2275 lines
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2275 lines
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function Icinga2AgentModule {
# Setup parameters which can be accessed
# with -<ParamName>
# Agent setup
[bool]$FetchAgentName = $FALSE,
[bool]$FetchAgentFQDN = $FALSE,
[int]$TransformHostname = 0,
# Agent configuration
[int]$AgentListenPort = 5665,
[bool]$AcceptConfig = $TRUE,
[bool]$IcingaEnableDebugLog = $FALSE,
[bool]$AgentAddFirewallRule = $FALSE,
# Agent installation / update
[string]$DownloadUrl = 'https://packages.icinga.com/windows/',
[bool]$AllowUpdates = $FALSE,
[bool]$FlushApiDirectory = $FALSE,
# Agent signing
[int]$CAPort = 5665,
[bool]$ForceCertificateGeneration = $FALSE,
# Director communication
[bool]$DirectorDeployConfig = $FALSE,
# NSClient Installer
[bool]$InstallNSClient = $FALSE,
[bool]$NSClientAddDefaults = $FALSE,
[bool]$NSClientEnableFirewall = $FALSE,
[bool]$NSClientEnableService = $FALSE,
# Uninstaller arguments
[bool]$FullUninstallation = $FALSE,
#Internal handling
[bool]$DebugMode = $FALSE
# Initialise our installer object
# and generate our config objects
$installer = New-Object -TypeName PSObject;
$installer | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name 'properties' -value @{}
$installer | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name 'cfg' -value @{
agent_name = $AgentName;
ticket = $Ticket;
agent_version = $InstallAgentVersion;
fetch_agent_name = $FetchAgentName;
fetch_agent_fqdn = $FetchAgentFQDN;
transform_hostname = $TransformHostname;
agent_listen_port = $AgentListenPort;
parent_zone = $ParentZone;
accept_config = $AcceptConfig;
icinga_enable_debug_log = $IcingaEnableDebugLog;
agent_add_firewall_rule = $AgentAddFirewallRule;
parent_endpoints = $ParentEndpoints;
endpoints_config = $EndpointsConfig;
global_zones = $GlobalZones;
icinga_service_user = $IcingaServiceUser;
download_url = $DownloadUrl;
allow_updates = $AllowUpdates;
installer_hashes = $InstallerHashes;
flush_api_directory = $FlushApiDirectory;
ca_server = $CAServer;
ca_port = $CAPort;
force_cert = $ForceCertificateGeneration;
ca_fingerprint = $CAFingerprint;
director_url = $DirectorUrl;
director_user = $DirectorUser;
director_password = $DirectorPassword;
director_domain = $DirectorDomain;
director_auth_token = $DirectorAuthToken;
director_host_object = $DirectorHostObject;
director_deploy_config = $DirectorDeployConfig;
install_nsclient = $InstallNSClient;
nsclient_add_defaults = $NSClientAddDefaults;
nsclient_firewall = $NSClientEnableFirewall;
nsclient_service = $NSClientEnableService;
nsclient_directory = $NSClientDirectory;
nsclient_installer_path = $NSClientInstallerPath;
full_uninstallation = $FullUninstallation;
debug_mode = $DebugMode;
# Access default script config parameters
# by using this function. These variables
# are set during the initial call of
# the script with the parameters
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'config' -value {
param([string] $key);
return $this.cfg[$key];
# Override the given arguments of the PowerShell script with
# custom values or edited values
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'overrideConfig' -value {
param([string] $key, $value);
$this.cfg[$key] = $value;
# Convert a boolean value $TRUE $FALSE
# to a string value
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'convertBoolToString' -value {
if ($key) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
# Convert a boolean value $TRUE $FALSE
# to a int value
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'convertBoolToInt' -value {
if ($key) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Global variables can be accessed
# by using this function. Example:
# $this.getProperty('agent_version)
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getProperty' -value {
param([string] $key);
# Initialse some variables first
# will only be called once
if (-Not $this.properties.Get_Item('initialized')) {
return $this.properties.Get_Item($key);
# Set the value of a global variable
# to ensure later usage. Example
# $this.setProperty('agent_version', '2.4.10')
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'setProperty' -value {
param([string] $key, [string]$value);
# Initialse some variables first
# will only be called once
if (-Not $this.properties.Get_Item('initialized')) {
$this.properties.Set_Item('initialized', $TRUE);
$this.properties.Set_Item($key, $value);
# This function will dump all global
# variables of the script for debugging
# purposes
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'dumpProperties' -value {
Write-Output $this.properties;
# Print an exception message and wait 5 seconds
# before continuing the execution. After each
# exception call we should ensure the script
# ends with exit.
# Todo: Adding exit 1 here results in an script
# error we should take care off before adding it
# again
# Deprecated: Do no longer use!
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'exception' -value {
param([string]$message, [string[]]$args);
$this.warn('Calling deprecated function exception. Use throw instead.');
throw 'Exception: ' + $message;
# Print the relevant exception
# By reading the relevant info
# from the stack
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'printLastException' -value {
# Todo: Improve this entire handling
# for writing exception messages
# in general we should only see
# the actual thrown error instead of
# an stack trace where the error occured
#Write-Host $this.error($error[$error.count - 1].FullyQualifiedErrorId) -ForegroundColor red;
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor red;
# this function will print an info message
# or throw an exception, based on the
# provided exitcode
# (0 = ok, anything else => exception)
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'printAndAssertResultBasedOnExitCode' -value {
param([string]$result, [string]$exitcode);
if ($exitcode -ne 0) {
throw $result;
} else {
# Return an error message with red text
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'error' -value {
param([string] $message, [array] $args);
Write-Host 'Error:' $message -ForegroundColor red;
# Return a warning message with yellow text
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'warn' -value {
param([string] $message, [array] $args);
Write-Host 'Warning:' $message -ForegroundColor yellow;
# Return a info message with green text
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'info' -value {
param([string] $message, [array] $args);
Write-Host 'Notice:' $message -ForegroundColor green;
# Return a debug message with blue text
# in case debug mode is enabled
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'debug' -value {
param([string] $message, [array] $args);
if ($this.config('debug_mode')) {
Write-Host 'Debug:' $message -ForegroundColor blue;
# Initialise certain parts of the
# script first
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'init' -value {
$this.setProperty('initialized', $TRUE);
# Set the default config dir
$this.setProperty('config_dir', $Env:ProgramData + '\icinga2\etc\icinga2\');
$this.setProperty('api_dir', $Env:ProgramData + '\icinga2\var\lib\icinga2\api');
$this.setProperty('icinga_ticket', $this.config('ticket'));
$this.setProperty('local_hostname', $this.config('agent_name'));
