getRequest()->getPost('context'); $key = null; if (strpos($context, '!') !== false) { list($context, $key) = preg_split('~!~', $context, 2); } $func = 'suggest' . ucfirst($context); if (method_exists($this, $func)) { if (! empty($key)) { $all = $this->$func($key); } else { $all = $this->$func(); } } else { $all = array(); } // TODO: also get cursor position and eventually add an asterisk in the middle // tODO: filter also when fetching, eventually limit somehow $search = $this->getRequest()->getPost('value'); $begins = array(); $matches = array(); $begin = Filter::expression('value', '=', $search . '*'); $middle = Filter::expression('value', '=', '*' . $search . '*')->setCaseSensitive(false); $prefixes = array(); foreach ($all as $str) { if (false !== ($pos = strrpos($str, '.'))) { $prefix = substr($str, 0, $pos) . '.'; $prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix; } if (strlen($search)) { $row = (object) array('value' => $str); if ($begin->matches($row)) { $begins[] = $this->highlight($str, $search); } elseif ($middle->matches($row)) { $matches[] = $this->highlight($str, $search); } } else { $matches[] = Html::escape($str); } } $containing = array_slice(array_merge($begins, $matches), 0, 100); $suggestions = $containing; if ($func === 'suggestHostFilterColumns' || $func === 'suggestHostaddresses') { ksort($prefixes); if (count($suggestions) < 5) { $suggestions = array_merge($suggestions, array_keys($prefixes)); } } $this->view->suggestions = $suggestions; } /** * One more dummy helper for tests * * TODO: Should not remain here * * @return array * @throws \Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError * @throws \Icinga\Security\SecurityException */ protected function suggestLocations() { $this->assertPermission('director/hosts'); $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->distinct() ->from('icinga_host_var', 'varvalue') ->where('varname = ?', 'location') ->order('varvalue'); return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestHostnames($type = 'object') { $this->assertPermission('director/hosts'); $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->from('icinga_host', 'object_name') ->order('object_name'); if ($type !== null) { $query->where('object_type = ?', $type); } return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestHostsAndTemplates() { return $this->suggestHostnames(null); } protected function suggestServicenames() { $r=array(); $this->assertPermission('director/services'); $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $for_host = $this->getRequest()->getPost('for_host'); if (!empty($for_host)) { $tmp_host = IcingaHost::load($for_host, $this->db()); } $query = $db->select()->distinct() ->from('icinga_service', 'object_name') ->order('object_name') ->where("object_type IN ('object','apply')"); if (!empty($tmp_host)) { $query->where('host_id = ?', $tmp_host->id); } $r = array_merge($r, $db->fetchCol($query)); if (!empty($tmp_host)) { $resolver = $tmp_host->templateResolver(); foreach ($resolver->fetchResolvedParents() as $template_obj) { $query = $db->select()->distinct() ->from('icinga_service', 'object_name') ->order('object_name') ->where("object_type IN ('object','apply')") ->where('host_id = ?', $template_obj->id); $r = array_merge($r, $db->fetchCol($query)); } $matcher = HostApplyMatches::prepare($tmp_host); foreach ($this->getAllApplyRules() as $rule) { if ($matcher->matchesFilter($rule->filter)) { //TODO $r[]=$rule->name; } } } natcasesort($r); return $r; } protected function suggestHosttemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/hosts'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_host', 'template_choice_id IS NULL'); } protected function suggestServicetemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/services'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_service', 'template_choice_id IS NULL'); } protected function suggestNotificationtemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/notifications'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_notification'); } protected function suggestCommandtemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/commands'); $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->from('icinga_command', 'object_name') ->order('object_name'); return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestUsertemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/users'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_user'); } /** * @return array * @throws \Icinga\Security\SecurityException * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function suggestScheduled_downtimetemplates() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd $this->assertPermission('director/scheduled-downtimes'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_scheduled_downtime'); } protected function suggestCheckcommandnames() { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->from('icinga_command', 'object_name') ->where('object_type != ?', 'template') ->order('object_name'); return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function fetchTemplateNames($table, $where = null) { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->from($table, 'object_name') ->where('object_type = ?', 'template') ->order('object_name'); if ($where !