PropertyClass ]; protected $relatedSets = [ // property => ExtensibleSetClass ]; protected $multiRelations = [ // property => IcingaObjectClass ]; /** @var IcingaObjectMultiRelations[] */ protected $loadedMultiRelations = []; /** * Allows to set properties pointing to related objects by name without * loading the related object. * * @var array */ protected $unresolvedRelatedProperties = []; protected $loadedRelatedSets = []; // Will be rendered first, before imports protected $prioritizedProperties = []; protected $propertiesNotForRendering = [ 'id', 'object_name', 'object_type', ]; /** * Array of interval property names * * Those will be automagically munged to integers (seconds) and rendered * as durations (e.g. 2m 10s). Array expects (propertyName => renderedKey) * * @var array */ protected $intervalProperties = []; /** @var Db */ protected $connection; private $vars; /** @var IcingaObjectGroups */ private $groups; private $imports; /** @var IcingaTimePeriodRanges - TODO: generic ranges */ private $ranges; private $shouldBeRemoved = false; private $resolveCache = []; private $cachedPlainUnmodified; private $templateResolver; protected static $tree; /** * @return Db */ public function getConnection() { return $this->connection; } public function propertyIsBoolean($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->booleans); } public function propertyIsInterval($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->intervalProperties); } /** * Whether a property ends with _id and might refer another object * * @param $property string Property name, like zone_id * * @return bool */ public function propertyIsRelation($property) { if ($key = $this->stripIdSuffix($property)) { return $this->hasRelation($key); } return false; } protected function stripIdSuffix($key) { $end = substr($key, -3); if ('_id' === $end) { return substr($key, 0, -3); } return false; } public function propertyIsRelatedSet($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->relatedSets); } public function propertyIsMultiRelation($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->multiRelations); } public function listMultiRelations() { return array_keys($this->multiRelations); } public function getMultiRelation($property) { if (! $this->hasLoadedMultiRelation($property)) { $this->loadMultiRelation($property); } return $this->loadedMultiRelations[$property]; } public function setMultiRelation($property, $values) { $this->getMultiRelation($property)->set($values); return $this; } private function loadMultiRelation($property) { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $rel = IcingaObjectMultiRelations::loadForStoredObject( $this, $property, $this->multiRelations[$property] ); } else { $rel = new IcingaObjectMultiRelations( $this, $property, $this->multiRelations[$property] ); } $this->loadedMultiRelations[$property] = $rel; } private function hasLoadedMultiRelation($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->loadedMultiRelations); } private function loadAllMultiRelations() { foreach (array_keys($this->multiRelations) as $key) { if (! $this->hasLoadedMultiRelation($key)) { $this->loadMultiRelation($key); } } ksort($this->loadedMultiRelations); return $this->loadedMultiRelations; } protected function getRelatedSetClass($property) { $prefix = '\\Icinga\\Module\\Director\\IcingaConfig\\'; return $prefix . $this->relatedSets[$property]; } /** * @param $property * @return ExtensibleSet */ protected function getRelatedSet($property) { if (! array_key_exists($property, $this->loadedRelatedSets)) { /** @var ExtensibleSet $class */ $class = $this->getRelatedSetClass($property); $this->loadedRelatedSets[$property] = $class::forIcingaObject($this, $property); } return $this->loadedRelatedSets[$property]; } /** * @return ExtensibleSet[] */ protected function relatedSets() { $sets = []; foreach ($this->relatedSets as $key => $class) { $sets[$key] = $this->getRelatedSet($key); } return $sets; } /** * Whether the given property name is a short name for a relation * * This might be 'zone' for 'zone_id' * * @param string $property Property name * * @return bool */ public function hasRelation($property) { return array_key_exists($property, $this->relations); } protected function getRelationClass($property) { return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $this->relations[$property]; } protected function getRelationObjectClass($property) { return $this->relations[$property]; } /** * @param $property * @return IcingaObject */ public function getRelated($property) { return $this->getRelatedObject($property, $this->{$property . '_id'}); } /** * @param $property * @param $id * @return string */ public function getRelatedObjectName($property, $id) { return $this->getRelatedObject($property, $id)->getObjectName(); } /** * @param $property * @param $id * @return IcingaObject */ protected function getRelatedObject($property, $id) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = $this->getRelationClass($property); try { $object = $class::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $this->connection); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } return $object; } /** * @param $property * @return IcingaObject|null */ public function getResolvedRelated($property) { $id = $this->getSingleResolvedProperty($property . '_id'); if ($id) { return $this->getRelatedObject($property, $id); } return null; } public function prefetchAllRelatedTypes() { foreach (array_unique(array_values($this->relations)) as $relClass) { /** @var static $class */ $class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $relClass; $class::prefetchAll($this->getConnection()); } } public static function prefetchAllRelationsByType($type, Db $db) { /** @var static $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); /** @var static $dummy */ $dummy = $class::create([], $db); $dummy->prefetchAllRelatedTypes(); } /** * Whether this Object supports custom variables * * @return bool */ public function supportsCustomVars() { return $this->supportsCustomVars; } /** * Whether there exist Groups for this object type * * @return bool */ public function supportsGroups() { return $this->supportsGroups; } /** * Whether this Object makes use of (time) ranges * * @return bool */ public function supportsRanges() { return $this->supportsRanges; } /** * Whether this object supports (command) Arguments * * @return bool */ public function supportsArguments() { return $this instanceof ObjectWithArguments; } /** * Whether this object supports inheritance through the "imports" property * * @return bool */ public function supportsImports() { return $this->supportsImports; } /** * Whether this object allows controlled custom var access through fields * * @return bool */ public function supportsFields() { return $this->supportsFields; } /** * Whether this object can be rendered as 'apply Object' * * @return bool */ public function supportsApplyRules() { return $this->supportsApplyRules; } /** * Whether this object supports 'assign' properties * * @return bool */ public function supportsAssignments() { return $this->isApplyRule(); } /** * Whether this object can be part of a 'set' * * @return bool */ public function supportsSets() { return $this->supportsSets; } /** * Whether this object supports template-based Choices * * @return bool */ public function supportsChoices() { return $this->supportsChoices; } public function setAssignments($value) { return IcingaObjectLegacyAssignments::applyToObject($this, $value); } /** * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @param Filter|string $filter * * @throws LogicException * * @return self */ public function setAssign_filter($filter) { if (! $this->supportsAssignments() && $filter !