# Ensure we generate the required configuration content
# We require to run this script as admin. Generate the required function here
# We might run this script from a non-privileged user. Ensure we have admin
# rights first. Otherwise abort the script.
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isAdmin' -value {
$identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent();
$principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($identity);
if (-not $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
throw 'You require to run this script as administrator.';
return $FALSE;
return $TRUE;
# In case we want to define endpoint configuration (address / port)
# we will require to fetch data correctly from a given array
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getEndpointConfigurationByArrayIndex' -value {
param([int] $currentIndex);
# Load the config into a local variable for quicker access
[array]$endpoint_config = $this.config('endpoints_config');
# In case no endpoint config is given, we should do nothing
if ($endpoint_config -eq $NULL) {
return '';
[string]$configArgument = $endpoint_config[$currentIndex];
[string]$config_string = '';
[array]$configObject = '';
if ($configArgument -ne '') {
$configObject = $configArgument.Split(';');
} else {
return '';
# Write the host data from the first array position
if ($configObject[0]) {
$config_string += ' host = "' + $configObject[0] +'"';
# Write the port data from the second array position
if ($configObject[1]) {
$config_string += "`n"+' port = ' + $configObject[1];
# Return the host and possible port configuration for this endpoint
return $config_string;
# Build endpoint hosts and objects based
# on configuration
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'generateEndpointNodes' -value {
if ($this.config('parent_endpoints')) {
[string]$endpoint_objects = '';
[string]$endpoint_nodes = '';
[int]$endpoint_index = 0;
foreach ($endpoint in $this.config('parent_endpoints')) {
$endpoint_objects += 'object Endpoint "' + "$endpoint" +'" {'+"`n";
$endpoint_objects += $this.getEndpointConfigurationByArrayIndex($endpoint_index);
$endpoint_objects += "`n" + '}' + "`n";
$endpoint_nodes += '"' + "$endpoint" + '", ';
$endpoint_index += 1;
# Remove the last blank and , from the string
if (-Not $endpoint_nodes.length -eq 0) {
$endpoint_nodes = $endpoint_nodes.Remove($endpoint_nodes.length - 2, 2);
$this.setProperty('endpoint_nodes', $endpoint_nodes);
$this.setProperty('endpoint_objects', $endpoint_objects);
$this.setProperty('generate_config', 'true');
} else {
$this.setProperty('generate_config', 'false');
# Generate global zones by configuration
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'generateGlobalZones' -value {
# Load all configured global zones
[array]$global_zones = $this.config('global_zones');
# Add director-global zone as default - always
[string]$zones = 'object Zone "director-global" {' + "`n" + ' global = true' + "`n" + '}' + "`n";
# In case no zones are given, simply add director-global
if ($global_zones -eq $NULL) {
$this.setProperty('global_zones', $zones);
# Loop through all given zones and add them to our configuration
foreach ($zone in $global_zones) {
# Ignore possible configured director-global zone, as already present
if ($zone -ne 'director-global') {
$zones = $zones + 'object Zone "' + $zone + '" {' + "`n" + ' global = true' + "`n" + '}' + "`n";
$this.setProperty('global_zones', $zones);
# Generate default config values
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'generateConfigContent' -value {
# This function will ensure we create a
# Web Client object we can use entirely
# inside the module to achieve our requirements
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'createWebClientInstance' -value {
param([string]$header, [bool]$directorHeader = $FALSE);
[System.Object]$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
if ($this.config('director_user') -And $this.config('director_password')) {
[string]$domain = $null;
if ($this.config('director_domain')) {
$domain = $this.config('director_domain');
$webClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($this.config('director_user'), $this.config('director_password'), $domain);
$webClient.Headers.add('accept', $header);
if ($directorHeader) {
$webClient.Headers.add('X-Director-Accept', 'text/plain');
return $webClient;
# Handle HTTP Requests properly to receive proper status codes in return
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'createHTTPRequest' -value {
param([string]$url, [string]$body, [string]$method, [string]$header, [bool]$directorHeader, [bool]$printExceptionMessage);
$httpRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url);
$httpRequest.Method = $method;
$httpRequest.Accept = $header;
$httpRequest.ContentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
if ($directorHeader) {
$httpRequest.Headers.Add('X-Director-Accept: text/plain');
$httpRequest.TimeOut = 6000;
if ($this.config('director_user') -And $this.config('director_password')) {
[string]$credentials = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($this.config('director_user') + ':' + $this.config('director_password')));
$httpRequest.Headers.add('Authorization: Basic ' + $credentials);
# Only send data in case we want to send some data
if ($body -ne '') {
$transmitBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body);
$httpRequest.ContentLength = $transmitBytes.Length;
[System.IO.Stream]$httpOutput = [System.IO.Stream]$httpRequest.GetRequestStream()
$httpOutput.Write($transmitBytes, 0, $transmitBytes.Length)
try {
return $this.readResponseStream($httpRequest.GetResponse());
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
if ($printExceptionMessage) {
# Print an exception message and the possible body in case we received one
# to make troubleshooting easier
[string]$errorResponse = $this.readResponseStream($_.Exception.Response);
if ($errorResponse -ne '') {
$exceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Response;
$httpErrorCode = [int][system.net.httpstatuscode]$exceptionMessage.StatusCode;
return $httpErrorCode;
return '';
# Read the content of a response and return it's value as a string
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'readResponseStream' -value {
$responseStream = $response.getResponseStream();
$streamReader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($responseStream);
$result = $streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return $result;
# Check if the provided result is an HTTP Response code
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isHTTPResponseCode' -value {
if ($httpResult.length -eq 3) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Do we require to update the Agent?
# Might be disabled by user or current version
# is already installed
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'requireAgentUpdate' -value {
if (-Not $this.config('allow_updates') -Or -Not $this.config('agent_version')) {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 Agent update installation disabled.');
return $FALSE;
if ($this.getProperty('agent_version') -eq $this.config('agent_version')) {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent up-to-date. No update required.');
return $FALSE;
$this.info('Current Icinga 2 Agent Version (' + $this.getProperty('agent_version') + ') is not matching server version (' + $this.config('agent_version') + '). Downloading new version...');
return $TRUE;
# We could try to install the Agent from a local directory
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isDownloadPathLocal' -value {
if (Test-Path ($this.config('download_url'))) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Download the Icinga 2 Agent Installer from out defined source
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'downloadInstaller' -value {
if (-Not $this.config('agent_version')) {
if ($this.isDownloadPathLocal()) {
$this.info('Installing Icinga 2 Agent from local directory');
} else {
$url = $this.config('download_url') + $this.getProperty('install_msi_package');
$this.info('Downloading Icinga 2 Agent Binary from ' + $url + ' ...');
Try {
[System.Object]$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$client.DownloadFile($url, $this.getInstallerPath());
if (-Not $this.installerExists()) {
throw 'Unable to locate downloaded Icinga 2 Agent installer file from ' + $url + '. Download destination: ' + $this.getInstallerPath();
} catch {
throw 'Unable to download Icinga 2 Agent from ' + $url + '. Please ensure the link does exist and access is possible. Error: ' + $_.Exception.Message;
# In case we provide a list of hashes to very against
# we check them to ensure the package we downloaded
# for the Agent installation is allowed to be installed
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'verifyInstallerChecksumAndThrowException' -value {
if (-Not $this.config('installer_hashes')) {
$this.warn("Icinga 2 Agent Installer verification disabled.");
[string]$installerHash = $this.getInstallerFileHash($this.getInstallerPath());
foreach($hash in $this.config('installer_hashes')) {
if ($hash -eq $installerHash) {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent hash verification successfull.');
throw 'Failed to verify against any provided installer hash.';
# Get the SHA1 hash from our uninstaller file
# Own function required because Get-FileHash is not
# supported by PowerShell Version 2
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getInstallerFileHash' -value {
[System.Object]$fileInput = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($filename,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open);
[System.Object]$hash = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
[System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create('SHA1').ComputeHash($fileInput) |
ForEach-Object {
return $hash.ToString().ToUpper();
# Returns the full path to our installer package
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getInstallerPath' -value {
if ($this.isDownloadPathLocal()) {
if (Test-Path ($this.config('download_url') + $this.getProperty('install_msi_package'))) {
return $this.config('download_url') + $this.getProperty('install_msi_package');
} else {
throw 'Failed to locate local Icinga 2 Agent installer at ' + $this.config('download_url') + $this.getProperty('install_msi_package');
} else {
return $Env:temp + '\' + $this.getProperty('install_msi_package');
# Verify that the installer package we downloaded
# does exist in first place
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installerExists' -value {
if (Test-Path $this.getInstallerPath()) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Install the Icinga 2 agent from the provided installation package
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installAgent' -value {
if (-Not $this.installerExists()) {
throw 'Failed to setup Icinga 2 Agent. Installer package not found.';
$this.info('Installing Icinga 2 Agent');
# Start the installer process
$result = $this.startProcess('MsiExec.exe', $TRUE, '/quiet /i "' + $this.getInstallerPath() + '"');
# Exit Code 0 means the Agent was installed successfully
# Otherwise we require to throw an error
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to install Icinga 2 Agent. ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent installed.');
