setAutorefreshInterval(10); $this->addSingleTab($this->translate('Baskets')); $this->actions()->add([ Link::create( $this->translate('Create'), 'director/basket/create', null, ['class' => 'icon-plus'] ), Link::create( $this->translate('Upload'), 'director/basket/upload', null, ['class' => 'icon-upload'] ), ]); $this->addTitle($this->translate('Configuration Baskets')); $this->content()->add(Html::tag('p', $this->translate( 'A Configuration Basket references specific Configuration' . ' Objects or all objects of a specific type. It has been' . ' designed to share Templates, Import/Sync strategies and' . ' other base Configuration Objects. It is not a tool to' . ' operate with single Hosts or Services.' ))); $this->content()->add(Html::tag('p', $this->translate( 'You can create Basket snapshots at any time, this will persist' . ' a serialized representation of all involved objects at that' . ' moment in time. Snapshots can be exported, imported, shared' . ' and restored - to the very same or another Director instance.' ))); $table = (new BasketTable($this->db())) ->setAttribute('data-base-target', '_self'); if ($table->hasSearch() || count($table)) { $table->renderTo($this); } } }