== null) { if ($this->hasProperty('object_type')) { $type = $this->get('object_type'); } else { $type = get_class($this); } throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'I can only assign for applied objects or objects with native' . ' support for assigments, got %s', $type )); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd if ($filter instanceof Filter) { $filter = $filter->toQueryString(); } return $this->reallySet('assign_filter', $filter); } /** * It sometimes makes sense to defer lookups for related properties. This * kind of lazy-loading allows us to for example set host = 'localhost' and * render an object even when no such host exists. Think of the activity log, * one might want to visualize a history host or service template even when * the related command has been deleted in the meantime. * * @return self */ public function resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperties() { foreach ($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties as $name => $p) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($name); } return $this; } public function getUnresolvedRelated($property) { if ($this->hasRelation($property)) { $property .= '_id'; if (isset($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$property])) { return $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$property]; } return null; } throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( '%s "%s" has no %s reference', $this->getShortTableName(), $this->getObjectName(), $property )); } /** * @param $name */ protected function resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($name) { $short = substr($name, 0, -3); /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = $this->getRelationClass($short); try { $object = $class::load( $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$name], $this->connection ); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { // Hint: eventually a NotFoundError would be better throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Unable to load object referenced from %s "%s", %s', $this->getShortTableName(), $this->getObjectName(), lcfirst($e->getMessage()) ), $e->getCode(), $e); } $id = $object->get('id'); // Happens when load() get's a branched object, created in the branch if ($id !== null) { $this->reallySet($name, $id); unset($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$name]); } } /** * @return bool */ public function hasBeenModified() { if (parent::hasBeenModified()) { return true; } if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperties()) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperties(); // Duplicates above code, but this makes it faster: if (parent::hasBeenModified()) { return true; } } if ($this->supportsCustomVars() && $this->vars !== null && $this->vars()->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } if ($this->supportsGroups() && $this->groups !== null && $this->groups()->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } if ($this->supportsImports() && $this->imports !== null && $this->imports()->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } if ($this->supportsRanges() && $this->ranges !== null && $this->ranges()->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments && $this->gotArguments() && $this->arguments()->hasBeenModified() ) { return true; } foreach ($this->loadedRelatedSets as $set) { if ($set->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } } foreach ($this->loadedMultiRelations as $rel) { if ($rel->hasBeenModified()) { return true; } } return false; } protected function hasUnresolvedRelatedProperties() { return ! empty($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties); } protected function hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties); } /** * @param $key * @return mixed */ protected function getRelationId($key) { if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key)) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key); } return parent::get($key); } /** * @param $key * @return string|null */ protected function getRelatedProperty($key) { $idKey = $key . '_id'; if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($idKey)) { return $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$idKey]; } if ($id = $this->get($idKey)) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = $this->getRelationClass($key); try { $object = $class::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $this->connection); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } return $object->getObjectName(); } return null; } /** * @param string $key * @return \Icinga\Module\Director\CustomVariable\CustomVariable|mixed|null */ public function get($key) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'vars.') { $var = $this->vars()->get(substr($key, 5)); if ($var === null) { return $var; } return $var->getValue(); } // e.g. zone_id if ($this->propertyIsRelation($key)) { return $this->getRelationId($key); } // e.g. zone if ($this->hasRelation($key)) { return $this->getRelatedProperty($key); } if ($this->propertyIsRelatedSet($key)) { return $this->getRelatedSet($key)->toPlainObject(); } if ($this->propertyIsMultiRelation($key)) { return $this->getMultiRelation($key)->listRelatedNames(); } return parent::get($key); } public function setProperties($props) { if (is_array($props)) { if (array_key_exists('object_type', $props) && key($props) !== 'object_type') { $type = $props['object_type']; unset($props['object_type']); $props = ['object_type' => $type] + $props; } } return parent::setProperties($props); } public function set($key, $value) { if ($key === 'vars') { $value = (array) $value; $unset = []; foreach ($this->vars() as $k => $f) { if (! array_key_exists($k, $value)) { $unset[] = $k; } } foreach ($unset as $k) { unset($this->vars()->$k); } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $this->vars()->set($k, $v); } return $this; } if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'vars.') { //TODO: allow for deep keys $this->vars()->set(substr($key, 5), $value); return $this; } if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments && substr($key, 0, 10) === 'arguments.') { $this->arguments()->set(substr($key, 10), $value); return $this; } if ($this->propertyIsBoolean($key)) { return parent::set($key, DbDataFormatter::normalizeBoolean($value)); } // e.g. zone_id if ($this->propertyIsRelation($key)) { return $this->setRelation($key, $value); } // e.g. zone if ($this->hasRelation($key)) { return $this->setUnresolvedRelation($key, $value); } if ($this->propertyIsMultiRelation($key)) { $this->setMultiRelation($key, $value); return $this; } if ($this->propertyIsRelatedSet($key)) { $this->getRelatedSet($key)->set($value); return $this; } if ($this->propertyIsInterval($key)) { return parent::set($key, c::parseInterval($value)); } return parent::set($key, $value); } private function setRelation($key, $value) { if ((int) $key !== (int) $this->$key) { unset($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$key]); } return parent::set($key, $value); } private function setUnresolvedRelation($key, $value) { if ($value === null || strlen($value) === 0) { unset($this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$key . '_id']); return parent::set($key . '_id', null); } $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties[$key . '_id'] = $value; return $this; } protected function setRanges($ranges) { $this->ranges()->set((array) $ranges); return $this; } protected function getRanges() { return $this->ranges()->getValues(); } protected function setDisabled($disabled) { return $this->reallySet('disabled', DbDataFormatter::normalizeBoolean($disabled)); } public function isDisabled() { return $this->get('disabled') === 'y'; } public function markForRemoval($remove = true) { $this->shouldBeRemoved = $remove; return $this; } public function shouldBeRemoved() { return $this->shouldBeRemoved; } public function shouldBeRenamed() { return $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb() && $this->getOriginalProperty('object_name') !