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
# Updates the Agent in case allowed and required.
# Removes previous version of Icinga 2 Agent first
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'updateAgent' -value {
if (-Not $this.installerExists()) {
throw 'Failed to update Icinga 2 Agent. Installer package not found.';
if (-Not $this.getProperty('uninstall_id')) {
throw 'Failed to update Icinga 2 Agent. Uninstaller is not specified.';
$this.info('Removing previous Icinga 2 Agent version...');
# Start the uninstaller process
$result = $this.startProcess('MsiExec.exe', $TRUE, $this.getProperty('uninstall_id') +' /q');
# Exit Code 0 means the Agent was removed successfully
# Otherwise we require to throw an error
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to remove Icinga 2 Agent. ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent successfully removed.');
$this.info('Installing new Icinga 2 Agent version...');
# Start the installer process
$result = $this.startProcess('MsiExec.exe', $TRUE, '/quiet /i "' + $this.getInstallerPath() + '"');
# Exit Code 0 means the Agent was removed successfully
# Otherwise we require to throw an error
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to install new Icinga 2 Agent. ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent successfully updated.');
$this.setProperty('cur_install_dir', $this.getProperty('def_install_dir'));
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
# We might have installed the Icinga 2 Agent
# already. In case we do, get all data to
# ensure we access the Agent correctly
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isAgentInstalled' -value {
[string]$architecture = '';
[string]$defaultInstallDir = ${Env:ProgramFiles} + "\ICINGA2";
if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
$architecture = "x86";
$regPath = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*';
} else {
$architecture = "x86_64";
$regPath = @('HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*', 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*');
# Try locating current Icinga 2 Agent installation
$localData = Get-ItemProperty $regPath |
process {
if ($_.DisplayName) {
} |
Where-Object {
$_.DisplayName -eq 'Icinga 2';
} |
Select-Object -Property InstallLocation, UninstallString, DisplayVersion;
if ($localData.UninstallString) {
$this.setProperty('uninstall_id', $localData.UninstallString.Replace("MsiExec.exe ", ""));
$this.setProperty('def_install_dir', $defaultInstallDir);
$this.setProperty('cur_install_dir', $localData.InstallLocation);
$this.setProperty('agent_version', $localData.DisplayVersion);
$this.setProperty('install_msi_package', 'Icinga2-v' + $this.config('agent_version') + '-' + $architecture + '.msi');
if ($localData.InstallLocation) {
$this.info('Found Icinga 2 Agent version ' + $localData.DisplayVersion + ' installed at ' + $localData.InstallLocation);
return $TRUE;
} else {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 Agent does not seem to be installed on the system');
return $FALSE;
# Ensure we are able to install a firewall rule for the Icinga 2 Agent,
# allowing masters and satellites to connect to our local agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installIcingaAgentFirewallRule' -value {
if ($this.config('agent_add_firewall_rule') -eq $FALSE) {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 Agent Firewall Rule will not be installed.');
$this.info('Trying to install Icinga 2 Agent Firewall Rule for port ' + $this.config('agent_listen_port'));
$result = $this.startProcess('netsh', $FALSE, 'advfirewall firewall show rule name="Icinga 2 Agent Inbound by PS-Module"');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -eq 0) {
# Firewall rule is already defined -> delete it and add it again
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent Firewall Rule already installed. Trying to remove it to add it again...');
$result = $this.startProcess('netsh', $TRUE, 'advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Icinga 2 Agent Inbound by PS-Module"');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to remove Icinga 2 Agent Firewall rule before adding it again: ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent Firewall Rule has been removed. Re-Adding now...');
[string]$argument = 'advfirewall firewall add rule'
$argument = $argument + ' dir=in action=allow program="' + $this.getInstallPath() + 'sbin\icinga2.exe"';
$argument = $argument + ' name="Icinga 2 Agent Inbound by PS-Module"';
$argument = $argument + ' description="Inbound Firewall Rule to allow Icinga 2 masters/satellites to connect to the Icinga 2 Agent installed on this system."';
$argument = $argument + ' enable=yes';
$argument = $argument + ' remoteip=any';
$argument = $argument + ' localip=any';
$argument = $argument + ' localport=' + $this.config('agent_listen_port');
$argument = $argument + ' protocol=tcp';
$result = $this.startProcess('netsh', $FALSE, $argument);
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
# Firewall rule was not added -> print error
$this.error('Failed to install Icinga 2 Agent Firewall: ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent Firewall Rule successfully installed for port ' + $this.config('agent_listen_port'));
# Get the default path or our custom path for the NSClient++
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getNSClientDefaultExecutablePath' -value {
if ($this.config('nsclient_directory')) {
return $this.config('nsclient_directory') + '\nscp.exe';
if (Test-Path ('C:\Program Files\NSClient++\nscp.exe')) {
return 'C:\Program Files\NSClient++\nscp.exe';
if (Test-Path ('C:\Program Files (x86)\NSClient++\nscp.exe')) {
return 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NSClient++\nscp.exe';
return '';
# In case have the Agent already installed
# We might use a different installation path
# for the Agent. This function will return
# the correct, valid installation path
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getInstallPath' -value {
[string]$agentPath = $this.getProperty('def_install_dir');
if ($this.getProperty('cur_install_dir')) {
$agentPath = $this.getProperty('cur_install_dir');
return $agentPath;
# In case we installed the agent freshly we
# require to change configuration once we
# would like to use the Director properly
# This function will simply do a backup
# of the icinga2.conf, ensuring we can
# use them later again
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'backupDefaultConfig' -value {
[string]$configFile = $this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'icinga2.conf';
[string]$configBackupFile = $configFile + 'director.bak';
# Check if a config and backup file already exists
# Only procceed with backup of the current config if no backup was found
if (Test-Path $configFile) {
if (-Not (Test-Path $configBackupFile)) {
Rename-Item $configFile $configBackupFile;
$this.info('Icinga 2 configuration backup successfull');
} else {
$this.warn('Default icinga2.conf backup detected. Skipping backup');
# Allow us to restart the Icinga 2 Agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'cleanupAgentInstaller' -value {
if (-Not ($this.isDownloadPathLocal())) {
if (Test-Path $this.getInstallerPath()) {
$this.info('Removing downloaded Icinga 2 Agent installer');
Remove-Item $this.getInstallerPath() | out-null;
# Get Api directory if Icinga 2
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getApiDirectory' -value {
return $this.getProperty('api_dir');
# Should we remove the Api directory content
# from the Agent? Can be defined by setting the
# -RemoveApiDirectory argument of the function builder
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'shouldFlushIcingaApiDirectory' -value {
return $this.config('flush_api_directory');
# Flush all content from the Icinga 2 Agent
# Api directory, but keep the folder structure
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'flushIcingaApiDirectory' -value {
if (Test-Path $this.getApiDirectory()) {
$this.info('Flushing content of ' + $this.getApiDirectory());
[System.Object]$folder = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject;
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
# Modify the user the Icinga services is running with
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'modifyIcingaServiceUser' -value {
# If no user is specified -> do nothing
if ($this.config('icinga_service_user') -eq '') {
[System.Object]$currentUser = Get-WMIObject win32_service -Filter "Name='icinga2'";
[string]$credentials = $this.config('icinga_service_user');
[string]$newUser = '';
[string]$password = 'dummy';
if ($currentUser -eq $null) {
$this.warn('Unable to modify Icinga service user: Service not found.');
# Check if we defined user name and password (':' cannot appear within a username)
# If so split them into seperate variables, otherwise simply use the string as user
if ($credentials.Contains(':')) {
[int]$delimeter = $credentials.IndexOf(':');
$newUser = $credentials.Substring(0, $delimeter);
$password = $credentials.Substring($delimeter + 1, $credentials.Length - 1 - $delimeter);
} else {
$newUser = $credentials;
# If the user's are identical -> do nothing
if ($currentUser.StartName -eq $newUser) {
$this.info('Icinga user was not modified. Source and target service user are identical.');
# Try to update the service name and return an error in case of a failure
# In the error case we do not have to deal with cleanup, as no change was made anyway
$this.info('Updating Icinga 2 service user to ' + $newUser);
$result = $this.startProcess('sc.exe', $TRUE, 'config icinga2 obj="' + $newUser + '" ' + 'password=' + $password);
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
# Just write the success message
# Try to restart the service
$result = $this.restartService('icinga2');
