
559 lines
16 KiB

namespace Icinga\Module\Director\Resolver;
use Icinga\Application\Benchmark;
use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Data\AssignFilterHelper;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Objects\DynamicApplyMatches;
use Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract as ZfDB;
class IcingaObjectResolver
/** @var ZfDB */
protected $db;
protected $nameMaps;
protected $baseTable = 'not_configured';
protected $ignoredProperties = [];
protected $relatedTables = [];
protected $booleans = [];
* @var array[]
protected $templates;
* @var array[]
protected $resolvedTemplateProperties;
* @var array
protected $inheritancePaths;
protected $flatImports = [];
protected $templateVars;
protected $resolvedTemplateVars = [];
protected $groupMemberShips;
protected $resolvedGroupMemberShips;
public function __construct(ZfDb $db)
// TODO: loop detection. Not critical right now, as this isn't the main resolver
Benchmark::measure('Object Resolver for ' . $this->baseTable . ' warming up');
$this->db = $db;
// Fetch: ignore disabled?
$this->templates = [];
foreach ($this->fetchPlainObjects($this->baseTable, 'template') as $template) {
$id = $template->id;
$this->templates[$id] = (array) $template;
$this->templateVars = $this->fetchTemplateVars();
$this->inheritancePaths = $this->fetchInheritancePaths($this->baseTable, 'host_id');
foreach ($this->inheritancePaths as $path) {
// Using already resolved data, so this is unused right now:
// $this->groupMemberShips = $this->fetchAllGroups();
$this->resolvedGroupMemberShips = $this->fetchAllResolvedGroups();
foreach ($this->inheritancePaths as $path) {
if (! isset($this->resolvedTemplateProperties[$path])) {
$properties = (object) $this->getResolvedProperties($path);
$this->resolvedTemplateProperties[$path] = $properties;
$this->resolvedTemplateVars[$path] = $this->getResolvedVars($path);
Benchmark::measure('Object Resolver for ' . $this->baseTable . ' is ready');
// Notes:
// default != null:
// most icinga objects: disabled => n
// Icinga(ScheduledDowntime|TimePeriod)Range: range_type => include, merge_behaviour => set
// IcingaTemplateChoice: min_required => 0, max_allowed => 1
// IcingaZone: is_global => n
// ImportSource: import_state => unknown
// SyncRule: sync_state => unknown
protected static function addUniqueMembers(&$list, $newMembers)
foreach (\array_reverse($newMembers) as $member) {
$pos = \array_search($member, $list);
if ($pos !== false) {
\array_unshift($list, $member);
public function fetchResolvedObjects()
$objects = [];
$allVars = $this->fetchNonTemplateVars();
foreach ($this->fetchPlainObjects($this->baseTable, 'object') as $object) {
$id = $object->id; // id will be stripped
$objects[$id] = $this->enrichObject($object, $allVars);
return $objects;
public function fetchObjectsMatchingFilter(Filter $filter)
$filter = clone($filter);
$helper = new AssignFilterHelper($filter);
$objects = [];
$allVars = $this->fetchNonTemplateVars();
foreach ($this->fetchPlainObjects($this->baseTable, 'object') as $object) {
$id = $object->id; // id will be stripped
$object = $this->enrichObject($object, $allVars);
if ($helper->matches($object)) {
$objects[$id] = $object;
return $objects;
protected function enrichObject($object, $allVars)
$id = $object->id;
if (isset($allVars[$id])) {
$vars = $allVars[$id];
} else {
$vars = [];
$vars += $this->getInheritedVarsById($id);
// There is no merge, +/-, not yet. Unused, as we use resolved groups:
// if (isset($this->groupMemberShips[$id])) {
// $groups = $this->groupMemberShips[$id];
// } else {
// $groups = $this->getInheritedGroupsById($id);
// }
if (isset($this->resolvedGroupMemberShips[$id])) {
$groups = $this->resolvedGroupMemberShips[$id];
} else {
$groups = [];
foreach ($this->getInheritedPropertiesById($id) as $property => $value) {
if (! isset($object->$property)) {
$object->$property = $value;
if (! empty($vars)) {
$object->vars = (object) $vars;
if (! empty($groups)) {
$object->groups = $groups;
$templates = $this->getTemplateNamesById($id);
if (! empty($templates)) {
$object->templates = \array_reverse($templates);
return $object;
* @param string $baseTable e.g. icinga_host
