rule = $rule; $this->db = $rule->getConnection(); } /** * Whether the given sync rule would apply modifications * * @return boolean */ public function hasModifications() { return count($this->getExpectedModifications()) > 0; } /** * Retrieve modifications a given SyncRule would apply * * @return array Array of IcingaObject elements */ public function getExpectedModifications() { $modified = array(); $objects = $this->prepare(); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object->hasBeenModified()) { $modified[] = $object; } elseif ($object->shouldBeRemoved()) { $modified[] = $object; } } return $modified; } /** * Transform the given value to an array * * @param array|string|null $value * * @return array */ protected function wantArray($value) { if (is_array($value)) { return $value; } elseif ($value === null) { return array(); } else { return array($value); } } /** * Raise PHP resource limits * * TODO: do this in a failsafe way, and only if necessary * * @return self; */ protected function raiseLimits() { ini_set('memory_limit', '768M'); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); return $this; } /** * Initialize run summary measurements * * @return self; */ protected function startMeasurements() { $this->run = SyncRun::start($this->rule); $this->runStartTime = microtime(true); return $this; } /** * Fetch the configured properties involved in this sync * * @return self */ protected function fetchSyncProperties() { $this->syncProperties = $this->rule->fetchSyncProperties(); foreach ($this->syncProperties as $key => $prop) { if (! strlen($prop->filter_expression)) { continue; } $this->columnFilters[$key] = Filter::fromQueryString( $prop->filter_expression ); } return $this; } protected function rowMatchesPropertyFilter($row, $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->columnFilters)) { return true; } return $this->columnFilters[$key]->matches($row); } /** * Instantiates all related ImportSource objects * * @return self */ protected function prepareRelatedImportSources() { $this->sources = array(); foreach ($this->syncProperties as $p) { $id = $p->source_id; if (! array_key_exists($id, $this->sources)) { $this->sources[$id] = ImportSource::load($id, $this->db); } } return $this; } /** * Prepare the source columns we want to fetch * * @return self */ protected function prepareSourceColumns() { // $fieldMap = array(); $this->sourceColumns = array(); foreach ($this->syncProperties as $p) { $sourceId = $p->source_id; if (! array_key_exists($sourceId, $this->sourceColumns)) { $this->sourceColumns[$sourceId] = array(); } foreach (SyncUtils::extractVariableNames($p->source_expression) as $varname) { $this->sourceColumns[$sourceId][$varname] = $varname; // -> ? $fieldMap[ } } return $this; } /** * Fetch latest imported data rows from all involved import sources * * @return self */ protected function fetchImportedData() { $this->imported = array(); $sourceKeyPattern = $this->rule->getSourceKeyPattern(); $combinedKey = $this->rule->hasCombinedKey(); foreach ($this->sources as $source) { /** @var ImportSource $source */ $sourceId = $source->id; // Provide an alias column for our key. TODO: double-check this! $key = $source->key_column; $this->sourceColumns[$sourceId][$key] = $key; $run = $source->fetchLastRun(true); $rows = $run->fetchRows( SyncUtils::getRootVariables($this->sourceColumns[$sourceId]) ); $this->imported[$sourceId] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($combinedKey) { $key = SyncUtils::fillVariables($sourceKeyPattern, $row); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->imported[$sourceId])) { throw new IcingaException( 'Trying to import row "%s" (%s) twice: %s VS %s', $key, $sourceKeyPattern, json_encode($this->imported[$sourceId][$key]), json_encode($row) ); } } else { if (! property_exists($row, $key)) { throw new IcingaException( 'There is no key column "%s" in this row from "%s": %s', $key, $source->source_name, json_encode($row) ); } } if (! $this->rule->matches($row)) { continue; } if ($combinedKey) { $this->imported[$sourceId][$key] = $row; } else { $this->imported[$sourceId][$row->$key] = $row; } } unset($rows); } return $this; } // TODO: This is rubbish, we need to filter at fetch time protected function removeForeignListEntries() { $listId = null; foreach ($this->syncProperties as $prop) { if ($prop->destination_field === 'list_id') { $listId = (int) $prop->source_expression; } } if ($listId === null) { throw new IcingaException( 'Cannot sync datalist entry without list_ist' ); } $no = array(); foreach ($this->objects as $k => $o) { if ((int) $o->list_id !