== null) { $query->where('template_choice_id IS NULL'); } return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestHostgroupnames() { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select()->from('icinga_hostgroup', 'object_name')->order('object_name'); return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestHostaddresses() { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select()->from('icinga_host', 'address')->order('address'); return $db->fetchCol($query); } protected function suggestHostFilterColumns() { return $this->getFilterColumns('host.', [ $this->translate('Host properties'), $this->translate('Custom variables') ]); } protected function suggestServiceFilterColumns() { return $this->getFilterColumns('service.', [ $this->translate('Service properties'), $this->translate('Host properties'), $this->translate('Host Custom variables'), $this->translate('Custom variables') ]); } protected function suggestDataListValuesForListId($id) { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $select = $db->select() ->from('director_datalist_entry', ['entry_name', 'entry_value']) ->where('list_id = ?', $id) ->order('entry_value ASC'); $result = $db->fetchPairs($select); if ($result) { return $result; } else { return []; } } protected function suggestDataListValues($field = null) { if ($field === null) { // field is required! return []; } $datalistType = 'Icinga\\Module\\Director\\DataType\\DataTypeDatalist'; $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select() ->from(['f' =>'director_datafield'], []) ->join( ['sid' => 'director_datafield_setting'], 'sid.datafield_id = AND sid.setting_name = \'datalist_id\'', [] ) ->join( ['l' => 'director_datalist'], ' = sid.setting_value', [] ) ->join( ['e' => 'director_datalist_entry'], 'e.list_id =', ['entry_name', 'entry_value'] ) ->where('datatype = ?', $datalistType) ->where('varname = ?', $field) ->order('entry_value'); // TODO: respect allowed_roles /* this implementation from DataTypeDatalist is broken $roles = array_map('json_encode', Acl::instance()->listRoleNames()); if (empty($roles)) { $query->where('allowed_roles IS NULL'); } else { $query->where('(allowed_roles IS NULL OR allowed_roles IN (?))', $roles); } */ $data = []; foreach ($db->fetchPairs($query) as $key => $label) { // TODO: find a better solution here // $data[] = sprintf("%s [%s]", $label, $key); $data[] = $key; } return $data; } protected function getFilterColumns($prefix, $keys) { if ($prefix === 'host.') { $all = IcingaHost::enumProperties($this->db(), $prefix); } else { $all = IcingaService::enumProperties($this->db(), $prefix); } $res = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $all)) { $res = array_merge($res, array_keys($all[$key])); } } natsort($res); return $res; } protected function suggestDependencytemplates() { $this->assertPermission('director/hosts'); return $this->fetchTemplateNames('icinga_dependency'); } protected function highlight($val, $search) { $search = ($search); $val = Html::escape($val); return preg_replace( '/(' . preg_quote($search, '/') . ')/i', '\1', $val ); } protected function getAllApplyRules() { $allApplyRules=$this->fetchAllApplyRules(); foreach ($allApplyRules as $rule) { $rule->filter = Filter::fromQueryString($rule->assign_filter); } return $allApplyRules; } protected function fetchAllApplyRules() { $db = $this->db()->getDbAdapter(); $query = $db->select()->from( array('s' => 'icinga_service'), array( 'id' => '', 'name' => 's.object_name', 'assign_filter' => 's.assign_filter', ) )->where('object_type = ? AND assign_filter IS NOT NULL', 'apply'); return $db->fetchAll($query); } protected function suggestImportsourceproperties($sourceId = null) { if ($sourceId === null) { return []; } try { $importSource = ImportSource::loadWithAutoIncId($sourceId, $this->db()); $source = ImportSourceHook::loadByName($importSource->get('source_name'), $this->db()); $columns = array_merge( $source->listColumns(), $importSource->listProperties() ); return array_combine($columns, $columns); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { return []; } } }