objects = $objects; $this->object = current($this->objects); $this->db = $this->object()->getConnection(); return $this; } public function isMultiObjectForm() { return true; } public function pickElementsFrom(QuickForm $form, $properties) { $this->relatedForm = $form; $this->propertiesToPick = $properties; return $this; } public function setup() { $object = $this->object; $loader = new IcingaObjectFieldLoader($object); $loader->prepareElements($this); $loader->addFieldsToForm($this); if ($form = $this->relatedForm) { if ($form instanceof DirectorObjectForm) { $form->setDb($object->getConnection()) ->setObject($object); } $form->prepareElements(); } else { $this->propertiesToPick = array(); } foreach ($this->propertiesToPick as $property) { if ($el = $form->getElement($property)) { $this->makeVariants($el); } } /** @var \Zend_Form_Element $el */ foreach ($this->getElements() as $el) { $name = $el->getName(); if (substr($name, 0, 4) === 'var_') { $this->makeVariants($el); } } $this->setButtons(); } public function onSuccess() { foreach ($this->getValues() as $key => $value) { $this->setSubmittedMultiValue($key, $value); } $modified = $this->storeModifiedObjects(); if ($modified === 0) { $msg = $this->translate('No object has been modified'); } elseif ($modified === 1) { $msg = $this->translate('One object has been modified'); } else { $msg = sprintf( $this->translate('%d objects have been modified'), $modified ); } $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } /** * No default objects behaviour */ protected function onRequest() { IcingaObjectFormHook::callOnSetup($this); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $this->handlePost(); } } protected function handlePost() { $this->callOnRequestCallables(); if ($this->shouldBeDeleted()) { $this->deleteObjects(); } } protected function setSubmittedMultiValue($key, $value) { $parts = preg_split('/_/', $key); $objectsSum = array_pop($parts); $valueSum = array_pop($parts); $property = implode('_', $parts); if ($value === '') { $value = null; } foreach ($this->getVariants($property) as $json => $objects) { if ($valueSum !== sha1($json)) { continue; } if ($objectsSum !== sha1(json_encode($objects))) { continue; } if (substr($property, 0, 4) === 'var_') { $property = 'vars.' . substr($property, 4); } foreach ($this->getObjects($objects) as $object) { $object->$property = $value; } } } protected function storeModifiedObjects() { $modified = 0; foreach ($this->objects as $object) { if ($object->hasBeenModified()) { $modified++; $object->store(); } } return $modified; } protected function getDisplayGroupForElement(ZfElement $element) { if ($this->elementGroupMap === null) { $this->resolveDisplayGroups(); } $name = $element->getName(); if (array_key_exists($name, $this->elementGroupMap)) { $groupName = $this->elementGroupMap[$name]; if ($group = $this->getDisplayGroup($groupName)) { return $group; } elseif ($this->relatedForm) { return $this->stealDisplayGroup($groupName, $this->relatedForm); } } return null; } protected function stealDisplayGroup($name, QuickForm $form) { if ($group = $form->getDisplayGroup($name)) { $group = clone($group); $group->setElements(array()); $this->_displayGroups[$name] = $group; $this->_order[$name] = $group->getOrder(); $this->_orderUpdated = true; return $group; } return null; } protected function resolveDisplayGroups() { $this->elementGroupMap = array(); if ($form = $this->relatedForm) { $this->extractFormDisplayGroups($form); } $this->extractFormDisplayGroups($this); } protected function extractFormDisplayGroups(QuickForm $form) { /** @var \Zend_Form_DisplayGroup $group */ foreach ($form->getDisplayGroups() as $group) { $groupName = $group->getName(); foreach ($group->getElements() as $name => $e) { $this->elementGroupMap[$name] = $groupName; } } } protected function makeVariants(ZfElement $element) { $key = $element->getName(); $this->removeElement($key); $label = $element->getLabel(); $group = $this->getDisplayGroupForElement($element); $description = $element->getDescription(); foreach ($this->getVariants($key) as $json => $objects) { $value = json_decode($json); $checksum = sha1($json) . '_' . sha1(json_encode($objects)); $v = clone($element); $v->setName($key . '_' . $checksum); $v->setDescription($description . ' ' . $this->descriptionForObjects($objects)); $v->setLabel($label . $this->labelCount($objects)); $v->setValue($value); if ($group) { $group->addElement($v); } $this->addElement($v); } } protected function getVariants($key) { $variants = array(); if (substr($key, 0, 4) === 'var_') { $key = 'vars.' . substr($key, 4); } foreach ($this->objects as $name => $object) { $value = json_encode($object->$key); if (! array_key_exists($value, $variants)) { $variants[$value] = array(); } $variants[$value][] = $name; } foreach ($variants as & $objects) { natsort($objects); } return $variants; } protected function descriptionForObjects($list) { return sprintf( $this->translate('Changing this value affects %d object(s): %s'), count($list), implode(', ', $list) ); } protected function labelCount($list) { return ' (' . count($list) . ')'; } protected function db() { if ($this->db === null) { $this->db = $this->object()->getConnection(); } return $this->db; } public function getObjects($names = null) { if ($names === null) { return $this->objects; } $res = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $res[$name] = $this->objects[$name]; } return $res; } protected function deleteObjects() { $msg = sprintf( '%d objects of type "%s" have been removed', count($this->objects), $this->translate($this->object->getShortTableName()) ); foreach ($this->objects as $object) { $object->delete(); } if ($this->listUrl) { $this->setSuccessUrl($this->listUrl); } $this->redirectOnSuccess($msg); } }