addHidden('rule_id', $this->rule->get('id')); $this->addElement('select', 'source_id', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Source Name'), 'multiOptions' => $this->enumImportSource(), 'required' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', )); if (! $this->hasObject() && ! $this->getSentValue('source_id')) { return; } $this->addElement('select', 'destination_field', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Destination Field'), 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($this->listDestinationFields()), 'required' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', )); if ($this->getSentValue('destination_field')) { $destination = $this->getSentValue('destination_field'); } elseif ($this->hasObject()) { $destination = $this->getObject()->destination_field; } else { return; } $isCustomvar = substr($destination, 0, 5) === 'vars.'; if ($isCustomvar) { $varname = substr($destination, 5); $this->addElement('text', 'customvar', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Custom variable'), 'required' => true, 'ignore' => true, )); if ($varname !== '*') { $this->setElementValue('destination_field', 'vars.*'); $this->setElementValue('customvar', $varname); if ($this->hasObject()) { $this->getObject()->destination_field = 'vars.*'; } } } $this->addSourceColumnElement($destination); $this->addElement('YesNo', 'use_filter', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Set based on filter'), 'ignore' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', 'required' => true, )); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $useFilter = $this->getSentValue('use_filter'); if ($useFilter === null) { $this->setElementValue('use_filter', $useFilter = 'n'); } } else { $useFilter = strlen($this->getObject()->filter_expression) ? 'y' : 'n'; $this->setElementValue('use_filter', $useFilter); } if ($useFilter === 'y') { $this->addElement('text', 'filter_expression', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Filter Expression'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'This allows to filter for specific parts within the given source expression.' . ' You are allowed to refer all imported columns. Examples: host=www* would' . ' set this property only for rows imported with a host property starting' . ' with "www". Complex example: host=www*&!(address=127.*|address6=::1)' ), 'required' => true, // TODO: validate filter )); } if ($isCustomvar || $destination === 'vars') { $this->addElement('select', 'merge_policy', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Merge Policy'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Whether you want to merge or replace the destination field.' . ' Makes no difference for strings' ), 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum(array( 'merge' => 'merge', 'override' => 'replace' )) )); } else { $this->addHidden('merge_policy', 'override'); } $this->setButtons(); } protected function hasSubOption($options, $key) { foreach ($options as $mainKey => $sub) { if (! is_array($sub)) { // null -> please choose - or similar continue; } if (array_key_exists($key, $sub)) { return true; } } return false; } protected function addSourceColumnElement($destination) { $error = false; $srcTitle = $this->translate('Source columns'); try { $columns[$srcTitle] = $this->listSourceColumns(); natsort($columns[$srcTitle]); } catch (Exception $e) { $srcTitle .= sprintf(' (%s)', $this->translate('failed to fetch')); $columns[$srcTitle] = array(); $error = sprintf( $this->translate('Unable to fetch data: %s'), $e->getMessage() ); } if ($destination === 'import') { $funcTemplates = 'enum' . ucfirst($this->rule->get('object_type')) . 'Templates'; if (method_exists($this->db, $funcTemplates)) { $templates = $this->db->$funcTemplates(); if (! empty($templates)) { $templates = array_combine($templates, $templates); } $importTitle = $this->translate('Existing templates'); $columns[$importTitle] = $templates; natsort($columns[$importTitle]); } } $xpTitle = $this->translate('Expert mode'); $columns[$xpTitle][self::EXPRESSION] = $this->translate('Custom expression'); $this->addElement('select', 'source_column', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Source Column'), 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($columns), 'required' => true, 'ignore' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', )); if ($error) { $this->getElement('source_column')->addError($error); } $showExpression = false; if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $sentValue = $this->getSentValue('source_column'); if ($sentValue === self::EXPRESSION) { $showExpression = true; } } elseif ($this->hasObject()) { $objectValue = $this->getObject()->source_expression; if ($this->hasSubOption($columns, $objectValue)) { $this->setElementValue('source_column', $objectValue); } else { $this->setElementValue('source_column', self::EXPRESSION); $showExpression = true; } } if ($showExpression) { $this->addElement('text', 'source_expression', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Source Expression'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'A custom string. Might contain source columns, please use placeholders' . ' of the form ${columnName} in such case' ), 'required' => true, )); } return $this; } protected function enumImportSource() { $sources = $this->db->enumImportSource(); $usedIds = $this->rule->listInvolvedSourceIds(); if (empty($usedIds)) { return $this->optionalEnum($sources); } $usedSources = array(); foreach ($usedIds as $id) { $usedSources[$id] = $sources[$id]; unset($sources[$id]); } if (empty($sources)) { return $this->optionalEnum($usedSources); } return $this->optionalEnum( array( $this->translate('Used sources') => $usedSources, $this->translate('Other sources') => $sources ) ); } protected function listSourceColumns() { $columns = array(); $source = $this->getImportSource(); $hook = $this->getImportSourceHook(); foreach ($hook->listColumns() as $col) { $columns['${' . $col . '}'] = $col; } foreach ($source->listModifierTargetProperties() as $property) { $columns['${' . $property . '}'] = $property; } return $columns; } protected function listDestinationFields() { $props = array(); $special = array(); $dummy = $this->dummyObject(); if ($dummy instanceof IcingaObject) { if ($dummy->supportsCustomVars()) { $special['vars.*'] = $this->translate('Custom variable (vars.)'); $special['vars'] = $this->translate('All custom variables (vars)'); } if ($dummy->supportsImports()) { $special['import'] = $this->translate('Inheritance (import)'); } if ($dummy->supportsArguments()) { $special['arguments'] = $this->translate('Arguments'); } if ($dummy->supportsGroups()) { $special['groups'] = $this->translate('Group membership'); } if ($dummy->supportsRanges()) { $special['ranges'] = $this->translate('Time ranges'); } } foreach ($dummy->listProperties() as $prop) { if ($dummy instanceof IcingaObject && $prop === 'id') { continue; } // TODO: allow those fields, but munge them (store ids) //if (preg_match('~_id$~', $prop)) continue; if (substr($prop, -3) === '_id') { $short = substr($prop, 0, -3); if ($dummy instanceof IcingaObject) { if ($dummy->hasRelation($short)) { $prop = $short; } else { continue; } } } $props[$prop] = $prop; } if ($dummy instanceof IcingaObject) { foreach ($dummy->listMultiRelations() as $prop) { $props[$prop] = sprintf('%s (%s)', $prop, $this->translate('a list')); } } ksort($props); return array( $this->translate('Special properties') => $special, $this->translate('Object properties') => $props ); } /** * @return ImportSource */ protected function getImportSource() { if ($this->importSource === null) { if ($this->hasObject()) { $this->importSource = ImportSource::load($this->object->get('source_id'), $this->db); } else { $this->importSource = ImportSource::load($this->getSentValue('source_id'), $this->db); } } return $this->importSource; } /** * @return ImportSourceHook */ protected function getImportSourceHook() { if ($this->importSourceHook === null) { $this->importSourceHook = ImportSourceHook::loadByName( $this->getImportSource()->get('source_name'), $this->db ); } return $this->importSourceHook; } public function onSuccess() { /** @var SyncProperty $object */ $object = $this->getObject(); $object->set('rule_id', $this->rule->get('id')); // ?! if ($this->getValue('use_filter') === 'n') { $object->set('filter_expression', null); } $sourceColumn = $this->getValue('source_column'); $this->removeElement('source_column'); if ($sourceColumn !== self::EXPRESSION) { $object->source_expression = $sourceColumn; } $destination = $this->getValue('destination_field'); if ($destination === 'vars.*') { $destination = $this->getValue('customvar'); $object->destination_field = 'vars.' . $destination; } return parent::onSuccess(); } protected function dummyObject() { if ($this->dummyObject === null) { $this->dummyObject = IcingaObject::createByType( $this->rule->get('object_type'), array(), $this->db ); } return $this->dummyObject; } public function setRule(SyncRule $rule) { $this->rule = $rule; return $this; } }