object === null) { $this->object = IcingaService::create( ['object_type' => 'object'], $this->db ); } $this->addSingleImportElement(); if (! ($imports = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('imports'))) { $this->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Next')); $this->groupMainProperties(); return; } $this->removeElement('imports'); $this->addHidden('imports', $imports); $this->setElementValue('imports', $imports); $this->addNameElement(); $name = $this->getSentOrObjectValue('object_name'); if (empty($name)) { $this->setElementValue('object_name', $imports); } $this->groupMainProperties() ->setButtons(); } protected function groupMainProperties($importsFirst = false) { $elements = [ 'object_type', 'imports', 'object_name', ]; $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, 'object_definition', [ 'decorators' => [ 'FormElements', ['HtmlTag', ['tag' => 'dl']], 'Fieldset', ], 'order' => 20, 'legend' => $this->translate('Main properties') ]); return $this; } /** * @param bool $required * @return $this */ protected function addSingleImportElement($required = null) { $enum = $this->enumServiceTemplates(); if (empty($enum)) { if ($required) { if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $this->addError($this->translate('No service has been chosen')); } else { if ($this->hasPermission('director/admin')) { $html = sprintf( $this->translate('Please define a %s first'), Link::create( $this->translate('Service Template'), 'director/service/add', ['type' => 'template'] ) ); } else { $html = $this->translate('No Service Templates have been provided yet'); } $this->addHtml('

' . $html . '

'); } } return $this; } $this->addElement('select', 'imports', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Service'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Choose a service template' ), 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($enum), 'class' => 'autosubmit' ]); return $this; } protected function enumServiceTemplates() { $tpl = $this->getDb()->enumIcingaTemplates('service'); return array_combine($tpl, $tpl); } /** * @param IcingaHost[] $hosts * @return $this */ public function setHosts(array $hosts) { $this->hosts = $hosts; return $this; } /** * @param IcingaHost $host * @return $this */ public function setHost(IcingaHost $host) { $this->host = $host; return $this; } protected function addNameElement() { $this->addElement('text', 'object_name', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Name'), 'required' => true, 'description' => $this->translate( 'Name for the Icinga service you are going to create' ) ]); return $this; } public function onSuccess() { if ($this->host !== null) { $this->object->set('host_id', $this->host->get('id')); parent::onSuccess(); return; } $plain = $this->object->toPlainObject(); $db = $this->object->getConnection(); foreach ($this->hosts as $host) { IcingaService::fromPlainObject($plain, $db) ->set('host_id', $host->get('id')) ->store(); } $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('The service "%s" has been added to %d hosts'), $this->object->getObjectName(), count($this->hosts) ); $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } }