getSetting('url'); $parts = \parse_url($url); if (isset($parts['host'])) { $host = $parts['host']; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("URL '$url' has no host"); } $api = new RestApiClient( $host, $this->getSetting('username'), $this->getSetting('password') ); if (isset($parts['path'])) { $path = $parts['path']; } else { $path = '/'; } if (isset($parts['query'])) { $url = "$path?" . $parts['query']; } else { $url = $path; } $api->setScheme($this->getSetting('scheme')); if (isset($parts['port'])) { $api->setPort($parts['port']); } if ($api->getScheme() === 'HTTPS') { if ($this->getSetting('ssl_verify_peer', 'y') === 'n') { $api->disableSslPeerVerification(); } if ($this->getSetting('ssl_verify_host', 'y') === 'n') { $api->disableSslHostVerification(); } } if ($proxy = $this->getSetting('proxy')) { if ($proxyType = $this->getSetting('proxy_type')) { $api->setProxy($proxy, $proxyType); } else { $api->setProxy($proxy); } if ($user = $this->getSetting('proxy_user')) { $api->setProxyAuth($user, $this->getSetting('proxy_pass')); } } $result = $api->get($url); if ($property = $this->getSetting('extract_property')) { if (\property_exists($result, $property)) { $result = $result->$property; } else { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Result has no "%s" property. Available keys: %s', $property, \implode(', ', \array_keys((array) $result)) )); } } return (array) $result; } public function listColumns() { $rows = $this->fetchData(); $columns = []; foreach ($rows as $object) { foreach (array_keys((array) $object) as $column) { if (! isset($columns[$column])) { $columns[] = $column; } } } return $columns; } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ public static function addSettingsFormFields(QuickForm $form) { static::addScheme($form); static::addSslOptions($form); static::addUrl($form); static::addResultProperty($form); static::addAuthentication($form); static::addProxy($form); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addScheme(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('select', 'scheme', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Protocol'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Whether to use encryption when talking to the REST API' ), 'multiOptions' => [ 'HTTPS' => $form->translate('HTTPS (strongly recommended)'), 'HTTP' => $form->translate('HTTP (this is plaintext!)'), ], 'class' => 'autosubmit', 'value' => 'HTTPS', 'required' => true, ]); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addSslOptions(QuickForm $form) { $ssl = ! ($form->getSentOrObjectSetting('scheme', 'HTTPS') === 'HTTP'); if ($ssl) { static::addBoolean($form, 'ssl_verify_peer', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Verify Peer'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Whether we should check that our peer\'s certificate has' . ' been signed by a trusted CA. This is strongly recommended.' ) ), 'y'); static::addBoolean($form, 'ssl_verify_host', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Verify Host'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Whether we should check that the certificate matches the' . 'configured host' ) ), 'y'); } } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addUrl(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('text', 'url', array( 'label' => 'REST API URL', 'description' => $form->translate( 'Something like' ), 'required' => true, )); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addResultProperty(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('text', 'extract_property', array( 'label' => 'Extract property', 'description' => $form->translate( 'Often the expected result is provided in a property like "objects".' . ' Please specify this if required' ), )); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addAuthentication(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('text', 'username', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Username'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Will be used for SOAP authentication against your vCenter' ), )); $form->addElement('password', 'password', array( 'label' => $form->translate('Password'), )); } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addProxy(QuickForm $form) { $form->addElement('select', 'proxy_type', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Proxy'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'In case your API is only reachable through a proxy, please' . ' choose it\'s protocol right here' ), 'multiOptions' => $form->optionalEnum([ 'HTTP' => $form->translate('HTTP proxy'), 'SOCKS5' => $form->translate('SOCKS5 proxy'), ]), 'class' => 'autosubmit' ]); $proxyType = $form->getSentOrObjectSetting('proxy_type'); if ($proxyType) { $form->addElement('text', 'proxy', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Proxy Address'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'Hostname, IP or :' ), 'required' => true, ]); if ($proxyType === 'HTTP') { $form->addElement('text', 'proxy_user', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Proxy Username'), 'description' => $form->translate( 'In case your proxy requires authentication, please' . ' configure this here' ), ]); $passRequired = strlen($form->getSentOrObjectSetting('proxy_user')) > 0; $form->addElement('password', 'proxy_pass', [ 'label' => $form->translate('Proxy Password'), 'required' => $passRequired ]); } } } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @param string $key * @param array $options * @param string|null $default * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function addBoolean(QuickForm $form, $key, $options, $default = null) { if ($default === null) { $form->addElement('OptionalYesNo', $key, $options); } else { $form->addElement('YesNo', $key, $options); $form->getElement($key)->setValue($default); } } /** * @param QuickForm $form * @param string $key * @param string $label * @param string $description * @throws \Zend_Form_Exception */ protected static function optionalBoolean(QuickForm $form, $key, $label, $description) { static::addBoolean($form, $key, array( 'label' => $label, 'description' => $description )); } }