== $this->getObjectName(); } /** * @return IcingaObjectGroups */ public function groups() { $this->assertGroupsSupport(); if ($this->groups === null) { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb() && $this->get('id')) { $this->groups = IcingaObjectGroups::loadForStoredObject($this); } else { $this->groups = new IcingaObjectGroups($this); } } return $this->groups; } public function hasModifiedGroups() { $this->assertGroupsSupport(); if ($this->groups === null) { return false; } return $this->groups->hasBeenModified(); } public function getAppliedGroups() { $this->assertGroupsSupport(); if (! $this instanceof IcingaHost) { throw new RuntimeException('getAppliedGroups is only available for hosts currently!'); } if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { // There are no stored related/resolved groups. We'll also not resolve // them here on demand. return []; } $id = $this->get('id'); if ($id === null) { // Do not fail for branches. Should be handled otherwise // TODO: throw an Exception, once we are able to deal with this return []; } $type = strtolower($this->getType()); $query = $this->db->select()->from( ['gr' => "icinga_${type}group_${type}_resolved"], ['g.object_name'] )->join( ['g' => "icinga_${type}group"], " = gr.${type}group_id", [] )->joinLeft( ['go' => "icinga_${type}group_${type}"], "go.${type}group_id = gr.${type}group_id AND go.${type}_id = " . (int) $id, [] )->where( "gr.${type}_id = ?", (int) $id )->where("go.${type}_id IS NULL")->order('g.object_name'); return $this->db->fetchCol($query); } /** * @return IcingaTimePeriodRanges */ public function ranges() { $this->assertRangesSupport(); if ($this->ranges === null) { /** @var IcingaTimePeriodRanges $class */ $class = $this->getRangeClass(); if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $this->ranges = $class::loadForStoredObject($this); } else { $this->ranges = new $class($this); } } return $this->ranges; } protected function getRangeClass() { if ($this->rangeClass === null) { $this->rangeClass = get_class($this) . 'Ranges'; } return $this->rangeClass; } /** * @return IcingaObjectImports */ public function imports() { $this->assertImportsSupport(); if ($this->imports === null) { // can not use hasBeenLoadedFromDb() when in onStore() if ($this->getProperty('id') !== null) { $this->imports = IcingaObjectImports::loadForStoredObject($this); } else { $this->imports = new IcingaObjectImports($this); } } return $this->imports; } public function gotImports() { return $this->imports !== null; } public function setImports($imports) { if (! is_array($imports) && $imports !== null) { $imports = [$imports]; } try { $this->imports()->set($imports); } catch (NestingError $e) { $this->imports = new IcingaObjectImports($this); // Force modification, otherwise it won't be stored when empty $this->imports->setModified()->set($imports); } if ($this->imports()->hasBeenModified()) { $this->invalidateResolveCache(); } } public function getImports() { return $this->listImportNames(); } /** * @deprecated This should no longer be in use * @return IcingaTemplateResolver */ public function templateResolver() { if ($this->templateResolver === null) { $this->templateResolver = new IcingaTemplateResolver($this); } return $this->templateResolver; } public function getResolvedProperty($key, $default = null) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties)) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key); $this->invalidateResolveCache(); } $properties = $this->getResolvedProperties(); if (property_exists($properties, $key)) { return $properties->$key; } return $default; } public function getInheritedProperty($key, $default = null) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties)) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key); $this->invalidateResolveCache(); } $properties = $this->getInheritedProperties(); if (property_exists($properties, $key)) { return $properties->$key; } return $default; } public function getInheritedVar($varname) { try { $vars = $this->getInheritedVars(); } catch (NestingError $e) { return null; } if (property_exists($vars, $varname)) { return $vars->$varname; } return null; } public function getResolvedVar($varName) { try { $vars = $this->getResolvedVars(); } catch (NestingError $e) { return null; } if (property_exists($vars, $varName)) { return $vars->$varName; } return null; } public function getOriginForVar($varName) { try { $origins = $this->getOriginsVars(); } catch (NestingError $e) { return null; } if (property_exists($origins, $varName)) { return $origins->$varName; } return null; } public function getResolvedProperties() { return $this->getResolved('Properties'); } public function getInheritedProperties() { return $this->getInherited('Properties'); } public function getOriginsProperties() { return $this->getOrigins('Properties'); } public function resolveProperties() { return $this->resolve('Properties'); } public function getResolvedVars() { return $this->getResolved('Vars'); } public function getInheritedVars() { return $this->getInherited('Vars'); } public function resolveVars() { return $this->resolve('Vars'); } public function getOriginsVars() { return $this->getOrigins('Vars'); } public function getVars() { $vars = []; foreach ($this->vars() as $key => $var) { if ($var->hasBeenDeleted()) { continue; } $vars[$key] = $var->getValue(); } ksort($vars); return (object) $vars; } /** * This is mostly for magic getters * @return array */ public function getGroups() { return $this->groups()->listGroupNames(); } /** * @return array * @throws NotFoundError */ public function listInheritedGroupNames() { $parents = $this->imports()->getObjects(); /** @var IcingaObject $parent */ foreach (array_reverse($parents) as $parent) { $inherited = $parent->getGroups(); if (! empty($inherited)) { return $inherited; } } return []; } public function setGroups($groups) { $this->groups()->set($groups); return $this; } /** * @return array * @throws NotFoundError */ public function listResolvedGroupNames() { $groups = $this->groups()->listGroupNames(); if (empty($groups)) { return $this->listInheritedGroupNames(); } return $groups; } /** * @param $group * @return bool * @throws NotFoundError */ public function hasGroup($group) { if ($group instanceof static) { $group = $group->getObjectName(); } return in_array($group, $this->listResolvedGroupNames()); } protected function getResolved($what) { $func = 'resolve' . $what; $res = $this->$func(); return $res['_MERGED_']; } protected function getInherited($what) { $func = 'resolve' . $what; $res = $this->$func(); return $res['_INHERITED_']; } protected function getOrigins($what) { $func = 'resolve' . $what; $res = $this->$func(); return $res['_ORIGINS_']; } protected function hasResolveCached($what) { return array_key_exists($what, $this->resolveCache); } protected function & getResolveCached($what) { return $this->resolveCache[$what]; } protected function storeResolvedCache($what, $vals) { $this->resolveCache[$what] = $vals; } public function invalidateResolveCache() { $this->resolveCache = []; return $this; } public function countDirectDescendants() { $db = $this->getDb(); $table = $this->getTableName(); $type = $this->getShortTableName(); $query = $db->select()->from( ['oi' => $table . '_inheritance'], ['cnt' => 'COUNT(*)'] )->where('oi.parent_' . $type . '_id = ?', (int) $this->get('id')); return $db->fetchOne($query); } protected function triggerLoopDetection() { // $this->templateResolver()->listResolvedParentIds(); } public function getSingleResolvedProperty($key, $default = null) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->unresolvedRelatedProperties)) { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key); $this->invalidateResolveCache(); } if ($my = $this->get($key)) { if ($my !