== (int) $listId) { $no[] = $k; } } foreach ($no as $k) { unset($this->objects[$k]); } } protected function loadExistingObjects() { // TODO: Make object_type (template, object...) and object_name mandatory? if ($this->rule->hasCombinedKey()) { $this->objects = array(); $destinationKeyPattern = $this->rule->getDestinationKeyPattern(); foreach (IcingaObject::loadAllByType( $this->rule->object_type, $this->db ) as $object) { if ($object instanceof IcingaService) { if (! $object->host_id) { continue; } } $key = SyncUtils::fillVariables( $destinationKeyPattern, $object ); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) { throw new IcingaException( 'Combined destination key "%s" is not unique, got "%s" twice', $destinationKeyPattern, $key ); } $this->objects[$key] = $object; } } else { $this->objects = IcingaObject::loadAllByType( $this->rule->object_type, $this->db ); } // TODO: should be obsoleted by a better "loadFiltered" method if ($this->rule->object_type === 'datalistEntry') { $this->removeForeignListEntries($this->objects); } return $this; } protected function prepareNewObjects() { $newObjects = array(); foreach ($this->sources as $source) { $sourceId = $source->id; foreach ($this->imported[$sourceId] as $key => $row) { $newProps = array(); $newVars = array(); $imports = array(); foreach ($this->syncProperties as $propertyKey => $p) { if ($p->source_id !== $sourceId) { continue; } if (! $this->rowMatchesPropertyFilter($row, $propertyKey)) { continue; } $prop = $p->destination_field; $val = SyncUtils::fillVariables($p->source_expression, $row); if (substr($prop, 0, 5) === 'vars.') { $varName = substr($prop, 5); if (substr($varName, -2) === '[]') { $varName = substr($varName, 0, -2); $val = $this->wantArray($val); } $newVars[$varName] = $val; } else { if ($prop === 'import') { $imports[] = $val; } else { $newProps[$prop] = $val; } } } if (! array_key_exists($key, $newObjects)) { $newObjects[$key] = IcingaObject::createByType( $this->rule->object_type, array(), $this->db ); } $object = $newObjects[$key]; // Safe default values for object_type and object_name if ($this->rule->object_type !== 'datalistEntry') { if (! array_key_exists('object_type', $newProps) || $newProps['object_type'] === null ) { $newProps['object_type'] = 'object'; } if (! array_key_exists('object_name', $newProps) || $newProps['object_name'] === null ) { $newProps['object_name'] = $key; } } foreach ($newProps as $prop => $value) { // TODO: data type? $object->set($prop, $value); } foreach ($newVars as $prop => $var) { $object->vars()->$prop = $var; } if (! empty($imports)) { // TODO: merge imports!!! $object->imports()->set($imports); } } } return $newObjects; } /** * Evaluates a SyncRule and returns a list of modified objects * * TODO: This needs to be splitted into smaller methods * * @return array List of modified IcingaObjects */ protected function prepare() { if ($this->isPrepared) { return $this->objects; } PrefetchCache::initialize($this->db); $this->raiseLimits() ->startMeasurements() ->fetchSyncProperties() ->prepareRelatedImportSources() ->prepareSourceColumns() ->loadExistingObjects() ->fetchImportedData(); // TODO: directly work on existing objects, remember imported keys, then purge $newObjects = $this->prepareNewObjects(); foreach ($newObjects as $key => $object) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) { switch ($this->rule->update_policy) { case 'override': $this->objects[$key]->replaceWith($object); break; case 'merge': // TODO: re-evaluate merge settings. vars.x instead of // just "vars" might suffice. $this->objects[$key]->merge($object); break; default: // policy 'ignore', no action } } else { $this->objects[$key] = $object; } } $noAction = array(); foreach ($this->rule->purgeStrategy()->listObjectsToPurge() as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $newObjects)) { // Object has been touched, do not delete continue; } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) { $object = $this->objects[$key]; if (! $object->hasBeenModified()) { $object->markForRemoval(); } } } foreach ($this->objects as $key => $object) { if (! $object->hasBeenModified() && ! $object->shouldBeRemoved()) { $noAction[] = $key; } } foreach ($noAction as $key) { unset($this->objects[$key]); } $this->isPrepared = true; return $this->objects; } /** * Runs a SyncRule and applies all resulting changes * * @return int */ public function apply() { $objects = $this->prepare(); $db = $this->db; $dba = $db->getDbAdapter(); $dba->beginTransaction(); $object = null; try { $formerActivityChecksum = Util::hex2binary( $db->getLastActivityChecksum() ); $created = 0; $modified = 0; $deleted = 0; foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object->shouldBeRemoved()) { $object->delete($db); $deleted++; continue; } if ($object->hasBeenModified()) { if ($object->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $modified++; } else { $created++; } $object->store($db); } } $runProperties = array( 'objects_created' => $created, 'objects_deleted' => $deleted, 'objects_modified' => $modified, ); if ($created + $deleted + $modified > 0) { // TODO: What if this has been the very first activity? $runProperties['last_former_activity'] = $db->quoteBinary($formerActivityChecksum); $runProperties['last_related_activity'] = $db->quoteBinary(Util::hex2binary( $db->getLastActivityChecksum() )); } $this->run->setProperties($runProperties)->store(); $dba->commit(); // Store duration after commit, as the commit might take some time $this->run->set('duration_ms', (int) round( (microtime(true) - $this->runStartTime) * 1000 ))->store(); } catch (Exception $e) { $dba->rollBack(); if ($object !== null && $object instanceof IcingaObject) { throw new IcingaException( 'Exception while syncing %s %s: %s', get_class($object), $object->get('object_name'), $e->getMessage(), $e ); } else { throw $e; } } return $this->run->id; } }