* @param string $relColumn e.g. host_id
* @return array
protected function fetchInheritancePaths($baseTable, $relColumn)
if ($this->db instanceof \Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql) {
$groupColumn = "ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(parent_$relColumn ORDER BY weight), ',')";
} else {
$groupColumn = "GROUP_CONCAT(parent_$relColumn ORDER BY weight SEPARATOR ',')";
$query = $this->db->select()
'oi' => "{$baseTable}_inheritance"
], [
// Ordering by length increases the possibility to have less cycles afterwards
return $this->db->fetchPairs($query);
protected function getInheritedPropertiesById($objectId)
if (isset($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId])) {
return $this->getResolvedProperties($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId]);
} else {
return [];
protected function getInheritedVarsById($objectId)
if (isset($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId])) {
return $this->getResolvedVars($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId]);
} else {
return [];
protected function getInheritedGroupsById($objectId)
if (isset($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId])) {
return $this->getResolvedGroups($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId]);
} else {
return [];
protected function getTemplateNamesByID($objectId)
if (isset($this->inheritancePaths[$objectId])) {
return $this->translateTemplateIdsToNames(
} else {
return [];
* @param $path
* @return array[]
protected function getResolvedProperties($path)
$result = [];
// + adds only non existing members, so let's reverse our templates
foreach ($this->getResolvedImports($path) as $templateId) {
$result += $this->templates[$templateId];
return $result;
protected function getResolvedVars($path)
$result = [];
foreach ($this->getResolvedImports($path) as $templateId) {
$result += $this->getTemplateVars($templateId);
return $result;
protected function getTemplateVars($templateId)
if (isset($this->templateVars[$templateId])) {
return $this->templateVars[$templateId];
} else {
return [];
protected function getResolvedGroups($path)
$pos = \strpos($path, ',');
if ($pos === false) {
if (isset($this->groupMemberShips[$path])) {
return $this->groupMemberShips[$path];
} else {
return [];
} else {
$first = \substr($path, 0, $pos);
$parentPath = \substr($path, $pos + 1);
$currentGroups = $this->getResolvedVars($first);
// There is no merging +/-, not yet
if (empty($currentGroups)) {
return $this->getResolvedVars($parentPath);
} else {
return $currentGroups;
* Hint: this ships most important (last) imports first
* @param $path
* @return array
protected function getResolvedImports($path)
if (! isset($this->flatImports[$path])) {
$this->flatImports[$path] = $this->calculateFlatImports($path);
return $this->flatImports[$path];
protected function calculateFlatImports($path)
$imports = \preg_split('/,/', $path);
$ancestors = [];
foreach ($imports as $template) {
if (isset($this->inheritancePaths[$template])) {
$this->addUniqueMembers($ancestors, [$template]);
return $ancestors;
protected function fetchPlainObjects($table, $objectType = null)
$query = $this->db->select()
->from(['o' => $table])
if ($objectType !== null) {
$query->where('o.object_type = ?', $objectType);
return $this->db->fetchAll($query);
* @param \stdClass $object
protected function replaceRelatedNames($object)
foreach ($this->nameMaps as $property => $map) {
if (\property_exists($object, $property)) {
// Hint: substr strips _id
if ($object->$property === null) {
$object->{\substr($property, 0, -3)} = null;
} else {
$object->{\substr($property, 0, -3)} = $map[$object->$property];
protected function translateTemplateIdsToNames($ids)
$names = [];
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if (isset($this->templates[$id])) {
$names[] = $this->templates[$id]['object_name'];
} else {
throw new \RuntimeException("There is no template with ID $id");
return $names;
protected function stripIgnoredProperties($object)
foreach ($this->ignoredProperties as $key) {
public function prepareNameMaps()
// TODO: fetch from dummy Object? How to ignore irrelevant ones like choices?
