null, 'object_name' => null, 'object_type' => null, 'disabled' => 'n', 'methods_execute' => null, 'command' => null, 'timeout' => null, 'zone_id' => null, ); protected $supportsCustomVars = true; protected $supportsFields = true; protected $supportsImports = true; protected $supportsArguments = true; protected $supportedInLegacy = true; protected $intervalProperties = array( 'timeout' => 'timeout', ); protected $relations = array( 'zone' => 'IcingaZone', ); protected static $pluginDir; protected $hiddenExecuteTemplates = array( 'PluginCheck' => 'plugin-check-command', 'PluginNotification' => 'plugin-notification-command', 'PluginEvent' => 'plugin-event-command', // Special, internal: 'IcingaCheck' => 'icinga-check-command', 'ClusterCheck' => 'cluster-check-command', 'ClusterZoneCheck' => 'plugin-check-command', 'IdoCheck' => 'ido-check-command', 'RandomCheck' => 'random-check-command', 'CrlCheck' => 'clr-check-command', ); /** * Render the 'medhods_execute' property as 'execute' * * Execute is a reserved word in SQL, column name was prefixed * * Avoid complaints for method names with underscore: * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @return string */ protected function renderMethods_execute() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return ''; } protected function renderObjectHeader() { if ($this->methods_execute) { $itlImport = sprintf( ' import "%s"' . "\n", $this->hiddenExecuteTemplates[$this->methods_execute] ); } else { $itlImport = ''; } $execute = $this->getResolvedProperty('methods_execute'); if ($execute === 'PluginNotification') { return $this->renderObjectHeaderWithType('NotificationCommand') . $itlImport; } elseif ($execute === 'PluginEvent') { return $this->renderObjectHeaderWithType('EventCommand') . $itlImport; } else { return parent::renderObjectHeader() . $itlImport; } } protected function renderObjectHeaderWithType($type) { return sprintf( "%s %s %s {\n", $this->getObjectTypeName(), $type, c::renderString($this->getObjectName()) ); } public function mungeCommand($value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(' ', $value); } elseif (is_object($value)) { // { type => Function } -> really?? return null; return $value; } if (self::$pluginDir !== null) { if (($pos = strpos($value, self::$pluginDir)) === 0) { $value = substr($value, strlen(self::$pluginDir) + 1); } } return $value; } public function getNextSkippableKeyName() { $key = $this->makeSkipKey(); $cnt = 1; while (isset($this->arguments()->$key)) { $cnt++; $key = $this->makeSkipKey($cnt); } return $key; } protected function makeSkipKey($num = null) { if ($num === null) { return '(no key)'; } return sprintf('(no key.%d)', $num); } protected function prefersGlobalZone() { return true; } protected function renderCommand() { $command = $this->command; $prefix = ''; if (preg_match('~^([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+\s\+\s)(.+?)$~', $command, $m)) { $prefix = $m[1]; $command = $m[2]; } elseif (! $this->isAbsolutePath($command)) { $prefix = 'PluginDir + '; $command = '/' . $command; } $parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $command, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); array_unshift($parts, c::alreadyRendered($prefix . c::renderString(array_shift($parts)))); return c::renderKeyValue('command', c::renderArray($parts)); } protected function isAbsolutePath($path) { return $path[0] === '/' || $path[0] === '\\' || preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]:\\\/', substr($path, 0, 3)); } public static function setPluginDir($pluginDir) { self::$pluginDir = $pluginDir; } public function getLegacyObjectType() { // there is only one type of command in Icinga 1.x return 'command'; } protected function renderLegacyCommand() { $command = $this->command; if (preg_match('~^(\$USER\d+\$/?)(.+)$~', $command)) { // should be fine, since the user decided to use a macro } elseif (! $this->isAbsolutePath($command)) { $command = '$USER1$/'.$command; } return c1::renderKeyValue( $this->getLegacyObjectType().'_line', c1::renderString($command) ); } }