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## What's New in Version 2.0.0-rc1
### Changes
* Improve layout and look and feel in many ways
* Add fullscreen mode (?showFullscreen)
* User and group management
* Comment and Downtime Detail View
* Show icon_image in host/service views
* Show Icinga program version in monitoring health
#### Features
* Feature 4139: Notify monitoring backend availability problems
* Feature 4498: Allow to add columns to monitoring views via URL
* Feature 6392: Resolve Icinga 2 runtime macros in action and notes URLs
* Feature 6729: Fullscreen mode
* Feature 7343: Fetch user groups from LDAP
* Feature 7595: Remote connection resource configuration
* Feature 7614: Right-align icons
* Feature 7651: Add module information (module.info) to all core modules
* Feature 8054: Host Groups should list number of hosts (as well as services)
* Feature 8235: Show host and service notes in the host and service detail view
* Feature 8247: Move notifications to the bottom of the page
* Feature 8281: Improve layout of comments and downtimes in the host and service detail views
* Feature 8310: Improve layout of performance data and check statistics in the host and service detail views
* Feature 8565: Improve look and feel of the monitoring multi-select views
* Feature 8613: IDO queries related to concrete objects should not depend on collations
* Feature 8665: Show icon_image in the host and service detail views
* Feature 8781: Automatically deselect rows when closing the detail area
* Feature 8826: User and group management
* Feature 8849: Show only three (or four) significant digits (e.g. in check execution time)
* Feature 8877: Allow module developers to implement new/custom authentication methods
* Feature 8886: Require mandatory parameters in controller actions and CLI commands
* Feature 8902: Downtime detail view
* Feature 8903: Comment detail view
* Feature 9009: Apply host and service restrictions to related views as well
* Feature 9203: Wizard: Validate that a resource is actually an IDO instance
* Feature 9207: Show icinga program version in Monitoring Health
* Feature 9223: Show the active ido endpoint in the monitoring health view
* Feature 9284: Create a ServiceActionsHook
* Feature 9300: Support icon_image_alt
* Feature 9361: Refine UI for RC1
* Feature 9377: Permission and restriction documentation
* Feature 9379: Provide an about.md
#### Bugfixes
* Bug 6281: ShowController's hostAction() and serviceAction() do not respond with 400 for invalid/missing parameters and with 404 if the host or service wasn't found
* Bug 6778: Duration and history time formatting isn't correct
* Bug 6952: Unauthenticated users are provided helpful error messages
* Bug 7151: Play nice with form-button-double-clickers
* Bug 7165: Invalid host address leads to exception w/ PostgreSQL
* Bug 7447: Commands sent over SSH are missing the -i option when using a ssh user aside from the webserver's user
* Bug 7491: Switching from MySQL to PostgreSQL and vice versa doesn't change the port in the resource configuration
* Bug 7642: Monitoring menu renderers should be moved to the monitoring module
* Bug 7658: MenuItemRenderer is not so easy to extend
* Bug 7876: Not all views can be added to the dashboard w/o breaking the layout
* Bug 7931: Can't acknowledge multiple selected services which are in downtime
* Bug 7997: Service-Detail-View tabs are changing their context when clicking the Host-Tab
* Bug 7998: Navigating to the Services-Tab in the Service-Detail-View displays only the selected service
* Bug 8006: Beautify command transport error exceptions
* Bug 8205: List views should not show more than the five worst pies
* Bug 8241: Take display_name into account when searching for host and service names
* Bug 8334: Perfdata details partially hidden depending on the resolution
* Bug 8339: Lib: SimpleQuery::paginate() must not fetch page and limit from request but use them from parameters
* Bug 8343: Status summary does not respect restrictions
* Bug 8363: Updating dashlets corrupts their URLs
* Bug 8453: The filter column "_dev" is not allowed here
* Bug 8472: Missing support for command line arguments in the format --arg=<value>
* Bug 8474: Improve layout of dictionaries in the host and service detail views
