handleOptions($options)); $this->setMethod('post'); $this->setAction(Url::fromRequest()); $this->createIdElement(); $this->regenerateCsrfToken(); $this->setDecorators( array( 'Description', array('FormErrors', array('onlyCustomFormErrors' => true)), 'FormElements', 'Form' ) ); } protected function addSubmitButtonIfSet() { if (false === ($label = $this->getSubmitLabel())) { return; } $el = $this->createElement('submit', $label) ->setLabel($label) ->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper')); $this->submitButtonName = $el->getName(); $this->addElement($el); $fakeEl = $this->createElement('submit', '_FAKE_SUBMIT') ->setLabel($label) ->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper')); $this->fakeSubmitButtonName = $fakeEl->getName(); $this->addElement($fakeEl); $this->addDisplayGroup( array($this->fakeSubmitButtonName), 'fake_button', array( 'decorators' => array('FormElements'), 'order' => 1, ) ); $grp = array( $this->submitButtonName, $this->deleteButtonName ); $this->addDisplayGroup($grp, 'buttons', array( 'decorators' => array( 'FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')), 'DtDdWrapper', ), 'order' => 1000, )); } protected function addSimpleDisplayGroup($elements, $name, $options) { if (! array_key_exists('decorators', $options)) { $options['decorators'] = array( 'FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')), 'Fieldset', ); } return $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, $name, $options); } protected function createIdElement() { $this->detectName(); $this->addHidden(self::ID, $this->getName()); $this->getElement(self::ID)->setIgnore(true); } public function getSentValue($name, $default = null) { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost() && $this->hasBeenSent()) { return $request->getPost($name); } else { return $default; } } public function getSubmitLabel() { if ($this->submitLabel === null) { return $this->translate('Submit'); } return $this->submitLabel; } public function setSubmitLabel($label) { $this->submitLabel = $label; return $this; } public function setApiRequest($isApiRequest = true) { $this->isApiRequest = $isApiRequest; return $this; } public function isApiRequest() { return $this->isApiRequest; } public function regenerateCsrfToken() { if (! $element = $this->getElement(self::CSRF)) { $this->addHidden(self::CSRF, CsrfToken::generate()); $element = $this->getElement(self::CSRF); } $element->setIgnore(true); return $this; } public function removeCsrfToken() { $this->removeElement(self::CSRF); return $this; } public function setSuccessUrl($url, $params = null) { if (! $url instanceof Url) { $url = Url::fromPath($url); } if ($params !== null) { $url->setParams($params); } $this->successUrl = $url; return $this; } public function getSuccessUrl() { $url = $this->successUrl ?: $this->getAction(); if (! $url instanceof Url) { $url = Url::fromPath($url); } return $url; } protected function beforeSetup() { } public function setup() { } protected function onSetup() { } public function setAction($action) { if ($action instanceof Url) { $action = $action->getAbsoluteUrl('&'); } return parent::setAction($action); } public function hasBeenSubmitted() { if ($this->hasBeenSubmitted === null) { $req = $this->getRequest(); if ($req->isPost()) { if (! $this->hasSubmitButton()) { return $this->hasBeenSubmitted = $this->hasBeenSent(); } $this->hasBeenSubmitted = $this->pressedButton( $this->fakeSubmitButtonName, $this->getSubmitLabel() ) || $this->pressedButton( $this->submitButtonName, $this->getSubmitLabel() ); } else { $this->hasBeenSubmitted === false; } } return $this->hasBeenSubmitted; } protected function hasSubmitButton() { return $this->submitButtonName !== null; } protected function pressedButton($name, $label) { $req = $this->getRequest(); if (! $req->isPost()) { return false; } $req = $this->getRequest(); $post = $req->getPost(); return array_key_exists($name, $post) && $post[$name] === $label; } protected function beforeValidation($data = array()) { } public function prepareElements() { if (! $this->didSetup) { $this->beforeSetup(); $this->setup(); $this->addSubmitButtonIfSet(); $this->onSetup(); $this->didSetup = true; } return $this; } public function handleRequest(Request $request = null) { if ($request === null) { $request = $this->getRequest(); } else { $this->setRequest($request); } $this->prepareElements(); if ($this->hasBeenSent()) { $post = $request->getPost(); if ($this->hasBeenSubmitted()) { $this->beforeValidation($post); if ($this->isValid($post)) { try { $this->onSuccess(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->addException($e); $this->onFailure(); } } else { $this->onFailure(); } } else { $this->setDefaults($post); } } else { // Well... } return $this; } public function addException(Exception $e, $elementName = null, $withDetails = true) { $file = preg_split('/[\/\\\]/', $e->getFile(), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $file = array_pop($file); $msg = sprintf( '%s (%s:%d)', $e->getMessage(), $file, $e->getLine() ); if ($el = $this->getElement($elementName)) { $el->addError($msg); } else { $this->addError($msg); } } public function onSuccess() { $this->redirectOnSuccess(); } public function setSuccessMessage($message) { $this->successMessage = $message; return $this; } public function getSuccessMessage($message = null) { if ($message !== null) { return $message; } if ($this->successMessage === null) { return t('Form has successfully been sent'); } return $this->successMessage; } public function redirectOnSuccess($message = null) { if ($this->isApiRequest()) { // TODO: Set the status line message? $this->successMessage = $this->getSuccessMessage($message); return; } $url = $this->getSuccessUrl(); $this->notifySuccess($this->getSuccessMessage($message)); $this->redirectAndExit($url); } public function onFailure() { } public function notifySuccess($message = null) { if ($message === null) { $message = t('Form has successfully been sent'); } Notification::success($message); return $this; } public function notifyError($message) { Notification::error($message); return $this; } protected function redirectAndExit($url) { Icinga::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->redirectAndExit($url); } protected function setHttpResponseCode($code) { Icinga::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode($code); return $this; } protected function onRequest() { } public function setRequest(Request $request) { if ($this->request !== null) { throw new ProgrammingError('Unable to set request twice'); } $this->request = $request; $this->prepareElements(); $this->onRequest(); return $this; } public function getRequest() { if ($this->request === null) { $this->setRequest(Icinga::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()); } return $this->request; } public function hasBeenSent() { if ($this->hasBeenSent === null) { if ($this->request === null) { $req = Icinga::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest(); } else { $req = $this->request; } if ($req->isPost()) { $post = $req->getPost(); $this->hasBeenSent = array_key_exists(self::ID, $post) && $post[self::ID] === $this->getName(); } else { $this->hasBeenSent === false; } } return $this->hasBeenSent; } protected function detectName() { if ($this->formName !== null) { $this->setName($this->formName); } else { $this->setName(get_class($this)); } } }