$relatedNames = [];
foreach ($this->relatedTables as $key => $relatedTable) {
$relatedNames[$key] = $this->fetchRelationMap($this->baseTable, $relatedTable, $key);
$this->nameMaps = $relatedNames;
protected function convertBooleans($object)
foreach ($this->booleans as $property) {
if (\property_exists($object, $property) && $object->$property !== null) {
// Hint: substr strips _id
$object->$property = $object->$property === 'y';
protected function stripNullProperties($object)
foreach (\array_keys((array) $object) as $property) {
if ($object->$property === null) {
protected function fetchRelationMap($sourceTable, $destinationTable, $property)
$query = $this->db->select()
->from(['d' => $destinationTable], ['d.id', 'd.object_name'])
->join(['o' => $sourceTable], "d.id = o.$property", [])
return $this->db->fetchPairs($query);
protected function fetchTemplateVars()
$query = $this->prepareVarsQuery()->where('o.object_type = ?', 'template');
return $this->fetchAndCombineVars($query);
protected function fetchNonTemplateVars()
$query = $this->prepareVarsQuery()->where('o.object_type != ?', 'template');
return $this->fetchAndCombineVars($query);
protected function fetchAndCombineVars($query)
$vars = [];
foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query) as $var) {
$id = $var->object_id;
if (! isset($vars[$id])) {
$vars[$id] = [];
if ($var->format === 'json') {
$vars[$id][$var->varname] = \json_decode($var->varvalue);
} else {
$vars[$id][$var->varname] = $var->varvalue;
return $vars;
protected function fetchAllGroups()
$query = $this->prepareGroupsQuery();
return $this->fetchAndCombineGroups($query);
protected function fetchAllResolvedGroups()
$query = $this->prepareGroupsQuery(true);
return $this->fetchAndCombineGroups($query);
protected function fetchAndCombineGroups($query)
$groups = [];
foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query) as $group) {
$id = $group->object_id;
if (isset($groups[$id])) {
$groups[$id][$group->group_id] = $group->group_name;
} else {
$groups[$id] = [
$group->group_id => $group->group_name
return $groups;
protected function prepareGroupsQuery($resolved = false)
$type = $this->getType();
$groupsTable = $this->baseTable . 'group';
$groupMembershipTable = "{$groupsTable}_$type";
if ($resolved) {
$groupMembershipTable .= '_resolved';
$oRef = "{$type}_id";
$gRef = "{$type}group_id";
return $this->db->select()
->from(['gm' => $groupMembershipTable], [
'object_id' => $oRef,
'group_id' => $gRef,
'group_name' => 'g.object_name'
->join(['g' => $groupsTable], "g.id = gm.$gRef", [])
protected function prepareVarsQuery()
$table = $this->baseTable . '_var';
$ref = $this->getType() . '_id';
return $this->db->select()
->from(['v' => $table], [
'object_id' => $ref,
// 'v.checksum',
->join(['o' => $this->baseTable], "o.id = v.$ref", [])
protected function getType()
return \preg_replace('/^icinga_/', '', $this->baseTable);
* Helper, flattens all vars of a given object
* The object itself will be modified, and the 'vars' property will be
* replaced with corresponding 'vars.whatever' properties
* @param $object
* @param string $key
protected static function flattenVars(\stdClass $object, $key = 'vars')
if (\property_exists($object, $key)) {
foreach ($object->vars as $k => $v) {
if (\is_object($v)) {
static::flattenVars($v, $k);
$object->{$key . '.' . $k} = $v;