809 lines
22 KiB
809 lines
22 KiB
namespace Icinga\Module\Director\IcingaConfig;
use Icinga\Application\Benchmark;
use Icinga\Application\Hook;
use Icinga\Application\Icinga;
use Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Application\MemoryLimit;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Db\Cache\PrefetchCache;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Db;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Hook\ShipConfigFilesHook;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Objects\IcingaObject;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Objects\IcingaHost;
use Icinga\Module\Director\Objects\IcingaZone;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use RuntimeException;
class IcingaConfig
protected $files = array();
protected $checksum;
protected $zoneMap = array();
/** @var ?array Exists for caching reasons at rendering time */
protected $nonGlobalZones = null;
protected $lastActivityChecksum;
/** @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract */
protected $db;
protected $connection;
protected $generationTime;
protected $configFormat;
protected $deploymentModeV1;
public static $table = 'director_generated_config';
public function __construct(Db $connection)
// Make sure module hooks are loaded:
$this->connection = $connection;
$this->db = $connection->getDbAdapter();
$this->configFormat = $this->connection->settings()->config_format;
$this->deploymentModeV1 = $this->connection->settings()->deployment_mode_v1;
public function getSize()
$size = 0;
foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) {
$size += $file->getSize();
return $size;
public function getDuration()
return $this->generationTime;
public function getFileCount()
return count($this->files);
public function getConfigFormat()
return $this->configFormat;
public function getDeploymentMode()
if ($this->isLegacy()) {
return $this->deploymentModeV1;
} else {
throw new LogicException('There is no deployment mode for Icinga 2 config format!');
public function setConfigFormat($format)
if (! in_array($format, array('v1', 'v2'))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Only Icinga v1 and v2 config format is supported, got "%s"',
$this->configFormat = $format;
return $this;
public function isLegacy()
return $this->configFormat === 'v1';
public function getObjectCount()
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) {
$cnt += $file->getObjectCount();
return $cnt;
public function getTemplateCount()
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) {
$cnt += $file->getTemplateCount();
return $cnt;
public function getApplyCount()
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) {
$cnt += $file->getApplyCount();
return $cnt;
public function getChecksum()
return $this->checksum;
public function getHexChecksum()
return bin2hex($this->checksum);
* @return IcingaConfigFile[]
public function getFiles()
return $this->files;
public function getFileContents()
$result = array();
foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
$result[$name] = $file->getContent();
return $result;
* @return array
public function getFileNames()
return array_keys($this->files);
* @param string $name
* @return IcingaConfigFile
public function getFile($name)
return $this->files[$name];
* @param string $checksum
* @param Db $connection
* @return static
public static function load($checksum, Db $connection)
$config = new static($connection);
return $config;
* @param string $checksum
* @param Db $connection
* @return bool
public static function exists($checksum, Db $connection)
$db = $connection->getDbAdapter();
$query = $db->select()->from(
array('c' => self::$table),
array('checksum' => $connection->dbHexFunc('c.checksum'))
'checksum = ?',
return $db->fetchOne($query) === $checksum;
public static function loadByActivityChecksum($checksum, Db $connection)
$db = $connection->getDbAdapter();
$query = $db->select()->from(
array('c' => self::$table),
array('checksum' => 'c.checksum')
array('l' => 'director_activity_log'),
'l.checksum = c.last_activity_checksum',
'last_activity_checksum = ?',
)->order('l.id DESC')->limit(1);
return self::load($db->fetchOne($query), $connection);
public static function existsForActivityChecksum($checksum, Db $connection)
$db = $connection->getDbAdapter();
$query = $db->select()->from(
array('c' => self::$table),
array('checksum' => $connection->dbHexFunc('c.checksum'))
array('l' => 'director_activity_log'),
'l.checksum = c.last_activity_checksum',
'last_activity_checksum = ?',
)->order('l.id DESC')->limit(1);
return $db->fetchOne($query) === $checksum;
* @param Db $connection
* @return mixed
public static function generate(Db $connection)
$config = new static($connection);
return $config->storeIfModified();
public static function wouldChange(Db $connection)
$config = new static($connection);
return $config->hasBeenModified();
public function hasBeenModified()
$checksum = $this->calculateChecksum();
$activity = $this->getLastActivityChecksum();
$lastActivity = $this->connection->binaryDbResult(
'checksum = ?',
if ($lastActivity === false || $lastActivity === null) {
return true;
if ($lastActivity !== $activity) {
'last_activity_checksum' => $this->dbBin($activity)
$this->db->quoteInto('checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum))
return false;
protected function storeIfModified()
if ($this->hasBeenModified()) {
return $this;
protected function dbBin($binary)
return $this->connection->quoteBinary($binary);
protected function calculateChecksum()
$files = array();
$sortedFiles = $this->files;
/** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
foreach ($sortedFiles as $name => $file) {
$files[] = $name . '=' . $file->getHexChecksum();
$this->checksum = sha1(implode(';', $files), true);
return $this->checksum;
public function getFilesChecksums()
$checksums = array();
/** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
$checksums[] = $file->getChecksum();
return $checksums;
// TODO: prepare lookup cache if empty?