* Bug 8624: Delete multiple downtimes and comments at once
* Bug 8696: Can't search for Icinga 2 custom variables
* Bug 8705: Show all shell commands required to get ready in the setup wizard
* Bug 8706: INI files should end with a newline character and should not contain superfluous newlines
* Bug 8707: Wizard: setup seems to fail with just one DB user
* Bug 8711: JS is logging "ugly" side exceptions
* Bug 8731: Apply host restrictions to service views
* Bug 8744: Performance data metrics with value 0 are not displayed
* Bug 8747: Icinga 2 boolean variables not shown in the host and service detail views
* Bug 8777: Server error: Service not found exception when service name begins or ends with whitespaces
* Bug 8815: Only the first external command is sent over SSH when submitting commands for multiple selected hosts or services
* Bug 8847: Missing indication that nothing was found in the docs when searching
* Bug 8860: Host group view calculates states from service states; but states should be calculated from host states instead
* Bug 8927: Tactical overview does not respect restrictions
* Bug 8928: Host and service groups views do not respect restrictions
* Bug 8929: Setup wizard does not validate whether the PostgreSQL user for creating the database owns the CREATE ROLE system privilege
* Bug 8930: Error message about refused connection to the PostgreSQL database server displayed twice in the setup wizard
* Bug 8934: Status text for ok/up becomes white when hovered
* Bug 8941: Long plugin output makes the whole container horizontally scrollable instead of just the row containing the long plugin output
* Bug 8950: Improve English for "The last one occured %s ago"
* Bug 8953: LDAP encryption settings have no effect
* Bug 8956: Can't login when creating the database connection for the preferences store fails
* Bug 8957: Fall back on syslog if the logger's type directive is misconfigured
* Bug 8958: Switching LDAP encryption to LDAPS doesn't change the port in the resource configuration
* Bug 8960: Remove exclamation mark from the notification "Authentication order updated!"
* Bug 8966: Show custom variables visually separated in the host and service detail views
* Bug 8967: Remove right petrol border from plugin output in the host and service detail views
* Bug 8972: Can't view Icinga Web 2's log file
* Bug 8994: Uncaught exception on empty session.save_path()
* Bug 9000: Only the first line of a stack trace is shown in the applications log view
* Bug 9007: Misspelled host and service names in commands are not accepted by icinga
* Bug 9008: Notification overview does not respect restrictions
* Bug 9022: Browser title does not change in case of an error
* Bug 9023: Toggling feature...
* Bug 9025: A tooltip of the service grid's x-axe makes it difficult to click the title of the currently hovered column
* Bug 9026: Add To Dashboard ... on the dashboard
* Bug 9046: Detail View: Downtimes description misses space between duration and comment text
* Bug 9056: Filter for host/servicegroup search doesn't work anymore
* Bug 9057: contact_notify_host_timeperiod
* Bug 9059: Can't initiate an ascending sort by host or service severity
* Bug 9198: monitoring/command/feature/object does not grant the correct permissions
* Bug 9202: The config\* permission does not permit to navigate to the configuration
* Bug 9211: Empty filters are being rendered to SQL which leads to syntax errors
* Bug 9214: Detect multitple icinga_instances entries and warn the user
* Bug 9220: Centralize submission and apply handling of sort rules
* Bug 9224: Allow anonymous LDAP binding
* Bug 9281: Problem with Icingaweb 2 after PHP Upgrade 5.6.8 -> 5.6.9
* Bug 9317: Web 2's ListController inherits from the monitoring module's base controller
* Bug 9319: Downtimes overview does not respect restrictions
* Bug 9350: Menu disappears in user group management view
* Bug 9351: Timeline links are broken
* Bug 9352: User list should be sorted
* Bug 9353: Searching for users fails, at least with LDAP backend
* Bug 9355: msldap seems not to be a first-class citizen
* Bug 9378: Rpm calls usermod w/ invalid option on openSUSE
* Bug 9384: Timeline+Role problem
* Bug 9392: Command links seem to be broken