getDb()); $enum = []; foreach ($baskets as $basket) { $enum[$basket->get('basket_name')] = $basket->get('basket_name'); } $names = []; $basket = null; if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $basketName = $this->getSentValue('basket'); if ($basketName) { $basket = Basket::load($basketName, $this->getDb()); } } $count = 0; $type = $this->type; foreach ($this->names as $name) { if (! empty($names)) { $names[] = ', '; } if ($basket && $basket->hasObject($type, $name)) { $names[] = Html::tag('span', [ 'style' => 'text-decoration: line-through' ], $name); } else { $count++; $names[] = $name; } } $this->addHtmlHint((new HtmlDocument())->add([ 'The following objects will be added: ', $names ])); $this->addElement('select', 'basket', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Basket'), 'multiOptions' => $this->optionalEnum($enum), 'required' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', ]); if ($count > 0) { $this->setSubmitLabel(sprintf( $this->translate('Add %s objects'), $count )); } else { $this->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Add')); $this->addSubmitButtonIfSet(); $this->getElement($this->submitButtonName)->setAttrib('disabled', true); } } public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; return $this; } public function setNames($names) { $this->names = $names; return $this; } /** * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\DuplicateKeyException */ public function onSuccess() { $type = $this->type; $basket = Basket::load($this->getValue('basket'), $this->getDb()); $basketName = $basket->get('basket_name'); if (empty($this->names)) { $this->getElement('basket')->addErrorMessage($this->translate( 'No object has been chosen' )); } if ($basket->supportsCustomSelectionFor($type)) { $basket->addObjects($type, $this->names); $basket->store(); $this->setSuccessMessage(sprintf($this->translate( 'Configuration objects have been added to the chosen basket "%s"' ), $basketName)); return parent::onSuccess(); } else { $this->addHtmlHint(Html::tag('p', [ 'class' => 'error' ], Html::sprintf($this->translate( 'Please check your Basket configuration, %s does not support' . ' single "%s" configuration objects' ), Link::create( $basketName, 'director/basket', ['name' => $basketName], ['data-base-target' => '_next'] ), $type))); return false; } } }