public function getZoneName($id)
if (! array_key_exists($id, $this->zoneMap)) {
$zone = IcingaZone::loadWithAutoIncId($id, $this->connection);
$this->zoneMap[$id] = $zone->get('object_name');
return $this->zoneMap[$id];
public function listNonGlobalZones(): array
if ($this->nonGlobalZones === null) {
$this->nonGlobalZones = array_values($this->connection->enumNonglobalZones());
return $this->nonGlobalZones;
* @return self
public function store()
$fileTable = IcingaConfigFile::$table;
$fileKey = IcingaConfigFile::$keyName;
$existingQuery = $this->db->select()
->from($fileTable, 'checksum')
->where('checksum IN (?)', array_map(array($this, 'dbBin'), $this->getFilesChecksums()));
$existing = $this->db->fetchCol($existingQuery);
foreach ($existing as $key => $val) {
if (is_resource($val)) {
$existing[$key] = stream_get_contents($val);
$missing = array_diff($this->getFilesChecksums(), $existing);
$stored = array();
/** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
$checksum = $file->getChecksum();
if (! in_array($checksum, $missing)) {
if (array_key_exists($checksum, $stored)) {
$stored[$checksum] = true;
$fileKey => $this->dbBin($checksum),
'content' => $file->getContent(),
'cnt_object' => $file->getObjectCount(),
'cnt_template' => $file->getTemplateCount()
$activity = $this->dbBin($this->getLastActivityChecksum());
try {
$this->db->insert(self::$table, [
'duration' => $this->generationTime,
'first_activity_checksum' => $activity,
'last_activity_checksum' => $activity,
'checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum()),
/** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
$this->db->insert('director_generated_config_file', [
'config_checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum()),
'file_checksum' => $this->dbBin($file->getChecksum()),
'file_path' => $name,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
try {
} catch (\Exception $ignored) {
// Well...
throw $e;
return $this;
* @return self
protected function generateFromDb()
$start = microtime(true);
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
// Workaround for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=68606 or similar
ini_set('zend.enable_gc', '0');
if (! $this->connection->isPgsql() && $this->db->quote("1\0") !== '\'1\\0\'') {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Refusing to render the configuration, your DB layer corrupts binary data.'
. ' You might be affected by Zend Framework bug #655'
$this->generationTime = (int) ((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000);
return $this;
* @return self
protected function prepareGlobalBasics()
if ($this->isLegacy()) {
return $this;
"\nconst DirectorStageDir = dirname(dirname(current_filename))\n"
. $this->renderFlappingLogHelper()
. $this->renderHostOverridableVars()
. $this->renderIfwFallbackTemplate()
return $this;
protected function renderFlappingLogHelper()
return '
globals.directorWarnedOnceForThresholds = false;
globals.directorWarnOnceForThresholds = function() {
if (globals.directorWarnedOnceForThresholds == false) {
globals.directorWarnedOnceForThresholds = true
log(LogWarning, "config", "Director: flapping_threshold_high/low is not supported in this Icinga 2 version!")
protected function renderHostOverridableVars()
$settings = $this->connection->settings();
return sprintf(
const DirectorOverrideTemplate = "%s"
if (! globals.contains(DirectorOverrideTemplate)) {
const DirectorOverrideVars = "%s"
globals.directorWarnedOnceForServiceWithoutHost = false;
globals.directorWarnOnceForServiceWithoutHost = function() {
if (globals.directorWarnedOnceForServiceWithoutHost == false) {
globals.directorWarnedOnceForServiceWithoutHost = true
"Director: Custom Variable Overrides will not work in this Icinga 2 version. See Director issue #1579"
template Service DirectorOverrideTemplate {
* Seems that host is missing when used in a service object, works fine for
* apply rules
if (! host) {
var host = get_host(host_name)
if (! host) {
if (vars) {
vars += host.vars[DirectorOverrideVars][name]
} else {
vars = host.vars[DirectorOverrideVars][name]
protected function renderIfwFallbackTemplate(): string
return '
// Make sure config validates for Icinga < 2.14 with IfW 1.11 configuration. This might look weird,
// but is intentional. get_object() does\'t work as expected at parse time.