# In case of an error try to rollback to the previous assigned user of the service
# If this fails aswell, set the user to 'LocalSystem' and restart the service to
# ensure that the agent is atleast running and collecting some data.
# Of course we throw plenty of errors to notify the user about problems
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.info('Reseting user to previous working user ' + $currentUser.StartName);
$result = $this.startProcess('sc.exe', $TRUE, 'config icinga2 obj="' + $currentUser.StartName + '" ' + 'password=' + $password);
$result = $this.restartService('icinga2');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to reset Icinga 2 service user to the previous user ' + $currentUser.StartName + '. Setting user to "LocalSystem" now to ensure the service integrity');
$result = $this.startProcess('sc.exe', $TRUE, 'config icinga2 obj="LocalSystem" password=dummy');
$result = $this.restartService('icinga2');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -eq 0) {
$this.info('Reseting Icinga 2 service user to "LocalSystem" successfull.');
} else {
$this.error('Failed to rollback Icinga 2 service user to "LocalSystem": ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
$this.info('Icinga 2 service is running');
# Function to make restart of services easier
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'restartService' -value {
$this.info('Restarting service ' + $service + '...');
# Stop the current service
$result = $this.startProcess("sc.exe", $TRUE, "stop $service");
# Wait until the service is stopped
$serviceResult = $this.waitForServiceToReachState($service, 'Stopped');
# Start the service again
$result = $this.startProcess("sc.exe", $TRUE, "start $service");
# Wait until the service is started
if ($this.waitForServiceToReachState($service, 'Running') -eq $FALSE) {
$result.Set_Item('message', 'Failed to restart service ' + $service + '.');
$result.Set_Item('exitcode', '1');
return $result;
# This function will wait for a specific service until it reaches
# the defined state. Will break after 20 seconds with an error message
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'waitForServiceToReachState' -value {
param([string]$service, [string]$state);
[int]$counter = 0;
# Wait until the service reached the desired state
while ($TRUE) {
# Get the current state of the service
$serviceState = (Get-WMIObject win32_service -Filter "Name='$service'").State;
if ($serviceState -eq $state) {
# Sleep a little to prevent crushing the CPU
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100;
$counter += 1;
# After 20 seconds break with an error. It look's like the service does not respond
if ($counter -gt 200) {
$this.error('Timeout reached while waiting for ' + $service + ' to reach state ' + $state + '. Service is not responding.');
return $FALSE;
# Wait one second and check the status again to ensure it remains within it's state
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;
if ($state -ne (Get-WMIObject win32_service -Filter "Name='$service'").State) {
return $FALSE;
return $TRUE;
# Function to start processes and wait for their exit
# Will return a dictionary with results (message, error, exitcode)
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'startProcess' -value {
param([string]$executable, [bool]$flushNewLines, [string]$arguments);
$processData = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
$processData.FileName = $executable;
$processData.RedirectStandardError = $true;
$processData.RedirectStandardOutput = $true;
$processData.UseShellExecute = $false;
$processData.Arguments = $arguments;
$process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process;
$process.StartInfo = $processData;
$process.Start() | Out-Null;
$stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
$stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
if ($flushNewLines) {
$stdout = $stdout.Replace("`n", '').Replace("`r", '');
$stderr = $stderr.Replace("`n", '').Replace("`r", '');
} else {
if ($stdout.Contains("`n")) {
$stdout = $stdout.Substring(0, $stdout.LastIndexOf("`n"));
$result = @{};
$result.Add('message', $stdout);
$result.Add('error', $stderr);
$result.Add('exitcode', $process.ExitCode);
return $result;
# Restart the Icinga 2 service and get the
# result if the restart failed or everything
# worked as expected
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'restartAgent' -value {
$result = $this.restartService('icinga2');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -eq 0) {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent successfully restarted.');
$this.setProperty('require_restart', '');
} else {
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'generateIcingaConfiguration' -value {
if ($this.getProperty('generate_config') -eq 'true') {
[string]$icingaCurrentConfig = '';
if (Test-Path $this.getIcingaConfigFile()) {
$icingaCurrentConfig = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.getIcingaConfigFile());
[string]$icingaNewConfig =
'/** Icinga 2 Config - proposed by Icinga 2 PowerShell Module */
include "constants.conf"
include <itl>
include <plugins>
include <nscp>
include <windows-plugins>
const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = false;
if (PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug) {
object FileLogger "debug-file" {
severity = "debug"
path = LocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/debug.log"
if (!globals.contains("NscpPath")) {
NscpPath = dirname(msi_get_component_path("{5C45463A-4AE9-4325-96DB-6E239C034F93}"))
object FileLogger "main-log" {
severity = "information"
path = LocalStateDir + "/log/icinga2/icinga2.log"
object Endpoint "' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '" {}
' + $this.getProperty('endpoint_objects') + '
object Zone "' + $this.config('parent_zone') + '" {
endpoints = [ ' + $this.getProperty('endpoint_nodes') +' ]
' + $this.getProperty('global_zones') + '
object Zone "' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '" {
parent = "' + $this.config('parent_zone') + '"
endpoints = [ "' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '" ]
object ApiListener "api" {
cert_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '.crt"
key_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '.key"
ca_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/ca.crt"
accept_commands = true
accept_config = ' + $this.convertBoolToString($this.config('accept_config')) + '
bind_host = "::"
bind_port = ' + [int]$this.config('agent_listen_port') + '
$this.setProperty('new_icinga_config', $icingaNewConfig);
$this.setProperty('old_icinga_config', $icingaCurrentConfig);
# Generate a hash for old and new config
# and determine if the configuration has changed
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'hasConfigChanged' -value {
if ($this.getProperty('generate_config') -eq 'false') {
return $FALSE;
if (-Not $this.getProperty('new_icinga_config')) {
throw 'New Icinga 2 configuration not generated. Please call "generateIcingaConfiguration" before.';
[string]$oldConfigHash = $this.getHashFromString($this.getProperty('old_icinga_config'));
[string]$newConfigHash = $this.getHashFromString($this.getProperty('new_icinga_config'));
$this.debug('Old Config Hash: "' + $oldConfigHash + '" New Hash: "' + $newConfigHash + '"');
if ($oldConfigHash -eq $newConfigHash) {
return $FALSE;
return $TRUE;
# Generate a SHA1 Hash from a provided string
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getHashFromString' -value {
[System.Object]$algorithm = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed;
$hash = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($text);
$hashInBytes = $algorithm.ComputeHash($hash);
[string]$result = '';
foreach($byte in $hashInBytes) {
$result += $byte.ToString();
return $result;
# Return the path to the Icinga 2 config file
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getIcingaConfigFile' -value {
return ($this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'icinga2.conf');
# Create Icinga 2 configuration file based
# on Director settings
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'writeConfig' -value {
if (-Not (Test-Path $this.getProperty('config_dir'))) {
$this.warn('Unable to write Icinga 2 configuration. The required directory was not found. Possibly the Icinga 2 Agent is not installed.');
# Write new configuration to file
$this.info('Writing icinga2.conf to ' + $this.getProperty('config_dir'));
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($this.getIcingaConfigFile(), $configData);
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
# Write old coniguration again
# just in case we received errors
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'rollbackConfig' -value {
# Write new configuration to file
$this.info('Rolling back previous icinga2.conf to ' + $this.getProperty('config_dir'));
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($this.getIcingaConfigFile(), $this.getProperty('old_icinga_config'));
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
# Provide a result of an operation (string) and
# the intended match value. In case every was
# ok, the function will return an info message
# with the result. Otherwise it will thrown an
# exception
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'printResultOkOrException' -value {
param([string]$result, [string]$expected);
if ($result -And $expected) {
if (-Not ($result -Like $expected)) {
throw $result;
} else {
} elseif ($result) {
# Generate the Icinga 2 SSL certificate to ensure the communication between the
# Agent and the Master can be established in first place
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'generateCertificates' -value {
