object->getObjectName(); $this->addElement('text', 'new_object_name', array( 'label' => $this->translate('New name'), 'required' => true, 'value' => $name, )); if (Acl::instance()->hasPermission('director/admin')) { $this->addElement('select', 'clone_type', array( 'label' => 'Clone type', 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => array( 'equal' => $this->translate('Clone the object as is, preserving imports'), 'flat' => $this->translate('Flatten all inherited properties, strip imports'), ) )); } if ($this->object instanceof IcingaHost || $this->object instanceof IcingaServiceSet ) { $this->addBoolean('clone_services', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Clone Services'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Also clone single Services defined for this Host' ) ], 'y'); } if ($this->object instanceof IcingaHost) { $this->addBoolean('clone_service_sets', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Clone Service Sets'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Also clone single Service Sets defined for this Host' ) ], 'y'); } if ($this->object instanceof IcingaService && $this->object->get('service_set_id') !== null) { $this->addElement('select', 'target_service_set', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Target Service Set'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Clone this service to the very same or to another Service Set' ), 'multiOptions' => $this->enumServiceSets(), 'value' => $this->object->get('service_set_id') ]); } if ($this->object->isTemplate() && $this->object->supportsFields()) { $this->addBoolean('clone_fields', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Clone Template Fields'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Also clone fields provided by this Template' ) ], 'y'); } $this->submitLabel = sprintf( $this->translate('Clone "%s"'), $name ); } public function onSuccess() { $object = $this->object; $table = $object->getTableName(); $type = $object->getShortTableName(); $connection = $object->getConnection(); $db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); $newName = $this->getValue('new_object_name'); $resolve = Acl::instance()->hasPermission('director/admin') && $this->getValue('clone_type') === 'flat'; $msg = sprintf( 'The %s "%s" has been cloned from "%s"', $type, $newName, $object->getObjectName() ); if ($object->isTemplate() && $object->getObjectName() === $newName) { throw new IcingaException( $this->translate('Name needs to be changed when cloning a Template') ); } $new = $object::fromPlainObject( $object->toPlainObject($resolve), $connection )->set('object_name', $newName); if ($new->isExternal()) { $new->set('object_type', 'object'); } if ($set = $this->getValue('target_service_set')) { $new->set( 'service_set_id', IcingaServiceSet::loadWithAutoIncId((int) $set, $connection)->get('id') ); } $services = []; $sets = []; if ($object instanceof IcingaHost) { $new->set('api_key', null); if ($this->getValue('clone_services') === 'y') { $services = $object->fetchServices(); } if ($this->getValue('clone_service_sets') === 'y') { $sets = $object->fetchServiceSets(); } } elseif ($object instanceof IcingaServiceSet) { if ($this->getValue('clone_services') === 'y') { $services = $object->fetchServices(); } } if ($this->getValue('clone_fields') === 'y') { $fields = $db->fetchAll( $db->select() ->from($table . '_field') ->where("${type}_id = ?", $object->get('id')) ); } else { $fields = []; } if ($new->store()) { $newId = $new->get('id'); foreach ($services as $service) { $clone = IcingaService::fromPlainObject( $service->toPlainObject(), $connection ); if ($new instanceof IcingaHost) { $clone->set('host_id', $newId); } elseif ($new instanceof IcingaServiceSet) { $clone->set('service_set_id', $newId); } $clone->store(); } foreach ($sets as $set) { IcingaServiceSet::fromPlainObject( $set->toPlainObject(), $connection )->set('host_id', $newId)->store(); } foreach ($fields as $row) { $row->{"${type}_id"} = $newId; $db->insert($table . '_field', (array) $row); } if ($new instanceof IcingaServiceSet) { $this->setSuccessUrl( 'director/serviceset', $new->getUrlParams() ); } else { $this->setSuccessUrl( 'director/' . strtolower($type), $new->getUrlParams() ); } $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } } protected function enumServiceSets() { $db = $this->object->getConnection()->getDbAdapter(); return $db->fetchPairs( $db->select() ->from('icinga_service_set', ['id', 'object_name']) ->order('object_name') ); } public function setObject(IcingaObject $object) { $this->object = $object; return $this; } }