== null) { return $my; } } /** @var IcingaObject[] $imports */ try { $imports = array_reverse($this->imports()->getObjects()); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } // Eventually trigger loop detection $this->listAncestorIds(); foreach ($imports as $object) { $v = $object->getSingleResolvedProperty($key); if (null !== $v) { return $v; } } return $default; } protected function resolve($what) { if ($this->hasResolveCached($what)) { return $this->getResolveCached($what); } // Force exception if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $this->triggerLoopDetection(); } $vals = []; $vals['_MERGED_'] = (object) []; $vals['_INHERITED_'] = (object) []; $vals['_ORIGINS_'] = (object) []; // $objects = $this->imports()->getObjects(); $objects = IcingaTemplateRepository::instanceByObject($this) ->getTemplatesIndexedByNameFor($this, true); $get = 'get' . $what; $getInherited = 'getInherited' . $what; $getOrigins = 'getOrigins' . $what; $blacklist = ['id', 'uuid', 'object_type', 'object_name', 'disabled']; foreach ($objects as $name => $object) { $origins = $object->$getOrigins(); foreach ($object->$getInherited() as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) { continue; } if (! property_exists($origins, $key)) { // TODO: Introduced with group membership resolver or // choices - this should not be required. Check this! continue; } // $vals[$name]->$key = $value; $vals['_MERGED_']->$key = $value; $vals['_INHERITED_']->$key = $value; $vals['_ORIGINS_']->$key = $origins->$key; } foreach ($object->$get() as $key => $value) { // TODO: skip if default value? if ($value === null) { continue; } if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) { continue; } $vals['_MERGED_']->$key = $value; $vals['_INHERITED_']->$key = $value; $vals['_ORIGINS_']->$key = $name; } } foreach ($this->$get() as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) { continue; } $vals['_MERGED_']->$key = $value; } $this->storeResolvedCache($what, $vals); return $vals; } public function matches(Filter $filter) { // TODO: speed up by passing only desired properties (filter columns) to // toPlainObject method /** @var FilterChain|FilterExpression $filter */ return $filter->matches($this->toPlainObject()); } protected function assertCustomVarsSupport() { if (! $this->supportsCustomVars()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Objects of type "%s" have no custom vars', $this->getType() )); } return $this; } protected function assertGroupsSupport() { if (! $this->supportsGroups()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Objects of type "%s" have no groups', $this->getType() )); } return $this; } protected function assertRangesSupport() { if (! $this->supportsRanges()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Objects of type "%s" have no ranges', $this->getType() )); } return $this; } protected function assertImportsSupport() { if (! $this->supportsImports()) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Objects of type "%s" have no imports', $this->getType() )); } return $this; } /** * @return CustomVariables */ public function vars() { $this->assertCustomVarsSupport(); if ($this->vars === null) { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { if (PrefetchCache::shouldBeUsed()) { $this->vars = PrefetchCache::instance()->vars($this); } else { if ($this->get('id')) { $this->vars = CustomVariables::loadForStoredObject($this); } else { $this->vars = new CustomVariables(); } } if ($this->getShortTableName() === 'host') { $this->vars->setOverrideKeyName( $this->getConnection()->settings()->override_services_varname ); } } else { $this->vars = new CustomVariables(); } } return $this->vars; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasInitializedVars() { $this->assertCustomVarsSupport(); return $this->vars !== null; } public function getVarsTableName() { return $this->getTableName() . '_var'; } public function getShortTableName() { // strlen('icinga_') = 7 return substr($this->getTableName(), 7); } public function getVarsIdColumn() { return $this->getShortTableName() . '_id'; } public function hasProperty($key) { if ($this->propertyIsRelatedSet($key)) { return true; } if ($this->propertyIsMultiRelation($key)) { return true; } return parent::hasProperty($key); } public function isObject() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->get('object_type') === 'object'; } public function isTemplate() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->get('object_type') === 'template'; } public function isExternal() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->get('object_type') === 'external_object'; } public function isApplyRule() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->get('object_type') === 'apply'; } public function setBeingLoadedFromDb() { if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments && $this->gotArguments()) { $this->arguments()->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } if ($this->supportsImports() && $this->gotImports()) { $this->imports()->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } if ($this->supportsCustomVars() && $this->vars !== null) { $this->vars()->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } if ($this->supportsGroups() && $this->groups !== null) { $this->groups()->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } if ($this->supportsRanges() && $this->ranges !== null) { $this->ranges()->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } foreach ($this->loadedRelatedSets as $set) { $set->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } foreach ($this->loadedMultiRelations as $multiRelation) { $multiRelation->setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } // This might trigger DB requests and 404's. We might want to defer this, but a call to // hasBeenModified triggers anyway: $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperties(); parent::setBeingLoadedFromDb(); } /** * @throws NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ protected function storeRelatedObjects() { $this ->storeCustomVars() ->storeGroups() ->storeMultiRelations() ->storeImports() ->storeRanges() ->storeRelatedSets() ->storeArguments(); } /** * @throws NotFoundError */ protected function beforeStore() { $this->resolveUnresolvedRelatedProperties(); if ($this->gotImports()) { $this->imports()->getObjects(); } } /** * @throws NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function onInsert() { DirectorActivityLog::logCreation($this, $this->connection); $this->storeRelatedObjects(); } /** * @throws NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ public function onUpdate() { DirectorActivityLog::logModification($this, $this->connection); $this->storeRelatedObjects(); } public function onStore() { $this->notifyResolvers(); } /** * @return self */ protected function storeCustomVars() { if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { $this->vars !== null && $this->vars()->storeToDb($this); } return $this; } /** * @return self */ protected function storeGroups() { if ($this->supportsGroups()) { $this->groups !== null && $this->groups()->store(); } return $this; } /** * @return self */ protected function storeMultiRelations() { foreach ($this->loadedMultiRelations as $rel) { $rel->store(); } return $this; } /** * @return self */ protected function storeRanges() { if ($this->supportsRanges()) { $this->ranges !== null && $this->ranges()->store(); } return $this; } /** * @return $this * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException */ protected function storeArguments() { if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments) { $this->gotArguments() && $this->arguments()->store(); } return $this; } protected function notifyResolvers() { } /** * @return $this */ protected function storeRelatedSets() { foreach ($this->loadedRelatedSets as $set) { if ($set->hasBeenModified()) { $set->store(); } } return $this; } /** * @return $this * @throws NotFoundError * @throws \Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ protected function storeImports() { if ($this->supportsImports()) { $this->imports !== null && $this->imports()->store(); } return $this; } public function beforeDelete() { $this->cachedPlainUnmodified = $this->getPlainUnmodifiedObject(); } public function getCachedUnmodifiedObject() { return $this->cachedPlainUnmodified; } public function onDelete() { DirectorActivityLog::logRemoval($this, $this->connection); } public function toSingleIcingaConfig() { $config = new IcingaConfig($this->connection); $object = $this; if ($object->isExternal()) { $object->set('object_type', 'object'); $wasExternal = true; } else { $wasExternal = false; } try { $object->renderToConfig($config); } catch (Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $showTrace = false; if ($showTrace) { $message .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } $config->configFile( 'failed-to-render' )->prepend( "/** Failed to render this object **/\n" . '/* ' . $message . ' */' ); } if ($wasExternal) { $object->set('object_type', 'external_object'); } return $config; } public function isSupportedInLegacy() { return $this->supportedInLegacy; } public function renderToLegacyConfig(IcingaConfig $config) { if ($this->isExternal()) { return; } if (! $this->isSupportedInLegacy()) { $config->configFile( 'director/ignored-objects', '.cfg' )->prepend( sprintf( "# Not supported for legacy config: %s object_name=%s\n", get_class($this), $this->getObjectName() ) ); return; } $filename = $this->getRenderingFilename(); $deploymentMode = $config->getDeploymentMode(); if ($deploymentMode === 'active-passive') { if ($this->getSingleResolvedProperty('zone_id') && array_key_exists('enable_active_checks', $this->defaultProperties) ) { $passive = clone($this); $passive->set('enable_active_checks', false); $config->configFile( 'director/master/' . $filename, '.cfg' )->addLegacyObject($passive); } } elseif ($deploymentMode === 'masterless') { // no additional config } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Unsupported deployment mode: %s', $deploymentMode )); } $config->configFile( 'director/' . $this->getRenderingZone($config) . '/' . $filename, '.cfg' )->addLegacyObject($this); } public function renderToConfig(IcingaConfig $config) { if ($config->isLegacy()) { $this->renderToLegacyConfig($config); return; } if ($this->isExternal()) { return; } $config->configFile( 'zones.d/' . $this->getRenderingZone($config) . '/' . $this->getRenderingFilename() )->addObject($this); } public function getRenderingFilename() { $type = $this->getShortTableName(); if ($this->isTemplate()) { $filename = strtolower($type) . '_templates'; } elseif ($this->isApplyRule()) { $filename = strtolower($type) . '_apply'; } else { $filename = strtolower($type) . 's'; } return $filename; } /** * @param $zoneId * @param IcingaConfig|null $config * @return string * @throws NotFoundError */ protected function getNameForZoneId($zoneId, IcingaConfig $config = null) { // TODO: this is still ugly. if ($config === null) { return IcingaZone::loadWithAutoIncId( $zoneId, $this->getConnection() )->getObjectName(); } // Config has a lookup cache, is faster: return $config->getZoneName($zoneId); } public function getRenderingZone(IcingaConfig $config = null) { if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty('zone_id')) { return $this->get('zone'); } if ($this->hasProperty('zone_id')) { try { if (! $this->supportsImports()) { if ($zoneId = $this->get('zone_id')) { return $this->getNameForZoneId($zoneId, $config); } } if ($zoneId = $this->getSingleResolvedProperty('zone_id')) { return $this->getNameForZoneId($zoneId, $config); } } catch (NestingError $e) { throw $e; } catch (Exception $e) { return self::RESOLVE_ERROR; } } return $this->getDefaultZone($config); } protected function getDefaultZone(IcingaConfig $config = null) { if ($this->prefersGlobalZone()) { return $this->connection->getDefaultGlobalZoneName(); } return $this->connection->getMasterZoneName(); } protected function prefersGlobalZone() { return $this->isTemplate() || $this->isApplyRule(); } protected function renderImports() { if (! $this->supportsImports()) { return ''; } $ret = ''; foreach ($this->getImports() as $name) { $ret .= ' import ' . c::renderString($name) . "\n"; } if ($ret !== '') { $ret .= "\n"; } return $ret; } protected function renderLegacyImports() { if ($this->supportsImports()) { return $this->imports()->toLegacyConfigString(); } return ''; } protected function renderLegacyRelationProperty($propertyName, $id, $renderKey = null) { return $this->renderLegacyObjectProperty( $renderKey ?: $propertyName, c1::renderString($this->getRelatedObjectName($propertyName, $id)) ); } // Disabled is a virtual property protected function renderDisabled() { return ''; } /** * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function renderLegacyHost_id($value) { if (is_array($value)) { return c1::renderKeyValue('host_name', c1::renderArray($value)); } return $this->renderLegacyRelationProperty( 'host', $this->get('host_id'), 'host_name' ); } /** * Display Name only exists for host/service in Icinga 1 * * Render it as alias for everything by default. * * Alias does not exist in Icinga 2 currently! * * @return string */ protected function renderLegacyDisplay_Name() { return c1::renderKeyValue('alias', $this->display_name); } protected function renderLegacyTimeout() { return ''; } protected function renderLegacyEnable_active_checks() { return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'enable_active_checks', 'active_checks_enabled' ); } protected function renderLegacyEnable_passive_checks() { return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'enable_passive_checks', 'passive_checks_enabled' ); } protected function renderLegacyEnable_event_handler() { return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'enable_active_checks', 'event_handler_enabled' ); } protected function renderLegacyEnable_notifications() { return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'enable_notifications', 'notifications_enabled' ); } protected function renderLegacyEnable_perfdata() { return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'enable_perfdata', 'process_perf_data' ); } protected function renderLegacyVolatile() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return $this->renderLegacyBooleanProperty( 'volatile', 'is_volatile' ); } protected function renderLegacyBooleanProperty($property, $legacyKey) { return c1::renderKeyValue( $legacyKey, c1::renderBoolean($this->get($property)) ); } protected function renderProperties() { $out = ''; $blacklist = array_merge( $this->propertiesNotForRendering, $this->prioritizedProperties ); foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) { continue; } $out .