<?php namespace Icinga\Module\Director\Objects; use Icinga\Module\Director\CustomVariable\CustomVariables; use Icinga\Module\Director\Data\Db\DbObject; use Icinga\Module\Director\IcingaConfig\IcingaConfigHelper as c; use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError; use Exception; abstract class IcingaObject extends DbObject { protected $keyName = 'id'; protected $autoincKeyName = 'id'; protected $supportsCustomVars = false; private $type; private $vars; public function supportsCustomVars() { return $this->supportsCustomVars; } protected function assertCustomVarsSupport() { if (! $this->supportsCustomVars()) { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Objects of type "%s" have no custom vars', $this->getType() ); } return $this; } public function vars() { $this->assertCustomVarsSupport(); if ($this->vars === null) { if ($this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { $this->vars = CustomVariables::loadForStoredObject($this); } else { $this->vars = new CustomVariables(); } } return $this->vars; } public function getVarsTableName() { return $this->getTableName() . '_var'; } public function getVarsIdColumn() { // strlen('icinga_') = 7 return substr($this->getTableName(), 7) . '_id'; } public function isTemplate() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->object_type === 'template'; } public function isApplyRule() { return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->object_type === 'apply'; } public function onInsert() { DirectorActivityLog::logCreation($this, $this->connection); } public function onUpdate() { DirectorActivityLog::logModification($this, $this->connection); } public function onDelete() { DirectorActivityLog::logRemoval($this, $this->connection); } protected function renderImports() { // TODO: parent_host ORDERed by weigth... return ''; } protected function renderProperties() { $out = ''; $blacklist = array( 'id', 'object_name', 'object_type', ); foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) continue; if (in_array($key, $blacklist)) continue; $method = 'render' . ucfirst($key); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $out .= $this->$method($value); } else { $out .= c::renderKeyValue($key, c::renderString($value)); } } return $out; } protected function renderBooleanProperty($key) { return c::renderKeyValue($key, c::renderBoolean($this->$key)); } protected function renderSuffix() { return "}\n\n"; } /** * @return string */ protected function renderCustomVars() { if ($this->supportsCustomVars()) { return $this->vars()->toConfigString(); } else { return ''; } } protected function renderCommandProperty($commandId, $propertyName = 'check_command') { return c::renderKeyValue( $propertyName, c::renderString($this->connection->getCommandName($commandId)) ); } protected function renderZoneProperty($zoneId, $propertyName = 'zone') { return c::renderKeyValue( $propertyName, c::renderString($this->connection->getZoneName($zoneId)) ); } protected function renderZone_id() { return $this->renderZoneProperty($this->zone_id); } protected function renderObjectHeader() { return sprintf( "%s %s %s {\n", $this->getObjectTypeName(), $this->getType(), c::renderString($this->getObjectName()) ); } public function toConfigString() { return implode(array( $this->renderObjectHeader(), $this->renderImports(), $this->renderProperties(), $this->renderCustomVars(), $this->renderSuffix() )); } protected function getType() { if ($this->type === null) { $parts = explode('\\', get_class($this)); // 6 = strlen('Icinga'); $this->type = substr(end($parts), 6); } return $this->type; } protected function getObjectTypeName() { if ($this->isTemplate()) { return 'template'; } elseif ($this->isApplyRule()) { return 'apply'; } else { return 'object'; } } protected function getObjectName() { if ($this->hasProperty('object_name')) { return $this->object_name; } else { // TODO: replace with an exception once finished return 'ERROR: NO NAME'; } } public function __toString() { try { return $this->toConfigString(); } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e); $previousHandler = set_exception_handler(function () {}); restore_error_handler(); if ($previousHandler !== null) { call_user_func($previousHandler, $e); die(); } else { die($e->getMessage()); } } } }