if ($this.getProperty('local_hostname') -And $this.config('ca_server') -And $this.getProperty('icinga_ticket')) {
[string]$icingaPkiDir = $this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'pki\';
[string]$icingaBinary = $this.getInstallPath() + '\sbin\icinga2.exe';
[string]$agentName = $this.getProperty('local_hostname');
if (-Not (Test-Path $icingaBinary)) {
$this.warn('Unable to generate Icinga 2 certificates. Icinga 2 executable not found. It looks like the Icinga 2 Agent is not installed.');
# Generate the certificate
$this.info('Generating Icinga 2 certificates');
$result = $this.startProcess($icingaBinary, $FALSE, 'pki new-cert --cn ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + ' --key ' + $icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.key --cert ' + $icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.crt');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
throw $result.Get_Item('message');
# Save Certificate
$this.info("Storing Icinga 2 certificates");
$result = $this.startProcess($icingaBinary, $FALSE, 'pki save-cert --key ' + $icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.key --trustedcert ' + $icingaPkiDir + 'trusted-master.crt --host ' + $this.config('ca_server'));
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
throw $result.Get_Item('message');
# Validate if set against a given fingerprint for the CA
if (-Not $this.validateCertificate($icingaPkiDir + 'trusted-master.crt')) {
throw 'Failed to validate against CA authority';
# Request certificate
$this.info("Requesting Icinga 2 certificates");
$result = $this.startProcess($icingaBinary, $FALSE, 'pki request --host ' + $this.config('ca_server') + ' --port ' + $this.config('ca_port') + ' --ticket ' + $this.getProperty('icinga_ticket') + ' --key ' + $icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.key --cert ' + $icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.crt --trustedcert ' + $icingaPkiDir + 'trusted-master.crt --ca ' + $icingaPkiDir + 'ca.crt');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
throw $result.Get_Item('message');
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
} else {
$this.info('Skipping certificate generation. One or more of the following arguments is not set: -AgentName <name> -CAServer <server> -Ticket <ticket>');
# Validate against a given fingerprint if we are connected to the correct CA
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'validateCertificate' -value {
param([string] $certificate);
[System.Object]$certFingerprint = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2;
$this.info('Certificate fingerprint: ' + $certFingerprint.Thumbprint);
if ($this.config('ca_fingerprint')) {
if (-Not ($this.config('ca_fingerprint') -eq $certFingerprint.Thumbprint)) {
$this.error('CA fingerprint does not match! Expected: ' + $this.config('ca_fingerprint') + ', given: ' + $certFingerprint.Thumbprint);
return $FALSE;
} else {
$this.info('CA fingerprint validation successfull');
return $TRUE;
$this.warn('CA fingerprint validation disabled');
return $TRUE;
# Check the Icinga install directory and determine
# if the certificates are both available for the
# Agent. If not, return FALSE
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'hasCertificates' -value {
[string]$icingaPkiDir = $this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'pki\';
[string]$agentName = $this.getProperty('local_hostname');
if (
((Test-Path ($icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.key')) `
-And (Test-Path ($icingaPkiDir + $agentName + '.crt')) `
-And (Test-Path ($icingaPkiDir + 'ca.crt')))
) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Have we passed an argument to force
# the creation of the certificates?
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'forceCertificateGeneration' -value {
return $this.config('force_cert');
# Is the current Agent the version
# we would like to install?
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isAgentUpToDate' -value {
if ($this.canInstallAgent() -And $this.getProperty('agent_version') -eq $this.config('agent_version')) {
return $TRUE;
return $FALSE;
# Print a message telling us the installed
# and intended version of the Agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'printAgentUpdateMessage' -value {
$this.info('Current Icinga 2 Agent Version (' + $this.getProperty('agent_version') + ') is not matching intended version (' + $this.config('agent_version') + '). Downloading new version...');
# Do we allow Agent updates / downgrades?
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'allowAgentUpdates' -value {
return $this.config('allow_updates');
# Have we specified a version to install the Agent?
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'canInstallAgent' -value {
if (-Not $this.config('agent_version')) {
return $FALSE;
return $TRUE;
# Check if all required arguments for writing a valid
# configuration are set
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'checkConfigInputParametersAndThrowException' -value {
if (-Not $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
throw 'Argument -AgentName <name> required for config generation.';
if (-Not $this.config('parent_zone')) {
throw 'Argument -ParentZone <name> required for config generation.';
if (-Not $this.getProperty('endpoint_nodes') -Or -Not $this.getProperty('endpoint_objects')) {
throw 'Argument -Endpoints <name> requires atleast one defined endpoint.';
# Execute a check with Icinga2 daemon -C
# to ensure the configuration is valid
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'isIcingaConfigValid' -value {
param([bool] $checkInternal = $TRUE);
if (-Not $this.config('parent_zone') -And $checkInternal) {
throw 'Parent Zone not defined. Please specify it with -ParentZone <name>';
$icingaBinary = $this.getInstallPath() + '\sbin\icinga2.exe';
if (Test-Path $icingaBinary) {
$result = $this.startProcess($icingaBinary, $FALSE, 'daemon -C');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
return $FALSE;
} else {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 config validation not possible. Icinga 2 executable not found. Possibly the Agent is not installed.');
return $TRUE;
# Returns true or false, depending
# if any changes were made requiring
# the Icinga 2 Agent to become restarted
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'madeChanges' -value {
return $this.getProperty('require_restart');
# Apply possible configuration changes to
# our Icinga 2 Agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'applyPossibleConfigChanges' -value {
if ($this.hasConfigChanged() -And $this.getProperty('generate_config') -eq 'true') {
# Check if the config is valid and rollback otherwise
if (-Not $this.isIcingaConfigValid()) {
$this.error('Icinga 2 config validation failed. Rolling back to previous version.');
if (-Not $this.hasCertificates()) {
$this.error('Icinga 2 certificates not found. Please generate the certificates over this module or add them manually.');
if ($this.isIcingaConfigValid($FALSE)) {
$this.info('Rollback of Icinga 2 configuration successfull.');
} else {
throw 'Icinga 2 config rollback failed. Please check the icinga2.log';
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 configuration check successfull.');
} else {
$this.info('icinga2.conf did not change or required parameters not set. Nothing to do');
# Enable or disable the Icinga 2 debug log
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'switchIcingaDebugLog' -value {
# In case the config is not valid -> do nothing
if (-Not $this.isIcingaConfigValid($FALSE)) {
throw 'Unable to process Icinga 2 debug configuration. The icinga2.conf is corrupt! Please check the icinga2.log';
# If there is no config file defined -> do nothing
if (-Not (Test-Path $this.getIcingaConfigFile())) {
[string]$icingaCurrentConfig = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.getIcingaConfigFile());
[string]$newIcingaConfig = '';
if ($this.config('icinga_enable_debug_log')) {
$this.info('Trying to enable debug log for Icinga 2...');
if ($icingaCurrentConfig.Contains('const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = false;')) {
$newIcingaConfig = $icingaCurrentConfig.Replace('const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = false;', 'const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = true;');
$this.info('Icinga 2 debug log has been enabled');
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 debug log is already enabled or configuration not found');
} else {
$this.info('Trying to disable debug log for Icinga 2...');
if ($icingaCurrentConfig.Contains('const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = true;')) {
$newIcingaConfig = $icingaCurrentConfig.Replace('const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = true;', 'const PowerShellIcinga2EnableDebug = false;');
$this.info('Icinga 2 debug log has been disabled');
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 debug log is not enabled or configuration not found');
# In case we made a modification to the configuration -> write it
if ($newIcingaConfig -ne '') {
# Validate the config if it is valid
if (-Not $this.isIcingaConfigValid($FALSE)) {
# if not write the old configuration again
if (-Not $this.isIcingaConfigValid($FALSE)) {
throw 'Critical exception: Something went wrong while processing debug configuration. The Icinga 2 config is corrupt! Please check the icinga2.log';
# Ensure we get the hostname or FQDN
# from the PowerShell to make things more
# easier
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'fetchHostnameOrFQDN' -value {
if ($this.config('fetch_agent_fqdn') -And (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain) {
