null, 'object_name' => null, 'action_name' => null, 'object_type' => null, 'old_properties' => null, 'new_properties' => null, 'author' => null, 'change_time' => null, 'checksum' => null, 'parent_checksum' => null, ); /** * @param $name * * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @return self */ protected function setObject_Name($name) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd if ($name === null) { $name = ''; } return $this->reallySet('object_name', $name); } protected static function username() { if (Icinga::app()->isCli()) { return 'cli'; } $auth = Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { return $auth->getUser()->getUsername(); } elseif (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) { return '<' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . '>'; } elseif (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { return '<' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '>'; } else { return ''; } } protected static function ip() { if (Icinga::app()->isCli()) { return 'cli'; } if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { return ''; } } public static function loadLatest(Db $connection) { $db = $connection->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select()->from('director_activity_log', array('id' => 'MAX(id)')); return static::load($db->fetchOne($query), $connection); } public static function logCreation(IcingaObject $object, Db $db) { // TODO: extend this to support non-IcingaObjects and multikey objects $name = $object->getObjectName(); $type = $object->getTableName(); $newProps = $object->toJson(null, true); $data = array( 'object_name' => $name, 'action_name' => 'create', 'author' => static::username(), 'object_type' => $type, 'new_properties' => $newProps, 'change_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // TODO -> postgres! 'parent_checksum' => $db->getLastActivityChecksum() ); $data['checksum'] = sha1(json_encode($data), true); $data['parent_checksum'] = Util::hex2binary($data['parent_checksum']); static::audit($db, array( 'action' => 'create', 'object_type' => $type, 'object_name' => $name, 'new_props' => $newProps, )); return static::create($data)->store($db); } public static function logModification(IcingaObject $object, Db $db) { $name = $object->getObjectName(); $type = $object->getTableName(); $oldProps = json_encode($object->getPlainUnmodifiedObject()); $newProps = $object->toJson(null, true); $data = array( 'object_name' => $name, 'action_name' => 'modify', 'author' => static::username(), 'object_type' => $type, 'old_properties' => $oldProps, 'new_properties' => $newProps, 'change_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // TODO -> postgres! 'parent_checksum' => $db->getLastActivityChecksum() ); $data['checksum'] = sha1(json_encode($data), true); $data['parent_checksum'] = Util::hex2binary($data['parent_checksum']); static::audit($db, array( 'action' => 'modify', 'object_type' => $type, 'object_name' => $name, 'old_props' => $oldProps, 'new_props' => $newProps, )); return static::create($data)->store($db); } public static function logRemoval(IcingaObject $object, Db $db) { $name = $object->getObjectName(); $type = $object->getTableName(); $oldProps = json_encode($object->getPlainUnmodifiedObject()); $data = array( 'object_name' => $name, 'action_name' => 'delete', 'author' => static::username(), 'object_type' => $type, 'old_properties' => $oldProps, 'change_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // TODO -> postgres! 'parent_checksum' => $db->getLastActivityChecksum() ); $data['checksum'] = sha1(json_encode($data), true); $data['parent_checksum'] = Util::hex2binary($data['parent_checksum']); static::audit($db, array( 'action' => 'remove', 'object_type' => $type, 'object_name' => $name, 'old_props' => $oldProps )); return static::create($data)->store($db); } public static function audit(Db $db, $properties) { if ($db->settings()->enable_audit_log !== 'y') { return; } $log = array(); $properties = array_merge( array( 'username' => static::username(), 'address' => static::ip(), ), $properties ); foreach ($properties as $key => & $val) { $log[] = "$key=" . json_encode($val); } Logger::info('(director) ' . implode(' ', $log)); } }