= $this->renderObjectProperty($key, $value); } return $out; } protected function renderLegacyProperties() { $out = ''; $blacklist = array_merge( $this->propertiesNotForRendering, [] /* $this->prioritizedProperties */ ); foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) { continue; } $out .= $this->renderLegacyObjectProperty($key, $value); } return $out; } protected function renderPrioritizedProperties() { $out = ''; foreach ($this->prioritizedProperties as $key) { $out .= $this->renderObjectProperty($key, $this->properties[$key]); } return $out; } protected function renderObjectProperty($key, $value) { if (substr($key, -3) === '_id') { $short = substr($key, 0, -3); if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key)) { return c::renderKeyValue( $short, // NOT c::renderString($this->$short) ); } } if ($value === null) { return ''; } $method = 'render' . ucfirst($key); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method($value); } if ($this->propertyIsBoolean($key)) { if ($value === $this->defaultProperties[$key]) { return ''; } return c::renderKeyValue( $this->booleans[$key], c::renderBoolean($value) ); } if ($this->propertyIsInterval($key)) { return c::renderKeyValue( $this->intervalProperties[$key], c::renderInterval($value) ); } if (substr($key, -3) === '_id' && $this->hasRelation($relKey = substr($key, 0, -3)) ) { return $this->renderRelationProperty($relKey, $value); } return c::renderKeyValue( $key, $this->isApplyRule() ? c::renderStringWithVariables($value) : c::renderString($value) ); } protected function renderLegacyObjectProperty($key, $value) { if (substr($key, -3) === '_id') { $short = substr($key, 0, -3); if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($key)) { return c1::renderKeyValue( $short, // NOT c1::renderString($this->$short) ); } } if ($value === null) { return ''; } $method = 'renderLegacy' . ucfirst($key); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method($value); } $method = 'render' . ucfirst($key); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method($value); } if ($this->propertyIsBoolean($key)) { if ($value === $this->defaultProperties[$key]) { return ''; } return c1::renderKeyValue( $this->booleans[$key], c1::renderBoolean($value) ); } if ($this->propertyIsInterval($key)) { return c1::renderKeyValue( $this->intervalProperties[$key], c1::renderInterval($value) ); } if (substr($key, -3) === '_id' && $this->hasRelation($relKey = substr($key, 0, -3)) ) { return $this->renderLegacyRelationProperty($relKey, $value); } return c1::renderKeyValue($key, c1::renderString($value)); } protected function renderBooleanProperty($key) { return c::renderKeyValue($key, c::renderBoolean($this->get($key))); } protected function renderPropertyAsSeconds($key) { return c::renderKeyValue($key, c::renderInterval($this->get($key))); } protected function renderSuffix() { return "}\n\n"; } protected function renderLegacySuffix() { return "}\n\n"; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderCustomVars() { if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { return $this->vars()->toConfigString($this->isApplyRule()); } return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderLegacyCustomVars() { if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { return $this->vars()->toLegacyConfigString(); } return ''; } public function renderUuid() { return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderGroups() { if ($this->supportsGroups()) { return $this->groups()->toConfigString(); } return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderLegacyGroups() { if ($this->supportsGroups() && $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $applied = []; if ($this instanceof IcingaHost) { $applied = $this->getAppliedGroups(); } return $this->groups()->toLegacyConfigString($applied); } return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderMultiRelations() { $out = ''; foreach ($this->loadAllMultiRelations() as $rel) { $out .= $rel->toConfigString(); } return $out; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderLegacyMultiRelations() { $out = ''; foreach ($this->loadAllMultiRelations() as $rel) { $out .= $rel->toLegacyConfigString(); } return $out; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderRanges() { if ($this->supportsRanges()) { return $this->ranges()->toConfigString(); } return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderLegacyRanges() { if ($this->supportsRanges()) { return $this->ranges()->toLegacyConfigString(); } return ''; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderArguments() { return ''; } protected function renderRelatedSets() { $config = ''; foreach ($this->relatedSets as $property => $class) { $config .= $this->getRelatedSet($property)->renderAs($property); } return $config; } protected function renderRelationProperty($propertyName, $id, $renderKey = null) { return c::renderKeyValue( $renderKey ?: $propertyName, c::renderString($this->getRelatedObjectName($propertyName, $id)) ); } protected function renderCommandProperty($commandId, $propertyName = 'check_command') { return c::renderKeyValue( $propertyName, c::renderString($this->connection->getCommandName($commandId)) ); } /** * @param $value * @return string * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function renderLegacyCheck_command($value) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd $args = []; foreach ($this->vars() as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 3) === 'ARG') { $args[] = $v->getValue(); } } array_unshift($args, $value); return c1::renderKeyValue('check_command', implode('!', $args)); } /** * @param $value * @return string * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function renderLegacyEvent_command($value) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return c1::renderKeyValue('event_handler', $value); } /** * We do not render zone properties, objects are stored to zone dirs * * Avoid complaints for method names with underscore: * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @return string */ protected function renderZone_id() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return ''; } protected function renderCustomExtensions() { return ''; } protected function renderLegacyCustomExtensions() { $str = ''; // Set notification settings for the object to suppress warnings if (array_key_exists('enable_notifications', $this->defaultProperties) && $this->isTemplate() ) { $str .= c1::renderKeyValue('notification_period', 'notification_none'); $str .= c1::renderKeyValue('notification_interval', '0'); $str .= c1::renderKeyValue('contact_groups', 'icingaadmins'); } // force rendering of check_command when ARG1 is set if ($this->supportsCustomVars() && array_key_exists('check_command_id', $this->defaultProperties)) { if ($this->get('check_command') === null && $this->vars()->get('ARG1') !== null ) { $command = $this->getResolvedRelated('check_command'); $str .= $this->renderLegacyCheck_command($command->getObjectName()); } } return $str; } protected function renderObjectHeader() { return sprintf( "%s %s %s {\n", $this->getObjectTypeName(), $this->getType(), c::renderString($this->getObjectName()) ); } public function getLegacyObjectType() { return strtolower($this->getType()); } protected function renderLegacyObjectHeader() { $type = $this->getLegacyObjectType(); if ($this->isTemplate()) { $name = c1::renderKeyValue( $this->getLegacyObjectKeyName(), c1::renderString($this->getObjectName()) ); } else { $name = c1::renderKeyValue( $this->getLegacyObjectKeyName(), c1::renderString($this->getObjectName()) ); } $str = "define $type {\n$name"; if ($this->isTemplate()) { $str .= c1::renderKeyValue('register', '0'); } return $str; } protected function getLegacyObjectKeyName() { if ($this->isTemplate()) { return 'name'; } return $this->getLegacyObjectType() . '_name'; } /** * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ public function renderAssign_Filter() { return ' ' . AssignRenderer::forFilter( Filter::fromQueryString($this->get('assign_filter')) )->renderAssign() . "\n"; } public function renderLegacyAssign_Filter() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd if ($this instanceof IcingaHostGroup) { $c = " # resolved memberships are set via the individual object\n"; } elseif ($this instanceof IcingaService) { $c = " # resolved objects are listed here\n"; } else { $c = " # assign is not supported for " . $this->type . "\n"; } $c .= ' #' . AssignRenderer::forFilter( Filter::fromQueryString($this->get('assign_filter')) )->renderAssign() . "\n"; return $c; } public function toLegacyConfigString() { $str = implode([ $this->renderLegacyObjectHeader(), $this->renderLegacyImports(), $this->renderLegacyProperties(), //$this->renderArguments(), //$this->renderRelatedSets(), $this->renderLegacyGroups(), $this->renderLegacyMultiRelations(), $this->renderLegacyRanges(), $this->renderLegacyCustomExtensions(), $this->renderLegacyCustomVars(), $this->renderLegacySuffix() ]); $str = $this->alignLegacyProperties($str); if ($this->isDisabled()) { return "# --- This object has been disabled ---\n" . preg_replace('~^~m', '# ', trim($str)) . "\n\n"; } return $str; } protected function alignLegacyProperties($configString) { $lines = explode("\n", $configString); $len = 24; foreach ($lines as &$line) { if (preg_match('/^\s{4}([^\t]+)\t+(.+)$/', $line, $m)) { if ($len - strlen($m[1]) < 0) { $fill = ' '; } else { $fill = str_repeat(' ', $len - strlen($m[1])); } $line = ' ' . $m[1] . $fill . $m[2]; } } return implode("\n", $lines); } public function toConfigString() { $str = implode([ $this->renderObjectHeader(), $this->renderPrioritizedProperties(), $this->renderImports(), $this->renderProperties(), $this->renderArguments(), $this->renderRelatedSets(), $this->renderGroups(), $this->renderMultiRelations(), $this->renderRanges(), $this->renderCustomExtensions(), $this->renderCustomVars(), $this->renderSuffix() ]); if ($this->isDisabled()) { return "/* --- This object has been disabled ---\n" // Do not allow strings to break our comment . str_replace('*/', "* /", $str) . "*/\n"; } return $str; } public function isGroup() { return substr($this->getType(), -5) === 'Group'; } public function hasCheckCommand() { return false; } protected function getType() { if ($this->type === null) { $parts = explode('\\', get_class($this)); // 6 = strlen('Icinga'); $this->type = substr(end($parts), 6); } return $this->type; } protected function getObjectTypeName() { if ($this->isTemplate()) { return 'template'; } if ($this->isApplyRule()) { return 'apply'; } return 'object'; } public function getObjectName() { $property = static::getKeyColumnName(); if ($this->hasProperty($property)) { return $this->get($property); } throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'Trying to access "%s" for an instance of "%s"', $property, get_class($this) )); } /** * @deprecated use DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType() * @param $type * @return string */ public static function classByType($type) { return DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); } /** * @param $type * @param array $properties * @param Db|null $db * * @return IcingaObject */ public static function createByType($type, $properties = [], Db $db = null) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); return $class::create($properties, $db); } /** * @param $type * @param $id * @param Db $db * * @return IcingaObject * @throws NotFoundError */ public static function loadByType($type, $id, Db $db) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); return $class::load($id, $db); } /** * @param $type * @param $id * @param Db $db * * @return bool */ public static function existsByType($type, $id, Db $db) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); return $class::exists($id, $db); } public static function getKeyColumnName() { return 'object_name'; } public static function loadAllByType($type, Db $db, $query = null, $keyColumn = null) { /** @var DbObject $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); if ($keyColumn === null) { if (method_exists($class, 'getKeyColumnName')) { $keyColumn = $class::getKeyColumnName(); } } if (is_array($class::create()->getKeyName())) { return $class::loadAll($db, $query); } if (PrefetchCache::shouldBeUsed() && $query === null && $keyColumn === static::getKeyColumnName() ) { $result = []; foreach ($class::prefetchAll($db) as $row) { $result[$row->$keyColumn] = $row; } return $result; } return $class::loadAll($db, $query, $keyColumn); } /** * @param $type * @param Db $db * @return IcingaObject[] */ public static function loadAllExternalObjectsByType($type, Db $db) { /** @var IcingaObject $class */ $class = DbObjectTypeRegistry::classByType($type); $dummy = $class::create(); if (is_array($dummy->getKeyName())) { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'There is no support for loading external objects of type "%s"', $type )); } $query = $db->getDbAdapter() ->select() ->from($dummy->getTableName()) ->where('object_type = ?', 'external_object'); return $class::loadAll($db, $query, 'object_name'); } public static function fromJson($json, Db $connection = null) { return static::fromPlainObject(json_decode($json), $connection); } public static function fromPlainObject($plain, Db $connection = null) { return static::create((array) $plain, $connection); } /** * @param IcingaObject $object * @param null $preserve * @return $this * @throws NotFoundError */ public function replaceWith(IcingaObject $object, $preserve = null) { if ($preserve === null) { $this->setProperties((array) $object->toPlainObject()); } else { $plain = (array) $object->toPlainObject(); foreach ($preserve as $k) { $v = $this->$k; if ($v !== null) { $plain[$k] = $v; } } $this->setProperties($plain); } return $this; } /** * TODO: with rules? What if I want to override vars? Drop in favour of vars.x? * * @param IcingaObject $object * @param bool $replaceVars * @return $this * @throws NotFoundError */ public function merge(IcingaObject $object, $replaceVars = false) { $object = clone($object); if ($object->supportsCustomVars()) { $vars = $object->getVars(); $object->set('vars', []); } if ($object->supportsGroups()) { $groups = $object->getGroups(); $object->set('groups', []); } if ($object->supportsImports()) { $imports = $object->listImportNames(); $object->set('imports', []); } $plain = (array) $object->toPlainObject(false, false); unset($plain['vars'], $plain['groups'], $plain['imports']); foreach ($plain as $p => $v) { if ($v === null) { // We want default values, but no null values continue; } $this->set($p, $v); } if ($object->supportsCustomVars()) { $myVars = $this->vars(); if ($replaceVars) { $this->set('vars', $vars); } else { /** @var CustomVariables $vars */ foreach ($vars as $key => $var) { $myVars->set($key, $var); } } } if ($object->supportsGroups()) { if (! empty($groups)) { $this->set('groups', $groups); } } if ($object->supportsImports()) { if (! empty($imports)) { $this->set('imports', $imports); } } return $this; } /** * @param bool $resolved * @param bool $skipDefaults * @param array|null $chosenProperties * @param bool $resolveIds * @param bool $keepId * @return object * @throws NotFoundError */ public function toPlainObject( $resolved = false, $skipDefaults = false, array $chosenProperties = null, $resolveIds = true, $keepId = false ) { $props = []; if ($resolved) { $p = $this->getInheritedProperties(); foreach ($this->properties as $k => $v) { if ($v === null && property_exists($p, $k)) { continue; } $p->$k = $v; } } else { $p = $this->properties; } foreach ($p as $k => $v) { // Do not ship ids for IcingaObjects: if ($k === $this->getUuidColumn()) { continue; } if ($resolveIds) { if ($k === 'id' && $keepId === false && $this->hasProperty('object_name')) { continue; } if ('_id' === substr($k, -3)) { $relKey = substr($k, 0, -3); if ($this->hasRelation($relKey)) { if ($this->hasUnresolvedRelatedProperty($k)) { $v = $this->$relKey; } elseif ($v !