uuid' => null, 'content_checksum' => null, 'ts_create' => null, ]; protected $binaryProperties = [ 'basket_uuid', 'content_checksum', ]; public static function supports($type) { return isset(self::$typeClasses[$type]); } public static function assertValidType($type) { if (! static::supports($type)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Basket does not support '$type'"); } } public static function getClassForType($type) { static::assertValidType($type); if (is_array(self::$typeClasses[$type])) { return self::$typeClasses[$type][0]; } return self::$typeClasses[$type]; } public static function getClassAndObjectTypeForType($type) { if (is_array(self::$typeClasses[$type])) { return self::$typeClasses[$type]; } return [self::$typeClasses[$type], null]; } /** * @param Basket $basket * @param Db $db * @return BasketSnapshot * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public static function createForBasket(Basket $basket, Db $db) { $snapshot = static::create([ 'basket_uuid' => $basket->get('uuid') ], $db); $snapshot->addObjectsChosenByBasket($basket); $snapshot->resolveRequiredFields(); return $snapshot; } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function resolveRequiredFields() { /** @var Db $db */ $db = $this->getConnection(); $fieldResolver = new BasketSnapshotFieldResolver($this->objects, $db); /** @var DirectorDatafield[] $fields */ $fields = $fieldResolver->loadCurrentFields($db); $categories = []; if (! empty($fields)) { $plain = []; foreach ($fields as $id => $field) { $plain[$id] = $field->export(); if ($category = $field->getCategory()) { $categories[$category->get('category_name')] = $category->export(); } } $this->objects['Datafield'] = $plain; } if (! empty($categories)) { $this->objects['DatafieldCategory'] = $categories; } } protected function addObjectsChosenByBasket(Basket $basket) { foreach ($basket->getChosenObjects() as $typeName => $selection) { if ($selection === true) { $this->addAll($typeName); } elseif (! empty($selection)) { $this->addByIdentifiers($typeName, $selection); } } } /** * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function beforeStore() { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { throw new RuntimeException('A basket snapshot cannot be modified'); } $json = $this->getJsonDump(); $checksum = sha1($json, true); if (! BasketContent::exists($checksum, $this->getConnection())) { BasketContent::create([ 'checksum' => $checksum, 'summary' => $this->getJsonSummary(), 'content' => $json, ], $this->getConnection())->store(); } $this->set('content_checksum', $checksum); $this->set('ts_create', round(microtime(true) * 1000)); } /** * @param Db $connection * @param bool $replace * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function restoreTo(Db $connection, $replace = true) { static::restoreJson( $this->getJsonDump(), $connection, $replace ); } /** * @param Basket $basket * @param $string * @return BasketSnapshot */ public static function forBasketFromJson(Basket $basket, $string) { $snapshot = static::create([ 'basket_uuid' => $basket->get('uuid') ]); $snapshot->objects = []; foreach ((array) Json::decode($string) as $type => $objects) { $snapshot->objects[$type] = (array) $objects; } return $snapshot; } public static function restoreJson($string, Db $connection, $replace = true) { $snapshot = new static(); $snapshot->restoreObjects( Json::decode($string), $connection, $replace ); } /** * @param $all * @param Db $connection * @param bool $replace * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function restoreObjects($all, Db $connection, $replace = true) { $db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); $db->beginTransaction(); $fieldResolver = new BasketSnapshotFieldResolver($all, $connection); $this->restoreType($all, 'DataList', $fieldResolver, $connection, $replace); $this->restoreType($all, 'DatafieldCategory', $fieldResolver, $connection, $replace); $fieldResolver->storeNewFields(); foreach ($this->restoreOrder as $typeName) { $this->restoreType($all, $typeName, $fieldResolver, $connection, $replace); } $db->commit(); } /** * @param $all * @param $typeName * @param BasketSnapshotFieldResolver $fieldResolver * @param Db $connection * @param $replace * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function restoreType( &$all, $typeName, BasketSnapshotFieldResolver $fieldResolver, Db $connection, $replace ) { if (isset($all->$typeName)) { $objects = (array) $all->$typeName; } else { return; } $class = static::getClassForType($typeName); $changed = []; foreach ($objects as $key => $object) { /** @var DbObject $new */ $new = $class::import($object, $connection, $replace); if ($new->hasBeenModified()) { if ($new instanceof IcingaObject && $new->supportsImports()) { /** @var ExportInterface $new */ $changed[$new->getUniqueIdentifier()] = $new; } else { $new->store(); // Linking fields right now, as we're not in $changed if ($new instanceof IcingaObject) { $fieldResolver->relinkObjectFields($new, $object); } } } else { // No modification on the object, still, fields might have // been changed if ($new instanceof IcingaObject) { $fieldResolver->relinkObjectFields($new, $object); } } $allObjects[spl_object_hash($new)] = $object; } /** @var IcingaObject $object */ foreach ($changed as $object) { $this->recursivelyStore($object, $changed); } foreach ($changed as $key => $new) { // Store related fields. As objects might have formerly been // un-stored, let's to it right here if ($new instanceof IcingaObject) { $fieldResolver->relinkObjectFields($new, $objects[$key]); } } } /** * @param IcingaObject $object * @param $list * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException */ protected function recursivelyStore(IcingaObject $object, &$list) { foreach ($object->listImportNames() as $parent) { if (array_key_exists($parent, $list)) { $this->recursivelyStore($list[$parent], $list); } } $object->store(); } /** * @return BasketContent * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function getContent() { if ($this->content === null) { $this->content = BasketContent::load($this->get('content_checksum'), $this->getConnection()); } return $this->content; } protected function onDelete() { $db = $this->getDb(); $db->delete( ['bc' => 'director_basket_content'], 'NOT EXISTS (SELECT director_basket_checksum WHERE content_checksum = bc.checksum)' ); } /** * @return string * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function getJsonSummary() { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return $this->getContent()->get('summary'); } return Json::encode($this->getSummary(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * @return array|mixed * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function getSummary() { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return Json::decode($this->getContent()->get('summary')); } $summary = []; foreach (array_keys($this->objects) as $key) { $summary[$key] = count($this->objects[$key]); } return $summary; } /** * @return string * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function getJsonDump() { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return $this->getContent()->get('content'); } return Json::encode($this->objects, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } protected function addAll($typeName) { list($class, $filter) = static::getClassAndObjectTypeForType($typeName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); assert($connection instanceof Db); /** @var IcingaObject $dummy */ $dummy = $class::create(); if ($dummy instanceof IcingaObject && $dummy->supportsImports()) { $db = $this->getDb(); $select = $db->select()->from($dummy->getTableName()); if ($filter) { foreach ($filter as $column => $value) { $select->where("$column = ?", $value); } } elseif (! $dummy->isGroup() // TODO: this is ugly. && ! $dummy instanceof IcingaDependency && ! $dummy instanceof IcingaTimePeriod ) { $select->where('object_type = ?', 'template'); } $all = $class::loadAll($connection, $select); } else { $all = $class::loadAll($connection); } $exporter = new Exporter($connection); foreach ($all as $object) { $this->objects[$typeName][$object->getUniqueIdentifier()] = $exporter->export($object); } } protected function addByIdentifiers($typeName, $identifiers) { foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) { $this->addByIdentifier($typeName, $identifier); } } /** * @param $typeName * @param $identifier * @param Db $connection * @return ExportInterface|DbObject|null */ public static function instanceByIdentifier($typeName, $identifier, Db $connection) { $class = static::getClassForType($typeName); if (substr($class, -13) === 'IcingaService') { $identifier = [ 'object_type' => 'template', 'object_name' => $identifier, ]; } /** @var ExportInterface $object */ if ($class::exists($identifier, $connection)) { $object = $class::load($identifier, $connection); } else { $object = null; } return $object; } /** * @param $typeName * @param $identifier */ protected function addByIdentifier($typeName, $identifier) { /** @var Db $connection */ $connection = $this->getConnection(); $exporter = new Exporter($connection); $object = static::instanceByIdentifier( $typeName, $identifier, $connection ); if ($object !== null) { $this->objects[$typeName][$identifier] = $exporter->export($object); } } }