null, 'rule_name' => null, 'object_type' => null, 'update_policy' => null, 'purge_existing' => null, 'filter_expression' => null, 'sync_state' => 'unknown', 'last_error_message' => null, 'last_attempt' => null, ); private $sync; private $purgeStrategy; /** @var int */ private $currentSyncRunId; private $filter; private $hasCombinedKey; /** @var SyncProperty[] */ private $syncProperties; private $sourceKeyPattern; private $destinationKeyPattern; public function listInvolvedSourceIds() { if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return array(); } $db = $this->getDb(); return array_map('intval', array_unique( $db->fetchCol( $db->select() ->from(array('p' => 'sync_property'), 'p.source_id') ->join(array('s' => 'import_source'), ' = p.source_id', array()) ->where('rule_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('s.source_name') ) )); } public function fetchInvolvedImportSources() { $sources = array(); foreach ($this->listInvolvedSourceIds() as $sourceId) { $sources[$sourceId] = ImportSource::load($sourceId, $this->getConnection()); } return $sources; } public function getLastSyncTimestamp() { if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return null; } $db = $this->getDb(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('sr' => 'sync_run'), 'sr.start_time' )->where('sr.rule_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('sr.start_time DESC') ->limit(1); return $db->fetchOne($query); } public function getLastSyncRunId() { if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return null; } $db = $this->getDb(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('sr' => 'sync_run'), '' )->where('sr.rule_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('sr.start_time DESC') ->limit(1); return $db->fetchOne($query); } public function getPriorityForNextProperty() { if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return 1; } $db = $this->getDb(); return $db->fetchOne( $db->select() ->from( array('p' => 'sync_property'), array('priority' => '(CASE WHEN MAX(p.priority) IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE MAX(p.priority) + 1 END)') )->where('p.rule_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ); } public function matches($row) { if ($this->get('filter_expression') === null) { return true; } return $this->filter()->matches($row); } public function checkForChanges($apply = false) { $hadChanges = false; Benchmark::measure('Checking sync rule ' . $this->get('rule_name')); try { $this->set('last_attempt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->set('sync_state', 'unknown'); $sync = $this->sync(); if ($sync->hasModifications()) { Benchmark::measure('Got modifications for sync rule ' . $this->get('rule_name')); $this->set('sync_state', 'pending-changes'); if ($apply && $runId = $sync->apply()) { Benchmark::measure('Successfully synced rule ' . $this->get('rule_name')); $this->set('sync_state', 'in-sync'); $this->currentSyncRunId = $runId; } $hadChanges = true; } else { Benchmark::measure('No modifications for sync rule ' . $this->get('rule_name')); $this->set('sync_state', 'in-sync'); } $this->set('last_error_message', null); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->set('sync_state', 'failing'); $this->set('last_error_message', $e->getMessage()); // TODO: Store last error details / trace? } if ($this->hasBeenModified()) { $this->store(); } return $hadChanges; } /** * @return IcingaObject[] */ public function getExpectedModifications() { return $this->sync()->getExpectedModifications(); } public function applyChanges() { return $this->checkForChanges(true); } public function getCurrentSyncRunId() { return $this->currentSyncRunId; } public function getSourceKeyPattern() { if ($this->hasCombinedKey()) { return $this->sourceKeyPattern; } else { return null; // ?? } } public function getDestinationKeyPattern() { if ($this->hasCombinedKey()) { return $this->destinationKeyPattern; } else { return null; // ?? } } protected function sync() { if ($this->sync === null) { $this->sync = new Sync($this); } return $this->sync; } protected function filter() { if ($this->filter === null) { $this->filter = Filter::fromQueryString($this->get('filter_expression')); } return $this->filter; } public function purgeStrategy() { if ($this->purgeStrategy === null) { $this->purgeStrategy = $this->loadConfiguredPurgeStrategy(); } return $this->purgeStrategy; } // TODO: Allow for more protected function loadConfiguredPurgeStrategy() { if ($this->get('purge_existing') === 'y') { return PurgeStrategy::load('ImportRunBased', $this); } else { return PurgeStrategy::load('PurgeNothing', $this); } } /** * Whether we have a combined key (e.g. services on hosts) * * @return bool */ public function hasCombinedKey() { if ($this->hasCombinedKey === null) { $this->hasCombinedKey = false; // TODO: Move to Objects if ($this->get('object_type') === 'service') { $hasHost = false; $hasObjectName = false; foreach ($this->getSyncProperties() as $key => $property) { if ($property->destination_field === 'host') { $hasHost = $property->source_expression; } if ($property->destination_field === 'object_name') { $hasObjectName = $property->source_expression; } } if ($hasHost !== false && $hasObjectName !== false) { $this->hasCombinedKey = true; $this->sourceKeyPattern = sprintf( '%s!%s', $hasHost, $hasObjectName ); $this->destinationKeyPattern = '${host}!${object_name}'; } } elseif ($this->get('object_type') === 'serviceSet') { $hasHost = false; $hasObjectName = false; foreach ($this->getSyncProperties() as $key => $property) { if ($property->destination_field === 'host') { $hasHost = $property->source_expression; } if ($property->destination_field === 'object_name') { $hasObjectName = $property->source_expression; } } if ($hasHost !== false && $hasObjectName !== false) { $this->hasCombinedKey = true; $this->sourceKeyPattern = sprintf( '%s!%s', $hasHost, $hasObjectName ); $this->destinationKeyPattern = '${host}!${object_name}'; } } elseif ($this->get('object_type') === 'datalistEntry') { $hasList = false; $hasName = false; foreach ($this->getSyncProperties() as $key => $property) { if ($property->destination_field === 'list_id') { $hasList = $property->source_expression; } if ($property->destination_field === 'entry_name') { $hasName = $property->source_expression; } } if ($hasList !== false && $hasName !== false) { $this->hasCombinedKey = true; $this->sourceKeyPattern = sprintf( '%s!%s', $hasList, $hasName ); $this->destinationKeyPattern = '${list_id}!${entry_name}'; } } } return $this->hasCombinedKey; } public function getSyncProperties() { if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { return array(); } if ($this->syncProperties === null) { $this->syncProperties = $this->fetchSyncProperties(); } return $this->syncProperties; } public function fetchSyncProperties() { $db = $this->getDb(); return SyncProperty::loadAll( $this->getConnection(), $db->select() ->from('sync_property') ->where('rule_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('priority DESC') ); } }