if (! globals.System || ! System.get_template || ! get_template(CheckCommand, "ifw-api-check-command")) {
object CheckCommand "ifw-api" {
import "plugin-check-command"
* @param string $checksum
* @throws NotFoundError
* @return self
protected function loadFromDb($checksum)
$query = $this->db->select()->from(
array('checksum', 'last_activity_checksum', 'duration')
)->where('checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum));
$result = $this->db->fetchRow($query);
if (empty($result)) {
throw new NotFoundError('Got no config for %s', bin2hex($checksum));
$this->checksum = $this->connection->binaryDbResult($result->checksum);
$this->generationTime = $result->duration;
$this->lastActivityChecksum = $this->connection->binaryDbResult($result->last_activity_checksum);
$query = $this->db->select()->from(
array('cf' => 'director_generated_config_file'),
'file_path' => 'cf.file_path',
'checksum' => 'f.checksum',
'content' => 'f.content',
'cnt_object' => 'f.cnt_object',
'cnt_template' => 'f.cnt_template',
'cnt_apply' => 'f.cnt_apply',
array('f' => 'director_generated_file'),
'cf.file_checksum = f.checksum',
)->where('cf.config_checksum = ?', $this->dbBin($checksum));
foreach ($this->db->fetchAll($query) as $row) {
$file = new IcingaConfigFile();
$this->files[$row->file_path] = $file
return $this;
protected function createFileFromDb($type)
/** @var IcingaObject $class */
$class = 'Icinga\\Module\\Director\\Objects\\Icinga' . ucfirst($type);
Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Prefetching %s', $type));
$objects = $class::prefetchAll($this->connection);
return $this->createFileForObjects($type, $objects);
* @param string $type Short object type, like 'service' or 'zone'
* @param IcingaObject[] $objects
* @return self
protected function createFileForObjects($type, $objects)
if (empty($objects)) {
return $this;
Benchmark::measure(sprintf('Generating %ss: %s', $type, count($objects)));
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if ($object->isExternal()) {
if ($type === 'zone') {
$this->zoneMap[$object->get('id')] = $object->getObjectName();
Benchmark::measure(sprintf('%ss done', $type));
return $this;
protected function typeWantsGlobalZone($type)
$types = array(
return in_array($type, $types);
protected function typeWantsMasterZone($type)
$types = array(
return in_array($type, $types);
* @param string $name Relative config file name
* @param string $suffix Config file suffix, defaults to '.conf'
* @return IcingaConfigFile
public function configFile($name, $suffix = '.conf')
$filename = $name . $suffix;
if (! array_key_exists($filename, $this->files)) {
$this->files[$filename] = new IcingaConfigFile();
return $this->files[$filename];
protected function collectExtraFiles()
/** @var ShipConfigFilesHook $hook */
foreach (Hook::all('Director\\ShipConfigFiles') as $hook) {
foreach ($hook->fetchFiles() as $filename => $file) {
if (array_key_exists($filename, $this->files)) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf(
'Cannot ship one file twice: %s',
if ($file instanceof IcingaConfigFile) {
$this->files[$filename] = $file;
} else {
$this->configFile($filename, '')->setContent((string) $file);
return $this;
public function getLastActivityHexChecksum()
return bin2hex($this->getLastActivityChecksum());
* @return mixed
public function getLastActivityChecksum()
if ($this->lastActivityChecksum === null) {
$query = $this->db->select()
->from('director_activity_log', 'checksum')
->order('id DESC')
$this->lastActivityChecksum = $this->db->fetchOne($query);
// PgSQL workaround:
if (is_resource($this->lastActivityChecksum)) {
$this->lastActivityChecksum = stream_get_contents($this->lastActivityChecksum);
return $this->lastActivityChecksum;
protected function renderLegacyDefaultNotification()
return preg_replace('~^ {12}~m', '', '
# Default objects to avoid warnings
define contact {
contact_name icingaadmin
alias Icinga Admin
host_notifications_enabled 0
host_notification_commands notify-never-default
host_notification_period notification_none
service_notifications_enabled 0
service_notification_commands notify-never-default
service_notification_period notification_none
define contactgroup {
contactgroup_name icingaadmins
members icingaadmin
define timeperiod {
timeperiod_name notification_none
alias No Notifications
define command {
command_name notify-never-default
command_line /bin/echo "NOOP"