Icinga Web 2 - ReactPHP-based 3rd party libraries ================================================= This repository is an attempt to ship 3rd party libraries that might be useful for asynchronous PHP-based Icinga Web 2 modules. Please download the latest release and install it like any other module. > **HINT**: Do NOT install the GIT master, it will not work! Checking out a > branch like `stable/0.6.0` or a tag like `v0.6.0` is fine. Sample Tarball installation --------------------------- ```sh MODULE_NAME=reactbundle MODULE_VERSION=v0.6.0 MODULES_PATH="/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules" MODULE_PATH="${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" RELEASES="https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-${MODULE_NAME}/archive" mkdir "$MODULE_PATH" \ && wget -q $RELEASES/${MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz -O - \ | tar xfz - -C "$MODULE_PATH" --strip-components 1 icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}" ``` Sample GIT installation ----------------------- ```sh MODULE_NAME=reactbundle MODULE_VERSION=v0.6.0 REPO="https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2-module-${MODULE_NAME}" MODULES_PATH="/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules" git clone ${REPO} "${MODULES_PATH}/${MODULE_NAME}" --branch "${MODULE_VERSION}" icingacli module enable "${MODULE_NAME}" ``` Developer Documentation ----------------------- ### Add a new dependency composer require author/library:version ### Create a new release ./bin/make-release.sh e.g. ./bin/make-release.sh 0.6.0