[string]$hostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName + '.' + (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain;
$this.setProperty('local_hostname', $hostname);
$this.info('Setting internal Agent Name to ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname'));
} elseif ($this.config('fetch_agent_name')) {
[string]$hostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName;
$this.setProperty('local_hostname', $hostname);
$this.info('Setting internal Agent Name to ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname'));
# Add additional variables to our config for more user-friendly usage
[string]$host_fqdn = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName + '.' + (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain;
[string]$hostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName;
$this.setProperty('fqdn', $host_fqdn);
$this.setProperty('hostname', $hostname);
if (-Not $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
$this.warn('You have not specified an Agent Name or turned on to auto fetch this information.');
# Retreive the current IP-Address of the Host
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'fetchHostIPAddress' -value {
# First try to lookup the IP by the FQDN
if ($this.doLookupIPAddressesForHostname($this.getProperty('fqdn'))) {
# Now take a look for the given hostname
if ($this.doLookupIPAddressesForHostname($this.getProperty('hostname'))) {
# If still nothing is found, look on the entire host
if ($this.doLookupIPAddressesForHostname("")) {
# Add all found IP-Addresses to our property array
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'doLookupIPAddressesForHostname' -value {
$this.info('Trying to fetch Host IP-Address for hostname: ' + $hostname);
try {
[array]$ipAddressArray = [Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($hostname).AddressList;
return $TRUE;
} catch {
# Write an error in case something went wrong
$this.error('Failed to lookup IP-Address with DNS-Lookup for ' + $hostname + ': ' + $_.Exception.Message);
return $FALSE;
# Add all found IP-Addresses to our property array
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'addHostIPAddressToProperties' -value {
[int]$ipV4Index = 0;
[int]$ipV6Index = 0;
foreach ($address in $ipArray) {
# Split config attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 into different values
if ($address.AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork') { #IPv4
# If the first entry of our default ipaddress is empty -> add it
if ($this.getProperty('ipaddress') -eq $null) {
$this.setProperty('ipaddress', $address);
# Now add the IP's with an array like construct
$this.setProperty('ipaddress[' + $ipV4Index + ']', $address);
$ipV4Index += 1;
} else { #IPv6
# If the first entry of our default ipaddress is empty -> add it
if ($this.getProperty('ipaddressV6') -eq $null) {
$this.setProperty('ipaddressV6', $address);
# Now add the IP's with an array like construct
$this.setProperty('ipaddressV6[' + $ipV6Index + ']', $address);
$ipV6Index += 1;
# Transform the hostname to upper or lower case if required
# 0: Do nothing (default)
# 1: Transform to lower case
# 2: Transform to upper case
$installer | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -name 'doTransformHostname' -Value {
[string]$hostname = $this.getProperty('local_hostname');
[int]$type = $this.config('transform_hostname');
switch ($type) {
1 { $hostname = $hostname.ToLower(); }
2 { $hostname = $hostname.ToUpper(); }
Default {} # Do nothing by default
if ($hostname -cne $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
$this.info('Transforming Agent Name to ' + $hostname);
$this.setProperty('local_hostname', $hostname);
# Allow the replacing of placeholders within a JSON-String
$installer | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -name 'doReplaceJSONPlaceholders' -Value {
# Replace the encoded & with the original symbol at first
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('\u0026', '&');
# &hostname& => hostname
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&hostname&', $this.getProperty('hostname'));
# &hostname.lowerCase& => hostname to lower
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&hostname.lowerCase&', $this.getProperty('hostname').ToLower());
# &hostname.upperCase& => hostname to upper
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&hostname.upperCase&', $this.getProperty('hostname').ToUpper());
# &fqdn& => fqdn
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&fqdn&', $this.getProperty('fqdn'));
# &fqdn.lowerCase& => fqdn to lower
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&fqdn.lowerCase&', $this.getProperty('fqdn').ToLower());
# &fqdn.upperCase& => fqdn to upper
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&fqdn.upperCase&', $this.getProperty('fqdn').ToUpper());
# hostname_placeholder => current hostname (either FQDN, hostname, with plain, upper or lower case)
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&hostname_placeholder&', $this.getProperty('local_hostname'));
# Try to replace our IP-Address
if ($jsonString.Contains('&ipaddressV6')) {
$jsonString = $this.doReplaceJSONIPAddress($jsonString, 'ipaddressV6');
} elseif ($jsonString.Contains('&ipaddress')) {
$jsonString = $this.doReplaceJSONIPAddress($jsonString, 'ipaddress');
# Encode the & again to receive a proper JSON
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&', '\u0026');
return $jsonString;
# Allow the replacing of added IPv4 and IPv6 address
$installer | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -name 'doReplaceJSONIPAddress' -Value {
param([string]$jsonString, [string]$ipType);
# Add our & delimeter to begin with
[string]$ipSearchPattern = '&' + $ipType;
# Now locate the string and cut everything away until only our & tag for the string shall be remaining, including the array placeholder
[string]$ipAddressEnd = $jsonString.Substring($jsonString.IndexOf($ipSearchPattern) + $ipType.Length + 1, $jsonString.Length - $jsonString.IndexOf($ipSearchPattern) - $ipType.Length - 1);
# Ensure we still got an ending &, otherwise throw an error
if ($ipAddressEnd.Contains('&')) {
# Now cut everything until the first & we found
$ipAddressEnd = $ipAddressEnd.Substring(0, $ipAddressEnd.IndexOf('&'));
# Build together our IP-Address string, which could be for example ipaddress[1]
[string]$ipAddressString = $ipType + $ipAddressEnd;
# Now replace this finding with our config attribute
$jsonString = $jsonString.Replace('&' + $ipAddressString + '&', $this.getProperty($ipAddressString));
} else {
# If something goes wrong we require to notify our user
$this.error('Failed to replace IP-Address placeholder. Invalid format for IP-Type ' + $ipType);
# Return our new JSON-String
return $jsonString;
# This function will allow us to create a
# host object directly inside the Icinga Director
# with a provided JSON string
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'createHostInsideIcingaDirector' -value {
if ($this.config('director_url') -And $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
if ($this.config('director_auth_token')) {
if ($this.requireIcingaDirectorAPIVersion('1.4.0', '[Function::createHostInsideIcingaDirector]')) {
if ($this.getProperty('director_host_token') -eq '') {
[string]$apiKey = $this.config('director_auth_token');
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'self-service/register-host?name=' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '&key=' + $apiKey;
[string]$json = '';
# If no JSON Object is defined (should be default), we shall create one
if (-Not $this.config('director_host_object')) {
[string]$hostname = $this.getProperty('local_hostname');
$json = '{ "address": "' + $hostname + '", "display_name": "' + $hostname + '" }';
} else {
# Otherwise use the specified one and replace the host object placeholders
$json = $this.doReplaceJSONPlaceholders($this.config('director_host_object'));
$this.info('Creating host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + ' over API token inside Icinga Director.');
[string]$httpResponse = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, $json, 'POST', 'application/json', $TRUE, $TRUE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($httpResponse) -eq $FALSE) {
$this.setProperty('director_host_token', $httpResponse);
} else {
if ($httpResponse -eq '400') {
$this.warn('Received response 400 from Icinga Director. Possibly you tried to re-create the host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '. In case the host already exists, please remove the Host-Api-Key inside the Icinga Director and try again.');
} else {
$this.warn('Failed to create host. Response code ' + $httpResponse);
} elseif ($this.config('director_host_object')) {
# Setup the url we need to call
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'host';
# Replace the host object placeholders
[string]$host_object_json = $this.doReplaceJSONPlaceholders($this.config('director_host_object'));
# Create the host object inside the director
[string]$httpResponse = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, $host_object_json, 'PUT', 'application/json', $FALSE, $FALSE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($httpResponse) -eq $FALSE) {
$this.info('Placed query for creating host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + ' inside Icinga Director. Config: ' + $httpResponse);
} else {
if ($httpResponse -eq '422') {
$this.warn('Failed to create host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + ' inside Icinga Director. The host seems to already exist.');
} else {
$this.error('Failed to create host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + ' inside Icinga Director. Error response ' + $httpResponse);
