setObject($object); } public function setObject(IcingaObject $object) { $this->object = $object; $this->type = $object->getShortTableName(); $this->table = $object->getTableName(); $this->connection = $object->getConnection(); $this->db = $this->connection->getDbAdapter(); return $this; } /** * Forget all template relation of the given object type * * @return self */ public function clearCache() { $type = $object->getShortTableName(); unset(self::$templates[$type]); } public function fetchParents() { // TODO: involve lookup cache $res = array(); $class = $this->object; foreach ($this->listParentIds() as $id) { $object = $class::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $this->connection); $res[$object->object_name] = $object; } return $res; } public function listParentIds($id = null) { $this->requireTemplates(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->object->id; } $type = $this->type; if (array_key_exists($id, self::$idIdx[$type])) { return array_keys(self::$idIdx[$type][$id]); } return array(); } public function listParentNames($name = null) { $this->requireTemplates(); if ($name === null) { $name = $this->object->object_name; } $type = $this->type; if (array_key_exists($name, self::$nameIdx[$type])) { return array_keys(self::$nameIdx[$type][$name]); } return array(); } public function fetchResolvedParents() { // TODO: involve lookup cache $res = array(); $class = $this->object; $connection = $this->connection; foreach ($this->listResolvedParentIds() as $id) { $res[] = $class::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $connection); } return $res; } public function listResolvedParentIds() { $this->requireTemplates(); return $this->resolveParentIds($this->object->id); } public function listResolvedParentNames() { $this->requireTemplates(); return $this->resolveParentNames($this->object->object_name); } public function resolveParentIds($id) { $res = array(); foreach ($this->listParentIds($id) as $parentId) { foreach ($this->resolveParentIds($parentId) as $gpId) { $res[] = $gpId; } $res[] = $parentId; } return $res; } public function resolveParentNames($name) { $res = array(); foreach ($this->listParentNames($name) as $parentName) { foreach ($this->resolveParentNames($parentName) as $gpName) { $res[] = $gpName; } $res[] = $parentName; } return $res; } /* public function listChildren() { } public function listChildrenIds */ protected function requireTemplates() { if (! array_key_exists($this->type, self::$templates)) { $this->prepareLookupTables(); } return $this; } protected function prepareLookupTables() { $type = $this->type; $templates = static::fetchTemplates( $this->db, $type ); $ids = array(); $names = array(); foreach ($templates as $row) { if ($row->parent_id === null) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($row->id, $ids)) { $ids[$row->id][$row->parent_id] = $row->parent_name; $names[$row->name][$row->parent_name] = $row->parent_id; } else { $ids[$row->id] = array( $row->parent_id => $row->parent_name ); $names[$row->name] = array( $row->parent_name => $row->parent_id ); } } self::$idIdx[$type] = $ids; self::$nameIdx[$type] = $names; self::$templates[$type] = $templates; } protected function fetchTemplates() { $db = $this->db; $type = $this->type; $table = $this->object->getTableName(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('o' => $table), array( 'id' => '', 'name' => 'o.object_name', 'parent_id' => '', 'parent_name' => 'p.object_name', ) )->joinLeft( array('i' => $table . '_inheritance'), ' = i.' . $type . '_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('p' => $table), ' = i.parent_' . $type . '_id', array() )//->where("o.object_type = 'template'") ->order('') ->order('i.weight'); return $db->fetchAll($query); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->connection); unset($this->db); unset($this->object); } }