object_type === 'icinga_service') { // TODO: this is not correct. Activity needs to get (multi) key support return array('name' => $entry->object_name); } return $entry->object_name; } protected function activityTabs($entry) { $db = $this->db(); if (IcingaObject::existsByType($entry->object_type, $this->objectKey($entry), $db)) { $this->view->currentObject = IcingaObject::loadByType( $entry->object_type, $entry->object_name, $db ); } $tabs = $this->getTabs(); if ($entry->action_name === 'modify') { $tabs->add('diff', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Diff'), 'url' => 'director/show/activitylog', 'urlParams' => array('id' => $entry->id) )); $this->defaultTab = 'diff'; } if (in_array($entry->action_name, array('create', 'modify'))) { $tabs->add('new', array( 'label' => $this->translate('New object'), 'url' => 'director/show/activitylog', 'urlParams' => array('id' => $entry->id, 'show' => 'new') )); if ($this->defaultTab === null) { $this->defaultTab = 'new'; } } if (in_array($entry->action_name, array('delete', 'modify'))) { $tabs->add('old', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Former object'), 'url' => 'director/show/activitylog', 'urlParams' => array('id' => $entry->id, 'show' => 'old') )); if ($this->defaultTab === null) { $this->defaultTab = 'old'; } } return $tabs; } protected function getObjectConfig($object) { $config = new IcingaConfig($this->db()); if ($object->isExternal()) { $object->object_type = 'object'; } try { $object->renderToConfig($config); } catch (Exception $e) { $config->configFile( 'failed-to-render' )->prepend( "/** Failed to render this object **/\n" . '/* ' . $e->getMessage() . ' */' ); } return $config; } protected function newConfig($entry) { return $this->getObjectConfig($this->newObject($entry)); } protected function oldConfig($entry) { return $this->getObjectConfig($this->oldObject($entry)); } protected function showDiff($entry) { $this->view->title = sprintf('%s config diff', $entry->object_name); $this->getTabs()->activate('diff'); $oldConfig = $this->oldConfig($entry); $newConfig = $this->newConfig($entry); $oldFilenames = $oldConfig->getFileNames(); $newFilenames = $newConfig->getFileNames(); $fileNames = array_merge($oldFilenames, $newFilenames); $this->view->diffs = array(); foreach ($fileNames as $filename) { if (in_array($filename, $oldFilenames)) { $left = $oldConfig->getFile($filename)->getContent(); } else { $left = ''; } if (in_array($filename, $newFilenames)) { $right = $newConfig->getFile($filename)->getContent(); } else { $right = ''; } if ($left === $right) { continue; } $d = ConfigDiff::create($left, $right); $this->view->diffs[$filename] = $d->renderHtml(); } } protected function showOld($entry) { $this->view->title = sprintf('%s former config', $entry->object_name); $this->getTabs()->activate('old'); $this->showConfig($this->oldConfig($entry)); } protected function showNew($entry) { $this->view->title = sprintf('%s new config', $entry->object_name); $this->getTabs()->activate('new'); $this->showConfig($this->newConfig($entry)); } protected function oldObject($entry) { if ($this->oldObject === null) { $this->oldObject = $this->createObject( $entry->object_type, $entry->old_properties ); } return $this->oldObject; } protected function newObject($entry) { return $this->createObject( $entry->object_type, $entry->new_properties ); } protected function showConfig(IcingaConfig $config) { $this->view->diffs = array(); foreach ($config->getFileNames() as $filename) { $this->view->diffs[$filename] = sprintf( '
%s', $this->view->escape($config->getFile($filename)->getContent()) ); } return $this; } protected function showInfo($entry) { $typeName = $this->translate( ucfirst(preg_replace('/^icinga_/', '', $entry->object_type)) // really? ); switch ($entry->action_name) { case 'create': $this->view->title = sprintf( $this->translate('%s "%s" has been created'), $typeName, $entry->object_name ); break; case 'delete': $this->view->title = sprintf( $this->translate('%s "%s" has been deleted'), $typeName, $entry->object_name ); break; case 'modify': $this->view->title = sprintf( $this->translate('%s "%s" has been modified'), $typeName, $entry->object_name ); break; } } public function activitylogAction() { $v = $this->view; $v->object_type = $this->params->get('type'); $v->object_name = $this->params->get('name'); if ($id = $this->params->get('id')) { $v->entry = $this->db()->fetchActivityLogEntryById($id); } elseif ($checksum = $this->params->get('checksum')) { $v->entry = $this->db()->fetchActivityLogEntry($checksum); $id = $v->entry->id; } $v->neighbors = $this->db()->getActivitylogNeighbors( $id, $v->object_type, $v->object_name ); $entry = $v->entry; if ($entry->old_properties) { $this->view->form = $this ->loadForm('restoreObject') ->setDb($this->db()) ->setObject($this->oldObject($entry)) ->handleRequest(); } $this->activityTabs($entry); $this->showInfo($entry); $func = 'show' . ucfirst($this->params->get('show', $this->defaultTab)); $this->$func($entry); } protected function createObject($type, $props) { $props = json_decode($props); $newProps = array( 'object_name' => $props->object_name ); if (property_exists($props, 'object_type')) { $newProps['object_type'] = $props->object_type; } return IcingaObject::createByType( $type, $newProps, $this->db() )->setProperties((array) $props); } }