# Shall we deploy the config for the generated host?
if ($this.config('director_deploy_config')) {
$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'config/deploy';
[string]$httpResponse = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, '', 'POST', 'application/json', $FALSE, $TRUE);
$this.info('Deploying configuration from Icinga Director to Icinga. Result: ' + $httpResponse);
# Write Host API-Key for future usage
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'writeHostAPIKeyToDisk' -value {
if (Test-Path ($this.getProperty('config_dir'))) {
[string]$apiFile = $this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'icingadirector.token';
$this.info('Writing host API-Key "' + $this.getProperty('director_host_token') + '" to "' + $apiFile + '"');
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($apiFile, $this.getProperty('director_host_token'));
# Read Host API-Key from disk for usage
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'readHostAPIKeyFromDisk' -value {
[string]$apiFile = $this.getProperty('config_dir') + 'icingadirector.token';
if (Test-Path ($apiFile)) {
[string]$hostToken = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($apiFile);
$this.setProperty('director_host_token', $hostToken);
$this.info('Reading host api token ' + $hostToken + ' from ' + $apiFile);
} else {
$this.setProperty('director_host_token', '');
# Get the API Version from the Icinga Director. In case we are using
# an older Version of the Director, we wont get this version
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getIcingaDirectorVersion' -value {
if ($this.config('director_url')) {
# Do a legacy call to the Icinga Director and get a JSON-Value
# Older versions of the Director do not support plain/text and
# would result in making this request quite useless
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'self-service/api-version';
[string]$versionString = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, '', 'POST', 'application/json', $FALSE, $FALSE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($versionString) -eq $FALSE) {
# Remove all characters we do not need inside the string
[string]$versionString = $versionString.Replace('"', '').Replace("`r", '').Replace("`n", '');
[array]$version = $versionString.Split('.');
$this.setProperty('icinga_director_api_version', $versionString);
} else {
$this.warn('You seem to use an older Version of the Icinga Director, as no API version could be retreived.');
$this.setProperty('icinga_director_api_version', '0.0.0');
$this.setProperty('icinga_director_api_version', 'false');
# Match the Icinga Director API Version against a provided string
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'requireIcingaDirectorAPIVersion' -value {
param([string]$version, [string]$functionName);
# Director URL not specified
if ($this.getProperty('icinga_director_api_version') -eq 'false') {
return $FALSE;
if ($this.getProperty('icinga_director_api_version') -eq '0.0.0') {
$this.error('The feature ' + $functionName + ' requires Icinga Director API-Version ' + $version + '. Your Icinga Director version does not support the API.');
return $FALSE;
[bool]$versionValid = $TRUE;
[array]$requiredVersion = $version.Split('.');
$currentVersion = $this.getProperty('icinga_director_api_version');
if ($requiredVersion[0] -gt $currentVersion[0]) {
$versionValid = $FALSE;
if ($requiredVersion[1] -gt $currentVersion[2]) {
$versionValid = $FALSE;
if ($requiredVersion[1] -ge $currentVersion[2] -And $requiredVersion[2] -gt $currentVersion[4]) {
$versionValid = $FALSE;
if ($versionValid -eq $FALSE) {
$this.error('The feature ' + $functionName + ' requires Icinga Director API-Version ' + $version + '. Got version ' + $currentVersion[0] + '.' + $currentVersion[2] + '.' + $currentVersion[4]);
return $FALSE;
return $TRUE;
# This function will fetch all arguments configured inside the Icinga Director
# to allow an entire auto configuration of the Icinga 2 Agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'fetchArgumentsFromIcingaDirector' -value {
# By default we will use the Host-Api-Key stored on the disk (if written on)
[string]$key = $this.getProperty('director_host_token');
# In case we are not having the Host-Api-Key already, use the value from the argument
if($globalConfig -eq $TRUE) {
$key = $this.config('director_auth_token');
# If no key is specified, we are not having set one and should leave this function
if ($key -eq '') {
if ($this.requireIcingaDirectorAPIVersion('1.4.0', '[Function::fetchArgumentsFromIcingaDirector]')) {
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'self-service/powershell-parameters?key=' + $key;
[string]$argumentString = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, '', 'POST', 'application/json', $TRUE, $FALSE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($argumentString) -eq $FALSE) {
# First split the entire result based in new-lines into an array
[array]$arguments = $argumentString.Split("`n");
$config = @{};
# Now loop all elements and construct a dictionary for all values
foreach ($item in $arguments) {
if ($item.Contains(':')) {
[int]$argumentPos = $item.IndexOf(":");
[string]$argument = $item.Substring(0, $argumentPos)
[string]$value = $item.Substring($argumentPos + 2, $item.Length - 2 - $argumentPos);
$value = $value.Replace("`r", '');
$value = $value.Replace("`n", '');
if ($value.Contains( '!')) {
[array]$valueArray = $value.Split('!');
$this.overrideConfig($argument, $valueArray);
} else {
if ($value.toLower() -eq 'true') {
$this.overrideConfig($argument, $TRUE);
} elseif ($value.toLower() -eq 'false') {
$this.overrideConfig($argument, $FALSE);
} else {
$this.overrideConfig($argument, $value);
} else {
$this.error('Received ' + $argumentString + ' from Icinga Director. Possibly your API token is no longer valid or the object does not exist.');
# Ensure we generate the required configuration content
# This function will communicate directly with
# the Icinga Director and ensuring that we get
# some of the possible required informations
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'fetchTicketFromIcingaDirector' -value {
if ($this.getProperty('director_host_token')) {
if ($this.requireIcingaDirectorAPIVersion('1.4.0', '[Function::fetchTicketFromIcingaDirector]')) {
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'self-service/ticket?key=' + $this.getProperty('director_host_token');
[string]$httpResponse = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, '', 'POST', 'application/json', $TRUE, $TRUE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($httpResponse) -eq $FALSE) {
$this.setProperty('icinga_ticket', $httpResponse);
} else {
$this.error('Failed to fetch Ticket from Icinga Director. Error response ' + $httpResponse);
} else {
if ($this.config('director_url') -And $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
[string]$url = $this.config('director_url') + 'host/ticket?name=' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname');
[string]$httpResponse = $this.createHTTPRequest($url, '', 'POST', 'application/json', $FALSE, $TRUE);
if ($this.isHTTPResponseCode($httpResponse) -eq $FALSE) {
# Lookup all " inside the return string
$quotes = Select-String -InputObject $httpResponse -Pattern '"' -AllMatches;
# If we only got two ", we should have received a valid ticket
# Otherwise we need to throw an error
if ($quotes.Matches.Count -ne 2) {
throw 'Failed to fetch ticket for host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') +'. Got ' + $httpResponse + ' as ticket.';
} else {
$httpResponse = $httpResponse.subString(1, $httpResponse.length - 3);
$this.info('Fetched ticket ' + $httpResponse + ' for host ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname') + '.');
$this.setProperty('icinga_ticket', $httpResponse);
} else {
$this.error('Failed to fetch Ticket from Icinga Director. Error response ' + $httpResponse);
