false, 'false' => false, 'n' => false, 'no' => false, '1' => true, 'true' => true, 'y' => true, 'yes' => true, ); public function getName() { return 'Convert to a boolean value'; } public static function addSettingsFormFields(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('select', 'on_invalid', array( 'label' => 'Invalid properties', 'required' => true, 'description' => $form->translate( 'This modifier transforms 0/"0"/false/"false"/"n"/"no" to false' . ' and 1, "1", true, "true", "y" and "yes" to true, both in a' . ' case insensitive way. What should happen if the given value' . ' does not match any of those?' . ' You could return a null value, or default to false or true.' . ' You might also consider interrupting the whole import process' . ' as of invalid source data' ), 'multiOptions' => $form->optionalEnum(array( 'null' => $form->translate('Set null'), 'true' => $form->translate('Set true'), 'false' => $form->translate('Set false'), 'fail' => $form->translate('Let the import fail'), )), )); } public function transform($value) { if ($value === false || $value === true || $value === null) { return $value; } if ($value === 0) { return false; } if ($value === 1) { return true; } if (is_string($value)) { $value = strtolower($value); if (array_key_exists($value, self::$validStrings)) { return self::$validStrings[$value]; } } switch ($this->getSetting('on_missing')) { case 'null': return null; case 'false': return false; case 'true': return true; case 'fail': default: throw new InvalidPropertyException( '"%s" cannot be converted to a boolean value', $value ); } } }