== null) { $v = $this->getRelatedObjectName($relKey, $v); } $k = $relKey; } else { throw new LogicException(sprintf( 'No such relation: %s', $relKey )); } } } // TODO: Do not ship null properties based on flag? if (!$skipDefaults || $this->differsFromDefaultValue($k, $v)) { if ($k === 'disabled' || $this->propertyIsBoolean($k)) { $props[$k] = $this->booleanForDbValue($v); } else { $props[$k] = $v; } } } if ($this->supportsGroups()) { // TODO: resolve $groups = $this->groups()->listGroupNames(); if ($resolved && empty($groups)) { $groups = $this->listInheritedGroupNames(); } $props['groups'] = $groups; } foreach ($this->loadAllMultiRelations() as $key => $rel) { if (count($rel) || !$skipDefaults) { $props[$key] = $rel->listRelatedNames(); } } if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments) { $props['arguments'] = $this->arguments()->toPlainObject( false, $skipDefaults ); } if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { if ($resolved) { $props['vars'] = $this->getResolvedVars(); } else { $props['vars'] = $this->getVars(); } } if ($this->supportsImports()) { if ($resolved) { $props['imports'] = []; } else { $props['imports'] = $this->listImportNames(); } } if ($this->supportsRanges()) { // TODO: resolve $props['ranges'] = $this->get('ranges'); } if ($skipDefaults) { foreach (['imports', 'ranges', 'arguments'] as $key) { if (empty($props[$key])) { unset($props[$key]); } } if (array_key_exists('vars', $props)) { if (count((array) $props['vars']) === 0) { unset($props['vars']); } } if (empty($props['groups'])) { unset($props['groups']); } } foreach ($this->relatedSets() as $property => $set) { if ($resolved) { if ($this->supportsImports()) { $set = clone($set); foreach ($this->imports()->getObjects() as $parent) { $set->inheritFrom($parent->getRelatedSet($property)); } } $values = $set->getResolvedValues(); if (empty($values)) { if (!$skipDefaults) { $props[$property] = null; } } else { $props[$property] = $values; } } else { if ($set->isEmpty()) { if (!$skipDefaults) { $props[$property] = null; } } else { $props[$property] = $set->toPlainObject(); } } } if ($chosenProperties !== null) { $chosen = []; foreach ($chosenProperties as $k) { if (array_key_exists($k, $props)) { $chosen[$k] = $props[$k]; } } $props = $chosen; } ksort($props); return (object) $props; } protected function booleanForDbValue($value) { if ($value === 'y') { return true; } if ($value === 'n') { return false; } return $value; // let this fail elsewhere, if not null } public function listImportNames() { if ($this->gotImports()) { return $this->imports()->listImportNames(); } return $this->templateTree()->listParentNamesFor($this); } public function listFlatResolvedImportNames() { return $this->templateTree()->getAncestorsFor($this); } public function listImportIds() { return $this->templateTree()->listParentIdsFor($this); } public function listAncestorIds() { return $this->templateTree()->listAncestorIdsFor($this); } protected function templateTree() { return $this->templates()->tree(); } protected function templates() { return IcingaTemplateRepository::instanceByObject($this, $this->getConnection()); } protected function differsFromDefaultValue($key, $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->defaultProperties)) { return $value !== $this->defaultProperties[$key]; } return $value !== null; } protected function mapHostsToZones($names) { $map = []; foreach ($names as $hostname) { /** @var IcingaHost $host */ $host = IcingaHost::load($hostname, $this->connection); $zone = $host->getRenderingZone(); if (! array_key_exists($zone, $map)) { $map[$zone] = []; } $map[$zone][] = $hostname; } ksort($map); return $map; } public function getUrlParams() { $params = []; if ($column = $this->getUuidColumn()) { return [$column => $this->getUniqueId()->toString()]; } if ($this->isApplyRule() && ! $this instanceof IcingaScheduledDowntime) { $params['id'] = $this->get('id'); } else { $params = ['name' => $this->getObjectName()]; if ($this->hasProperty('host_id') && $this->get('host_id')) { $params['host'] = $this->get('host'); } if ($this->hasProperty('service_id') && $this->get('service_id')) { $params['service'] = $this->get('service'); } if ($this->hasProperty('service_set_id') && $this->get('service_set_id')) { $params['set'] = $this->get('service_set'); } } return $params; } public function getOnDeleteUrl() { $plural= preg_replace('/cys$/', 'cies', strtolower($this->getShortTableName()) . 's'); return 'director/' . $plural; } /** * @param bool $resolved * @param bool $skipDefaults * @param array|null $chosenProperties * @return string * @throws NotFoundError */ public function toJson( $resolved = false, $skipDefaults = false, array $chosenProperties = null ) { return json_encode($this->toPlainObject($resolved, $skipDefaults, $chosenProperties)); } public function getPlainUnmodifiedObject() { $props = []; foreach ($this->getOriginalProperties() as $k => $v) { // Do not ship ids for IcingaObjects: if ($k === 'id' && $this->hasProperty('object_name')) { continue; } if ($k === $this->getUuidColumn()) { continue; } if ($k === 'disabled' && $v === null) { continue; } if ('_id' === substr($k, -3)) { $relKey = substr($k, 0, -3); if ($this->hasRelation($relKey)) { if ($v !== null) { $v = $this->getRelatedObjectName($relKey, $v); } $k = $relKey; } } if ($this->differsFromDefaultValue($k, $v)) { if ($k === 'disabled' || $this->propertyIsBoolean($k)) { $props[$k] = $this->booleanForDbValue($v); } else { $props[$k] = $v; } } } if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { $originalVars = $this->vars()->getOriginalVars(); if (! empty($originalVars)) { $props['vars'] = (object) []; foreach ($originalVars as $name => $var) { $props['vars']->$name = $var->getValue(); } } } if ($this->supportsGroups()) { $groups = $this->groups()->listOriginalGroupNames(); if (! empty($groups)) { $props['groups'] = $groups; } } if ($this->supportsImports()) { $imports = $this->imports()->listOriginalImportNames(); if (! empty($imports)) { $props['imports'] = $imports; } } if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments) { $args = $this->arguments()->toUnmodifiedPlainObject(); if (! empty($args)) { $props['arguments'] = $args; } } if ($this->supportsRanges()) { $ranges = $this->ranges()->getOriginalValues(); if (!empty($ranges)) { $props['ranges'] = $ranges; } } foreach ($this->relatedSets() as $property => $set) { if ($set->isEmpty()) { continue; } $props[$property] = $set->getPlainUnmodifiedObject(); } foreach ($this->loadAllMultiRelations() as $key => $rel) { $old = $rel->listOriginalNames(); if (! empty($old)) { $props[$key] = $old; } } return (object) $props; } public function __toString() { try { return $this->toConfigString(); } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e); $previousHandler = set_exception_handler( function () { } ); restore_error_handler(); if ($previousHandler !== null) { call_user_func($previousHandler, $e); die(); } die($e->getMessage()); } } public function __destruct() { unset($this->resolveCache); unset($this->vars); unset($this->groups); unset($this->imports); unset($this->ranges); if ($this instanceof ObjectWithArguments) { $this->unsetArguments(); } parent::__destruct(); } }