# Shall we install the NSClient as well on the system?
# All possible actions are handeled here
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installNSClient' -value {
if ($this.config('install_nsclient')) {
[string]$installerPath = $this.getNSClientInstallerPath();
$this.info('Trying to install NSClient++ from ' + $installerPath);
# First check if the package does exist
if (Test-Path ($installerPath)) {
# Get all required arguments for installing the NSClient unattended
[string]$NSClientArguments = $this.getNSClientInstallerArguments();
# Start the installer process
$result = $this.startProcess('MsiExec.exe', $TRUE, '/quiet /i "' + $installerPath + '" ' + $NSClientArguments);
# Exit Code 0 means the NSClient was installed successfully
# Otherwise we require to throw an error
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to install NSClient++. ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('NSClient++ successfully installed.');
# If defined remove the Firewall Rule to secure the system
# By default the NSClient is only called from the Icinga 2 Agent locally
# Remove the service if we only call the NSClient locally
# Add the default NSClient config if we want to do more
# To tell Icinga 2 we installed the NSClient and to make
# the NSCPPath variable available, we require to restart Icinga 2
$this.setProperty('require_restart', 'true');
} else {
$this.error('Failed to locate NSClient++ Installer at ' + $installerPath);
} else {
$this.info('NSClient++ will not be installed on the system.');
# Determine the location of the NSClient installer
# By default we are using the shipped NSClient from the Icinga 2 Agent
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getNSClientInstallerPath' -value {
if ($this.config('nsclient_installer_path') -ne '') {
# Check of the installer is a local path
# If so, use this as installer source
if (Test-Path ($this.config('nsclient_installer_path'))) {
return $this.config('nsclient_installer_path');
$this.info('Trying to download NSClient++ from ' + $this.config('nsclient_installer_path'));
[System.Object]$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$client.DownloadFile($this.config('nsclient_installer_path'), $Env:temp + '\NSCP.msi');
return $Env:temp + '\NSCP.msi';
} else {
# Icinga is shipping a NSClient Version after installation
# Install this version if defined
return $this.getInstallPath() + '\sbin\NSCP.msi';
return '';
# If we only want to use the NSClient++ to be called from the Icinga 2 Agent
# we do not require an open Firewall Rule to allow traffic.
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'getNSClientInstallerArguments' -value {
[string]$NSClientArguments = '';
if ($this.config('nsclient_directory')) {
$NSClientArguments += ' INSTALLLOCATION=' + $this.config('nsclient_directory');
return $NSClientArguments;
# If we only want to use the NSClient++ to be called from the Icinga 2 Agent
# we do not require an open Firewall Rule to allow traffic.
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'removeNSClientFirewallRule' -value {
if ($this.config('nsclient_firewall') -eq $FALSE) {
$result = $this.startProcess('netsh', $FALSE, 'advfirewall firewall show rule name="NSClient++ Monitoring Agent"');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
# Firewall rule was not found. Nothing to do
$this.info('NSClient++ Firewall Rule is not installed');
$this.info('Trying to remove NSClient++ Firewall Rule...');
$result = $this.startProcess('netsh', $TRUE, 'advfirewall firewall delete rule name="NSClient++ Monitoring Agent"');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
$this.error('Failed to remove NSClient++ Firewall rule: ' + $result.Get_Item('message'));
} else {
$this.info('NSClient++ Firewall Rule has been successfully removed');
# If we only want to use the NSClient++ to be called from the Icinga 2 Agent
# we do not require a running NSClient++ Service
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'removeNSClientService' -value {
if ($this.config('nsclient_service') -eq $FALSE) {
$NSClientService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='nscp'";
if ($NSClientService -ne $null) {
$this.info('Trying to remove NSClient++ service...');
# Before we remove the service, stop it (to prevent ghosts)
Stop-Service 'nscp';
# Now remove it
$result = $NSClientService.delete();
if ($result.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
$this.info('NSClient++ Service has been removed');
} else {
$this.error('Failed to remove NSClient++ service');
} else {
$this.info('NSClient++ Service is not installed')
# In case we want to do more with the NSClient, we can auto-generate
# all NSClient++ config attributes
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'addNSClientDefaultConfig' -value {
if ($this.config('nsclient_add_defaults')) {
[string]$NSClientBinary = $this.getNSClientDefaultExecutablePath();
if ($NSClientBinary -eq '') {
$this.error('Unable to generate NSClient++ default config. Executable nscp.exe could not be found ' +
'on default locations or the specified custom location. If you installed the NSClient on a ' +
'custom location, please specify the path with -NSClientDirectory');
if (Test-Path ($NSClientBinary)) {
$this.info('Generating all default NSClient++ config values');
$result = $this.startProcess($NSClientBinary, $TRUE, 'settings --generate --add-defaults --load-all');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
} else {
$this.error('Failed to generate NSClient++ defaults config. Path to executable is not valid: ' + $NSClientBinary);
# Deprecated function
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installIcinga2Agent' -value {
$this.warn('The function "installIcinga2Agent" is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use "installMonitoringComponents" instead.')
return $this.installMonitoringComponents();
# This function will try to load all
# data from the system and setup the
# entire Agent without user interaction
# including download and update if
# specified. Returnd 0 or 1 as exit code
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'installMonitoringComponents' -value {
try {
if (-Not $this.isAdmin()) {
return 1;
# Get the current API-Version from the Icinga Director
# Read arguments for auto config from the Icinga Director
# At first only with our public key for global config attributes
# Read the Host-API Key in case it exists
# Get host name or FQDN if required
# Get IP-Address of host
# Transform the hostname if required
# Try to create a host object inside the Icinga Director
# Load the configuration again, but this time with our
# Host key to fetch additional informations like endpoints
# First check if we should get some parameters from the Icinga Director
# Try to locate the current
# Installation data from the Agent
if ($this.isAgentInstalled()) {
if (-Not $this.isAgentUpToDate()) {
if ($this.allowAgentUpdates()) {
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent is up-to-date. Nothing to do.');
} else {
if ($this.canInstallAgent()) {
# In case we have an API key assigned, write it to disk
} else {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 Agent is not installed and not allowed of beeing installed.');
if (-Not $this.hasCertificates() -Or $this.forceCertificateGeneration()) {
} else {
$this.info('Icinga 2 certificates already exist. Nothing to do.');
if ($this.shouldFlushIcingaApiDirectory()) {
if ($this.madeChanges()) {
} else {
$this.info('No changes detected.');
# We modify the service user at the very last to ensure
# the user we defined for logging in is valid
return 0;
} catch {
return 1;
# Removes the Icinga 2 Agent from the system
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'uninstallIcinga2Agent' -value {
$this.info('Trying to locate Icinga 2 Agent...');
if ($this.isAgentInstalled()) {
$this.info('Removing Icinga 2 Agent from the system...');
$result = $this.startProcess('MsiExec.exe', $TRUE, $this.getProperty('uninstall_id') + ' /q');
if ($result.Get_Item('exitcode') -ne 0) {
return [int]$result.Get_Item('exitcode');
$this.info('Icinga 2 Agent successfully removed.');
if ($this.config('full_uninstallation')) {
$this.info('Flushing Icinga 2 program data directory...');
if (Test-Path ($Env:ProgramData + '\icinga2\')) {
try {
[System.Object]$folder = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject;
$folder.DeleteFolder($Env:ProgramData + '\icinga2');
$this.info('Remaining Icinga 2 configuration successfully removed.');
} catch {
$this.error('Failed to delete Icinga 2 Program Data Directory: ' + $_.Exception.Message);
return 1;
} else {
$this.warn('Icinga 2 Agent program directory not present.');
return 0;
return $installer;
} |