addElement('select', 'filter_method', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Filter method'), 'required' => true, 'value' => 'wildcard', 'multiOptions' => $form->optionalEnum([ 'wildcard' => $form->translate('Simple match with wildcards (*)'), 'regex' => $form->translate('Regular Expression'), 'is_true' => $form->translate('Match boolean TRUE'), 'is_false' => $form->translate('Match boolean FALSE'), 'is_null' => $form->translate('Match NULL value columns'), ]), 'class' => 'autosubmit', ]); $form->addElement('text', 'filter_string', [ 'label' => 'Filter', 'description' => $form->translate( 'The string/pattern you want to search for. Depends on the' . ' chosen method, use www.* or *linux* for wildcard matches' . ' and expression like /^www\d+\./ in case you opted for a' . ' regular expression' ), 'required' => true, ]); $form->addElement('select', 'policy', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Policy'), 'required' => true, 'description' => $form->translate( 'What should happen with the row, when this property matches the given expression?' ), 'value' => 'reject', 'multiOptions' => [ 'reject' => $form->translate('Reject the whole row (Blacklist)'), 'keep' => $form->translate('Keep only matching rows (Whitelist)'), ], ]); } public function matchesRegexp($string, $expression) { return preg_match($expression, $string); } public function isNull($string, $expression) { return $string === null; } public function isTrue($string, $expression) { return $string === true; } public function isFalse($string, $expression) { return $string === false; } public function matchesWildcard($string, $expression) { return $this->filterExpression->matches( (object) ['value' => $string] ); } public function transform($value) { $method = $this->getSetting('filter_method'); $filter = $this->getSetting('filter_string'); $policy = $this->getSetting('policy'); switch ($method) { case 'wildcard': $func = 'matchesWildcard'; $this->filterExpression = new FilterExpression('value', '=', $filter); break; case 'regex': $func = 'matchesRegexp'; break; case 'is_null': $func = 'isNull'; break; case 'is_true': $func = 'isTrue'; break; case 'is_false': $func = 'isFalse'; break; default: throw new ConfigurationError( '%s is not a valid value for an ArrayFilter filter_method', var_export($method, 1) ); } if ($this->$func($value, $filter)) { if ($policy === 'reject') { $this->rejectRow(); } } else { if ($policy === 'keep') { $this->rejectRow(); } } return $value; } }